Archives for Library News

Yvonne Charles is Retiring

Circulation clerk Yvonne Charles is retiring after 35 years of providing service to the Library. Many patrons know Yvonne from their interactions at the check out desk. She will be missed by library staff and White Plains residents alike. Yvonne started working at the Library after being on maternity leave from another job. She only wanted a part time job, but soon got convinced to work full time. She loved the job, particularly working directly with the public. (For many people this is the most challenging part of working a check out desk. But Yvonne loved it!) She says that
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

A Back to School Tip for Parents

For kindergarten and elementary school students, a library card should be part of the school supply list. The White Plains Public Library and The Trove give children library cards from birth because the librarians believe that reading aloud to a child is the best preparation for reading. (And studies support this.) Make a trip to The Trove part of your family routine. Every week or two come get some great stories to take home. Choose a program (or several) to attend. On August 29 and 30, we have planned many storytimes on the back-to-school theme. ¡Vamos a la escuela! at
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Free Citizenship Classes

White Plains Public Library, in partnership with Southern Westchester BOCES, is pleased to offer free citizenship classes beginning Tuesday, September 11th. The classes will meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This class will prepare participants to take the United States Citizenship exam and will cover all parts of the process. Students will review the information needed to pass the exam along with basic test-taking skills. Students will receive instruction on the 100 citizenship questions and will also be properly prepared for the English language section of the test. The class is free but space is
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Tappan Zee Bridge Impact Study

The Library recently received a copy of the Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing Project Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation. These four massive binders examine the potential environmental effects of proposed alternatives for the Crossing Project, and where adverse impacts are identified, it discusses measures to reduce them. This report supports the Replacement Bridge Alternative as the preferred alternative. These documents are available for public review until September 4, 2012, after which time a Record of Decision will be issued.  Questions or comments should be emailed to Michael Anderson, NY State Dept of Transportation. To view these documents, simply
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

Comics with a French Flair

Did you enjoy TinTin or the Smurfs as a kid? Then you've already had  taste of Franco-Belgian comics, another distinct style of comics and graphic novels. As I've already covered, the Japanese have their own style, manga, which has influenced Korea's manwha and China and Hong Kong's manuha. In the United States, descendants of Jewish immigrants have heavily influenced American comics. Lest you think Europe is a comics wasteland, the French and Belgians have a history of “bandes dessinées” (translated as “drawn strips”), their own style of comics. Within the world of bandes dessinées there are distinct sub-styles – not
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Categories: Authors & Books and Library News.

Legos at The Trove

Lego enthusiasts should check out the display case just outside the Gallery on the second floor of the library. It contains sculptures designed and built by members of The Trove’s Lego Club. Children in grades 1 through 6 are invited to join in the building fun at the monthly meetings. Those who recently attended shared some of their thoughts about why they like to build with Lego blocks: “You can make different things … they’re pretty cool.” “It helps you be an architect.” “It could be creative.” “It’s unendable.” “I get to learn how to build stuff.” “They make me
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Dream Big Family Concert with Scott & Beth

Did you ever go on a musical journey through books? Join Beth & Scott Bierko for a collection of funny and original songs adapted from children's books and folktales. This program encourages reading and an appreciation of diverse cultures. It is perfect for families and readers of all ages. The concert is on Monday, August 20 at 2 p.m. This concert funded by the White Plains Library Foundation is the celebration of the end of the summer reading game in The Trove.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Our Team at the Olympics of Slam — Nina gets a 10!

The White Plains Library Slam team competed in two preliminary bouts at the 2012 National Poetry Slam in Charlotte NC on August 7 and 8. Seventy-two teams from North America are taking part in this five-day event. Although our team did not advance to the next round in the Nationals, which are truly the Olympics of slam poetry, first-time team member Nina Robins made a hit with her performance of her poem “Arrested.” Her score was 27.6 (out of a possible 30 points). One judge even gave her a perfect score of 10! Team member Bryan Roessel made it to
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Categories: Featured, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

White Plains Library Foundation Chosen for the STAR Initiative

Are you a public radio fan?  During August, listen for radio spots on WNYC AM and FM, and WQXR promoting the White Plains Library Foundation. We were selected under their STAR initiative program, which features three NYC metro area non-profit organizations each month. Or you can check us out on their websites. Go to  or!/outreach/star/. Posted on behalf of Libby Hollahan, Director of White Plains Library Foundation.
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

Learning from Irene — August 14, 7pm

Building on the experience of Hurricane Irene, this program provides an opportunity to learn about coping with issues that may be lingering from that storm so as to be more prepared for future natural disasters. Activities will be demonstrated to improve techniques in resilience, coping, and relaxation. All ages are encouraged to attend the free program on Tuesday, August 14th, from 7-8pm. Presented by Project Hope, this program was created by the New York State Office of Mental Health. Project Hope offers free and confidential supportive counseling and public education services to disaster victims.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Storywalk: Featuring a Story About Olympian Chris Paul

Hey, Olympic basketball fans – Did you realize that this year’s Trove Summer Storywalk® is all about Chris Paul, member of the 2012 USA Men’s Olympic Basketball Team competing in London? He was also on the 2008 USA Olympic Basketball Team that won the gold medal in Beijing. Well if you can’t get enough of Olympic basketball, bring the whole family for a cool walk along The Trove’s Summer StoryWalk® in The Library Gallery. As part of this activity, first through sixth graders take a chance at winning a basketball. On your walk, you will enjoy an inspirational story based
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, and Library News.

Our Collection: Something for Everyone

Ever wonder how books, DVDs, eBooks and other items are selected for your library? First, the White Plains Public Library, with staunch support from the City, is fortunate to have a healthy materials budget–even in these fiscally strained times. This allows us to build and maintain a large, up-to-date collection–with plenty of copies of high-demand titles such as “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn. Second, we have many librarians–each with different interests, expertise, and points of view–involved in chosing materials for you. They read reviews, follow the media, and are guided by your concerns and requests. This ensures a varied and comprehensive collection:
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage, and Library News.

What is Freading?

Hint: it means eBooks from the Library without the wait! Freading is a new online service that allows White Plains Library cardholders to download eBooks to their favorite devices. (Except for the older Kindles. It does work with the Kindle Fire.) Freading offers over 11,000 titles in all genres and is particularly strong in Mystery, Romance, and Self-Help. You will find many Children’s titles there too. Freading does not have books from any of the “big six” publishers but does have a wide array of titles from some of the smaller presses like Algonquin, Kensington, and Poison Pen. Freading uses a
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Are YOU in Danger of Foreclosure?

The New York State Department of Financial Services invites you to visit the Foreclosure Relief Unit on Friday, August 3, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The mobile unit will be parked on the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Martine Avenue in White Plains. The Foreclosure Relief Unit can do the following: – Provide information on available federal programs – Answer inquiries about the foreclosure process – Assist homeowners in their efforts to obtain loan modifications – Take complaints from aggrieved homeowners – Seek resolutions with banks and mortgage servicers For more information, please contact Joe Placide of
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Parents – fit in reading every day and have some fun!

Before going away on vacation, do some research about places you are going to visit with your children. Read a book set in the same locale. Read about kayaking if you plan to do it, or the animals you might see on your trip.  Did your kids find some shells at the beach?  Find out what kind they are at the Library. If you begin a new family activity like cooking or worm composting, the Library is a good place to start to find out how things work. The summer, when life moves at a slower pace, is the perfect time to
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Categories: Authors & Books and Library News.

Surfing Lessons at the Library

You too can surf the web after just one class!! Do you have parents, friends or relatives who want to learn how to go on the Internet?  If they know how to use a mouse, they'd fit right in at our Web Browser Basics class.  Students will learn the basics of the Mozilla Firefox browser, including toolbar buttons, typing in a web address, using links, and finding information on a web page.  The class is being offered on Thursday, August 2, and again on August 16, from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. This is a hands-on class, with space for twelve
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Categories: Classes and Library News.

Teen Summer Reading Program

“Own The Night” This summer the library is offering a lot of great programs for teens. Wednesday afternoons we have hip-hop dancing. We are having a Planetarium show on July 25. August 15 we are making scented soaps & bath bombs. We will be writing horror stories and creating an eBook on August 15; and August 17 is our final party. You can win great prizes like a Nook Tablet by signing up on our summer reading page.
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Visit Atlanta's Center for Puppetry Arts Without Leaving The Trove

Visit Atlanta, Georgia's Center for Puppetry Arts via a live interactive video conference on Monday, July 30, 4:30 p.m. in Galaxy Hall. The program, “Spiders,” will guide participants through a puppet making workshop while learning fun and interesting facts about spiders. Part of Dream Big Adventures!, a Monday afternoon series of fun activities for grades 2-6 with our summer reading theme. To make sure everyone is safe and comfortable, tickets will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis 30 minutes before program start.
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Get Help Buying Your First Home

Looking to become a home owner but mystified by the process? On Monday, July 30, Community Housing Innovations is holding a first time home owners seminar from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This is the first of a series of three seminars they will hold at the Library. First time home buyers are encouraged to attend. In addition to this wonderful series, we have some books to help you through the home buying process. Here's a sampling of titles: Nichole, Piper. The Everything Homebuying Book: How to Buy Smart – in Any Market. Avon, Mass.:  Adams Media Corp, 2009. Bray,
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Categories: Classes and Library News.