Tim Baird

Tim has been the Manager of Adult Services since 2011. After earning his MLIS from McGill University, Tim left the Great White North to work at the Baychester Branch of NYPL in Co-op City. Next came a short stint at the Mid-Manhattan Library of NYPL before joining the White Plains Library in 1999. One of Tim’s roles for the Library is serving on the Mayor’s Youth Board where he has developed a close relationship with the White Plains Youth Bureau. Tim’s wife Z is also a librarian in Westchester, Manager of the Crestwood Branch of the Yonkers Public Library, and they met in library school in Montreal! If you do not see Tim at the Welcome or Hub Desk, you can find him on the slopes of Whiteface, paddle boarding in the Long Island Sound with Z, playing bridge, or playing Paddle Tennis at the Metropolis Club. Tim’s favorite band is AC/DC and his favorite movie is Strange Brew [Take off, eh!].

Responsibilities: Librarian III and Manager of Adult Services.
Department: Adult Services.