Archives for food

Explore Japanese Culture: Fall Harvest

Explore Japanese Culture – Food Series Harvest time – Fall delicacies of Japan Wednesday, October 27th, 7:00–8:00 p.m. Click here for the zoom link. Did you know that Washoku (Japanese traditional cuisine) is registered as an intangible cultural heritage under UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) ? Japanese cuisine and culture reflect the appreciation for the beauty of nature. Japan has four seasons and there are many festivals and cultural events throughout the year. Japanese people often celebrate these events by getting together and enjoying meals using seasonal ingredients. In this webinar, we will explore the cultural events
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Categories: Library News.

Explore Japanese Culture: Sushi

Food Series Wednesday, August 11th 7:00–8:00 p.m. Click here for the zoom link. Did you know there are many kinds of sushi in Japan? Do you know why wasabi and ginger are served on the side? From its origins to how it has become a celebratory dish of choice, to its evolution in Japan, we will show you sushi in all its forms. We will also show how you can prepare some forms of sushi easily at home. That’s right, you can be a sushi chef right at home! Come join us to learn all you need to know about
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Categories: Library News.

Local History: Bakers & Barbers

Two significant strikes affected daily life in White Plains during the 1950s. In July 1951, “a possible but not acute shortage of bread supplies” was predicted by the Reporter DIspatch due to the strike of thousands of AFL International Brotherhood of Teamsters truck drivers against 16 large companies. Those companies produced 80% of the pre-wrapped bread loaves in the New York metropolitan area. The shortage that developed over the course of the nine-day strike caused one reporter in White Plains to be reminded of “scenes of wartime shortages.” The strike began because the companies refused the union's demand for a
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Categories: Local History.