Archives for poetry prompt

COVID-19 Writing Prompt: Community Poem

Poetry is a party on a page and poems, people and words have PERSONALITIES Words have personality and life of their own: Happy, Sad, Angry, Lazy And, in times like these, we can sometimes feel like the universe has completely changed. What if part of this change was to make us each an inanimate object…our job in this poetry prompt is to pick the object that best represents us during this strange time. And, then to breathe LIFE into that object. Every inanimate objects have a personality: stapler, scissors etc What inanimate object best represents you? Now here are the
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Categories: COVID-19, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Poetry Prompt for Teens

Dear White Plains Library Poets, In addition to sharing a daily poem of the day from our Poetry Slam archives, we want to have a separate program for teens to get us through these tough times by working together to form a collaborative poem. With that in mind, we would ask you to do the following if you are interested in participating: Write a list poem of things that make you smile. Find the subject noun in every item and ADD alliteration. Try to rewrite the list into something more “poetic”…use the above alliteration, rhyme, repetition, and any other poetic
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.