Archives for pointers 4 parents

Parenting in a Pandemic: The New School Year

Let’s face it, school is what is on every parent’s mind right now. With the official New York State announcement that schools may open according to district reopening plans and our schools recently publicizing their plans for the upcoming school year, it’s pretty much all parents can talk about.  The most up-to-date information on the reopening plans for White Plains Public Schools can be found here, including the recent announcement that a 100% remote learning option will be available for anyone who wants it. I have heard from so many people that if they don’t like the plans, they will
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Categories: COVID-19, eNewsletter, Homepage Family CV, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Parenting: Kids and Masks

As New York begins to move through the phases of reopening, one of the most challenging things for many parents is getting your child to wear a mask. Please remember, though, children under two should not wear masks as it can be detrimental to their health. But getting children older than two—especially those with special needs—to wear a mask can be daunting, to say the least. So what I’ve done is put together some quick tips that can help you get your children to not only wear a mask, but to keep it on. Use simple words to explain to
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Pointers 4 Parents: The Breaking News

Lauren's “Pointers 4 Parents” column features tips, tricks, and resources for caregivers with a specific focus on children with special needs. In light of all the terrible news that we see daily, be it on the news, social media, or in real life, here are some resources to help you talk to your children. Caroline Knorr of Common Sense Media suggests tips for talking to kids about violence, crime, and war at different ages. Common Sense Media is an amazing online resource for parents in general, not just for this topic. It gives parents information about nearly everything media related
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Evergreen, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.