Archives for Spanish

Taller de Escritura en Español

Comparta sus historias e ideas en este taller de escritura creativa, que se enfoca en descubrir la belleza de cada historia mientras discute los temas y la cultura. Cada sesión está diseñada para brindarles a los participantes la oportunidad de probar varios géneros mientras aprenden habilidades clave y técnicas de escritura. Los participantes aprenderán sobre la formación de personajes, el diálogo, las descripciones vívidas, la voz, el tiempo y más en poesía, prosa y escritura de no ficción. Duración: 6 semanas Fecha: martes 13 de abril hasta el martes 25 de mayo del 2021 (Todos los martes) Hora: 7:00 pm.
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Categories: Library News.

Virtual Spanish for Beginners

Participants will be introduced to simple everyday usage of vocabulary, grammar and conversation. Classes meet every Monday from October 5th until January 11th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Registration is now open. Click here to register. Instructor, Naicy Petrill, is a native of Peru and currently teaches Spanish at Westchester Community College. She holds a New York State teaching certificate in Spanish.
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Categories: eNewsletter and Library News.

Leer, Escribir, Aprender (Reading, Writing, Learning) Returns

Nuestra clase de educación para adultos en español regresará el miércoles, 18 de octubre. Esta clase enseñará lectura, escritura y matemática para hablantes nativos de español. Las clases se llevarán a cabo los miércoles de 10:15 a.m. a 1:00 p.m., del 18 de octubre al 15 de noviembre. Para más información, llame a Mariel Perez al 914-422-6982. Our Reading, Writing, Learning adult education class returns this month on Wednesday, October 18th. The class will teach reading, writing, and math to native Spanish speakers. The class will run on Wednesdays from 10:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., October 18th through November 15th.
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Categories: Classes.

People & Stories Oral History Project: Shirley Acevedo Buontempo

Shirley Acevedo Buontempo, Founder and Executive Director of Latino U College Access, is People & Stories' first multi-lingual oral history!  Below are interviews conducted by Ben Himmelfarb and Mariel Perez–one in English, one in Spanish. In both interviews, Buontempo discusses emigrating from Puerto Rico to the Bronx at age ten.  Education and service have always been important to Buontempo, and when she attended Pace University she was introduced to White Plains (through trips to the Galleria!).  She had a career in advertising focused on reaching Latino people, and developed an interest in connecting Latino youth with higher education through her
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Categories: Local History and Oral History.

Practice Your Spanish Conversation

Want to brush up on your Spanish?  Join us August 17 – August 20 at 10:30 a.m. This is for individuals who want to further develop their Spanish skills, discover new phrases, verb conjugations, feel comfortable actively participating in short story discussions, and more. Please note, this is NOT a class for beginners. Space is limited and registration required. Please register through our online calendar.
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Categories: Classes.