Archives for theater

Roots of Black Music in America

Wednesday, June 1st, 7:00 p.m. (virtual) Children, Teens, Families, Adults Note: All of our youth-focused virtual programs require a registered Zoom account to attend. Sign up for a free Zoom account here: Music is a language that students of any age can understand and appreciate. It connects us, elevates our awareness, and deepens our learning beyond reading the words of a textbook. Audiences will sing, dance, use percussion, and practice call and response as they journey back in time to learn about and experience the music of the most influential Black musicians in American history. Join musician, producer, arts
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Categories: Library News.

Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom Programs and Events

From April 1st through June 30th, the Harriet Tubman – Journey to Freedom sculpture by Wesley Wofford will be on display in Renaissance Plaza in downtown White Plains. In conjunction with this historic visit by the sculpture, the Library and many other community partners are organizing events related to Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and more, throughout April, May, and June. Below, you will find a listing of the Library’s events in conjunction with the statue’s visit to White Plains. Get the Zoom link for each virtual program by clicking on that program’s date and time. Find the full listing
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Categories: Library News.

YTI Performing Arts Video Classes

Courtesy of Youth Theater Interactions (YTI) in Yonkers, below is a selection of free performing arts video lessons in the categories of Acting, African Dance, African Drumming, Ballet, Keyboard, Music Theory, Tap and Vocals. These are video series of previous YTI virtual semesters. YTI has provided these video lessons to the Library free of charge to encourage the White Plains community to “Take a chance and learn a new form of artistic expression on your own schedule, and from the safety of your own home.” Acting Spring 2020 Virtual Class Series Fall 2020 Virtual Class Series African Dance Spring 2020
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Categories: Classes, Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.