Archives for U.S. citizenship

Free Citizenship Classes

The New-York Historical Society offers free online citizenship classes for green card holders preparing for the naturalization interview. The online citizenship course prepares permanent residents for the civics test portion of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) naturalization interview. The interactive online naturalization preparation course covers all 100 questions from the USCIS Civics Test. Participants learn about American history and government using objects, paintings, and documents from the New-York Historical collections through videoconferencing. Online citizenship classes are taught in English and are accessible to English Language Learners. They also offer an online Spanish citizenship class for people who
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

U.S. Citizenship Application Process

Understanding the Process of Becoming a U.S. Citizen This program has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 04th at 2:00 p.m. Registration is required; click here to register. Officer Shyconia Burden will be discussing the naturalization application process. What the eligibility requirements are before you apply and how you may qualify for any exceptions and accommodations. She will answer any questions about citizenship and the naturalization process.
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Categories: Library News.