Catalog Update: Tips

The Westchester libraries have completed migrating to new software, but there are still plenty of kinks to work out. Here are two pieces of advice. One, don't get frustrated, call us (914-422-1480). If something isn't working, or you are unsure of how to do something, let us help you. And two, give it a little time; this migration involved millions of books, patrons, and data, and it will take a bit longer to sort out everything.

If you are having difficulties getting your PIN to work, first trying using all capitals if it is an alphabetical PIN. That should work. If your PIN was numerical, call us and we'll reset it.

Also, check your holds. Unfortunately, not all holds migrated correctly. Contact us with any problems.

Finally, I hope you are enjoying the new interface. Searching for material, and placing holds, is so much easier now.

Categories: Director's Corner, Homepage Kids, Kids, Library News, and Teens.


  1. Shirley Radcliffe

    Not only is this new system difficult to use, some of the features I most appreciated about the old system have disappeared. Sometimes “new” isn’t entirely “improved.”

  2. Marjory S.

    Automatic renewal emails are being sent (either confirming renewal or denying renewal) on the day after the book was due. 🙁

    • kthornton

      Hi Marjory, was this an item that was previously automatically renewed? I also received a notification on an item not being renewed this morning, but it was something already renewed once, and automatic renewal only happens the first time an item comes due. If you need to renew it a second time, you have to contact us ahead of the due date.

      If that wans’t the case, please let me know. Either way I need to know how to report the issue.

    • Marjory S.

      The book was a new book that I am sure has many reserves on it. It was due on 3/20. In the past, two days before a book is due I’d receive an email telling me the book could not be renewed and was coming due on xxx. Or, two days before it was due, I’d get an email that said the book was automatically renewed. In either case, it was a reminder two days prior to a book being due, which gave me time to act on it. In this case the book was due on 3/20 with no prior email. At 4:12 am on 3/21 the email arrived saying the book could not be automatically renewed. Now it’s overdue.

    • kthornton

      Thank you for all of the info, Marjory. It’s a big help when submitting issues. I received a notification around the same time yesterday, so my guess is others have likely already reported the problem, but I’ve submitted a ticket to the HelpDesk and hopefully this will get resolved soon.

    • Marjory S.

      Great. Thank you for being so responsive. I am sure it will take time to get all of the bugs out.

  3. Marjory S.

    I am unable to sign in on the new WLS site. I tried my password and the last four digits of my phone number. Neither works. I assume what worked before should continue to work. Could it just be a timing issue…. and I need to be patient….. or do I need to contact someone directly? Thank you.

    • kthornton

      Hi Marjory, we have discovered that in some cases if your pin contained letters, you should enter them in uppercase. For instance, if your pin was laws, it would now be LAWS. If it was u24s it would now be U24S and so on. So try using uppercase letters if your pin contains letters, and if that doesn’t work, please let us know so we can submit a report. It’s possible it could just be a waiting game, but we want to make sure.

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