STEAM at Home: Origami Yoda

I had never seen Star Wars until my freshman year in college. My roommate, Elizabeth, decided that we needed a marathon. So it began-my introduction to The Force, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Obi One Kenobi, Han Solo, Jabba the Hut, R2D2, Darth Vader, Ewoks and many phrases that everyone is familiar with: “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.” and “May the Force Be With You.”

I also became fascinated with Joseph Cambell’s “The Hero's Journey,” from his seminal work, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which George Lucas used as inspiration for creating Star Wars. If you’re interested in learning more about Joseph Campbell’s work on mythology and story that influenced George Lucas in creating Star Wars, check out The Power of Myth on Overdrive and Libby in eBook and digital audiobook.

In this craft, we will be creating an origami Yoda. Creating origami might seem a bit intimidating. Most of us do not own origami paper and sometimes the directions for origami might seem as if we are tackling the Death Star! However, a Yoda origami doesn’t have to be painful; all you need is a piece of paper, scissors and a green pen or marker.

First cut out a small piece of paper. (I didn’t have a ruler so I used a book to keep the edges straight). If you don’t have green paper use a crayon, marker or a coloring pencil to color the paper green.

Next, follow the instructions in this wonderful video along with my pictures to create an easy origami Yoda. If you have a post-it note, your Yoda origami can also be turned into a wonderful bookmark.

May the 4th Be with you!

Check out the inspiration for Origami Yoda, The Strange Case of Origami Yoda series by Tom Angleberger on Hoopla. This is a funny “real life” series perfect for grades 3-6.

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