In her June 1, 2020 article, “Black Lives Matter Book List for Kids and Teens,” Bianca Schulze writes eloquently, “No one person’s life is worth a higher value than another. It’s time to get uncomfortable, it’s time to immerse ourselves in the stories of others so that we may know and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” I was inspired by her article, and If you would like you can read it here.
We are living in deeply troubling times and sadly we are fighting the same battles for equality, human dignity, and justice that have plagued the United States from its beginnings. The books in this blog are for kids and their families who are seeking encouragement that we all can make change for a better world through understanding, respecting, caring for one another, and speaking out against hatred. Happily, there are many excellent titles for kids and their families to fight bias. Here are 75 noteworthy, life-affirming titles to get started:
Picture Books:
1. Something Happened in Our Town
by Marianne Celano
Hoopla: Audiobook
OverDrive: Audiobook

by Breanna J. McDaniel, Shane W. Evans
OverDrive: eBook

by David A. Robertson & Julie Flett
Hoopla: eBook

by Lupita Nyong’o
OverDrive: eBook

by Innosanto Nagara
Hoopla: eBook

by Innosanto Nagara & Martha E. Gonzalez
OverDrive: eBook

by Ibram X. Kendi & Ashley Lukashevsky
OverDrive: Available soon as an eBook

by Kadir Nelson, Crystal Taliefero
OverDrive: Movie
Hoopla: Movie, Audiobook

by Alexandra Penfold & Suzanne Kaufman
OverDrive: eBook

by Jennifer Elvgren & Fabio Santomauro
Hoopla: Audiobook, Read-Along, eBook, Movie, Video Read-Along

by James E. Ransome
OverDrive: eBook

by Walter Dean Myers
Hoopla: eBook, Read-Along

by Calvin Alexander Ramsey & Floyd Cooper
Hoopla: eBook

by Ibtihaj Muhammad
OverDrive: eBook

by Grace Byers
Hoopla: Audiobook
OverDrive: eBook

by Grace Byers
Hoopla: Audiobook
OverDrive: Available soon as eBook

by Denene Millner
Hoopla: eBook

by Kerascoët
OverDrive: eBook

by Derrick Barnes & Gordon C. James
OverDrive: Video Read-Along

by Jacqueline Woodson & Rafael López
OverDrive: eBook

by Jacqueline Woodson & Rafael López
OverDrive: eBook

by Pat Zietlow Miller & Frank Morrison
Hoopla: eBook
OverDrive: eBook

23. A Moon for Moe and Mo
by Jane Breskin Zalben & Mehrdokht Amini
OverDrive: eBook

by Michelle Cook & Leo Dillon
OverDrive: eBook

by Cozbi A. Cabrera
Hoopla: eBook

by Carole Boston Weatherford & Brian Pinkney
OverDrive: eBook

by Ken Mochizuki
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook, Read-Along

Fiction Chapter Books:
28. Ghost Boys
by Jewell Parker Rhodes
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Hena Khan
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Jerry Craft
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Jewell Parker Rhodes
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Alex Gino
OverDrive: Audiobook
Hoopla: eBook

by Kristen Levine
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Kekla Magoon
OverDrive: eBook

by Varsha Bajaj
OverDrive: eBook

by Nic Stone
OverDrive: Audiobook, eBook

by Christine Day
OverDrive: eBook
Hoopla: Audiobook

by Lisa Moore Ramée
OverDrive: eBook
Hoopla: Audiobook, eBook

by Rita Williams-Garcia
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Ann Clare LeZotte
OverDrive: eBook

by Pablo Cartaya
OverDrive: eBook

42. I Have a Dream
by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & Kadir Nelson
OverDrive: eBook

by Monica Clark-Robinson & Frank Morrison
Hoopla: Movie, Audiobook, Read-Along
OverDrive: eBook

by Kathleen Krull & Tim Tomkinson
OverDrive: eBook

by Andrea Davis Pinkney & Brian Pinkney
Hoopla: Audiobook
OverDrive: eBook

by Gail Herman & Gregory Copeland
OverDrive: eBook

by Kwame Alexander & Kadir Nelson
OverDrive: eBook

by Vashti Harrison
OverDrive: eBook

OverDrive: eBook

by Nikki Giovanni & Bryan Collier
Hoopla: Movie, Audiobook

by Jonah Winter & Ezra Knight
OverDrive: Audiobook

by Ruby Bridges
OverDrive: eBook

by Nikki Giovanni
Hoopla: Audiobook

by Deborah Diesen, Magdalena Mora
OverDrive: eBook

No Es Justo!: La lucha de Emma Tenayuca por la justicia
by Carmen Tafolla, Sharyll Tenayuca & Terry Ybáñez
OverDrive: eBook

by Ilyasah Shabazz & AG Ford
OverDrive: eBook

by Steve Sheinkin
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Ntozake Shange & Kadir Nelson
OverDrive: Movie

by Carole Boston Weatherford & Jamey Christoph
Hoopla: eBook

by Nel Yomtov & Eduardo Garcia
OverDrive: eBook

by Emily Easton & Ziyue Chen
OverDrive: eBook

by Nico Medina & Jake Murray
OverDrive: eBook

by Carole Boston Weatherford & Elizabeth Zunon
OverDrive: eBook

by Irene Latham, Charles Waters & Mehrdokht Amini
Hoopla: eBook

by Paula Yoo & Lin Wang
OverDrive: eBook

by Gretchen Woelfle & Alix Delinois
OverDrive: eBook

by Larry Dane Brimner
OverDrive: eBook

Hoopla: Movie, Audiobook, eBook, Video Read-Along

by Carole Boston Weatherford & Eric Velasquez
Hoopla: Audiobook, Movie, Video Read-Along
OverDrive: Audiobook

by Carole Boston Weatherford & Ekua Holmes
Hoopla: Audiobook, Movie, Video Read-Along

by Traci Sorell & Frané Lessac
Hoopla: eBook, Read-Along
OverDrive: Read-Along

by Jacqueline Woodson
OverDrive: eBook, Audiobook

by Jo Ann Allen Boyce
OverDrive: eBook

by Katie Kissinger
Hoopla: eBook

by Jo Rippon & Mari Copeny
Hoopla: eBook

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