What is Common Ground? Five years ago, the White Plains League of Women Voters, the White Plains Public Library, and the YWCA collaborated to support a community conversation. Living in a community is different from supporting a community so Common Ground emerged as a place to discuss national and local issues from a local perspective. All members of the community are invited to participate as this is place to listen to each other and to learn about our community.
Common Ground will meet in person this year on the third Thursday of the month from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Library.

October 20th: Censorship and the freedom of speech and its impact upon how we know what we know.
November 17th: This session will be a text driven conversation based upon the book, Dr. DeSoto by William Steig (Library Catalog / hoopla Audiobook). This conversation will be about responsibility and what do we owe our community. This topic will set up the themes for the rest of the Common Ground conversations for this year.
December 15th: What is civic responsibility and what do we owe others within our community?
January 19th: How can a community support mental health services? We will invite facilitators from Westchester County Office of Mental Health.
February 16th: What can you do to help the environment within your community? We’re hoping to have facilitator from the environmental sector.
March 16th: LGBTQ+ Community and how to support it after the Supreme Court Dobbs decision.
April 20th: TBA based on the topic that the Common Ground participants are interested in.
May 18th: TBA based on the topic that the Common Ground participants are interested in. This will be the final session until September, 2023.

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