Green Golly and Her Golden Flute

Green Golly and Her Golden Flute Performance
Children, Families
Wednesday, July 26th, at 2:00 p.m.

Green Golly, a girl like Rapunzel, is locked in a tower, and is so enthusiastic that everything that whizzes by her window inspires her to sing! Unfortunately, she has a terrible voice –so the witch gives her a golden flute hoping to stop the racket. Being that the girl is stuck in the tower all day long with nothing to do – she practices – until she becomes an amazing flutist! Ultimately she escapes the tower and goes on tour – but not before practicing so much that she misses meeting the Prince, plays her first duet with the unbelievably old and incredibly wrinkled Vlotek the traveling musician, wrangles with the wackiest of witches and learns wisdom from Mousey Tongue – the tiny philosopher who lives in the walls of children’s rooms and comes out when all seems lost.

This program is made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.
Categories: Library News.

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