Annually, the Trove holds a series of workshops where participants make Day of the Dead ofrendas. The altar-making series is a beloved family program that has been offered for many years by the Children’s staff. This year, we are thrilled to bring this tradition back in-person here in the Trove. Over the course of three workshops held this October, a total of six families created beautiful ofrendas for their dearly departed loved ones. These intricate creations will be on display for all to come and see during the month of November in the Trove. Below find a digital gallery of altars remembering and honoring departed loved ones made through this program over the past several years.
Todos los años, el Trove ofrece un taller del Día de los Muertos donde las familias presentan sus ofrendas. A continuación encontrará altares recordando y honrando a los seres queridos ya fallecidos hechos por nuestras familias a través de los años.

Para más información sobre los talleres que ofrece el Trove para honrar el Día de los Muertos, haga clic aquí.

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