For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month. Author Visit Storytime with David Sherrin; All Ages Galaxy Hall March 1, 11:00am-12:00pm Come enjoy A Special Author Storytime with David Sherrin, who will be reading his book, The Baddest Wolf of All? Followed by a craft. K-2 Stories & Stuff: Mardi Gras!; Grades K-2 Galaxy Hall March 3, 4:30pm-5:30pm Afternoon stories and craft for grades K-2. We will read stories about Mardi Gras and then create our own paper Mardi Gras masks! Trove
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Archives for Kids
Kids in the Kitchen 6
Welcome to Kids in the Kitchen. This blog series highlights great cookbooks for kids. Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook for Young Readers and Eaters by Jane Yolen and Heidi Stemple Library Catalog Fairy Tale Feasts is more than collection of stories and recipes. In it, Caldecott-winning author Jane Yolen and her daughter, Heidi Stemple, imagine their readers as co-conspirators. About the creation of the stories and the history of the foods they share fun facts and anecdotes designed to encourage future cooks and storytellers to make up their own versions of the classics. From the earliest days of stories,
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Calendar of Events for Children and Teens
Below please find our monthly Youth Services calendars of events – one for Up to Grade 6 and one for Grades 7-12. Of course, be sure to check our online calendar for the most up-to-date information on programs, including any changes or cancellations.
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Paws to Read
Paws to Read is our popular “read to a dog” program during which children in grades K-6 can read with therapy dog Rufus. Paws for Reading takes place on Fridays – March 14 & 28 and April 11 & 25 – from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Spots are very limited. Sign up at the Compass Desk in the Trove starting 30 minutes prior. Reading with a therapy dog has numerous benefits for children. Reading to a dog is therapeutic, calming and very rewarding. According to American Libraries, “…children read aloud to animals–usually dogs–instead of their peers, and the fear of making
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February Nonfiction Pick of the Month
Nonfiction books are written to present the facts on a wide range of topics, for a wide range of ages. In this column, Erica will recommend new and/or notable nonfiction from the Trove collection! The Mona Lisa Vanishes by Nicholas Day All available formats here You probably know that the Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings of all time, but do you know the story behind why? Day has done extensive research and written a fascinating dual narrative of the Mona Lisa being painted and what happened both during and after its infamous theft. Fans of true
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February’s Kid Librarian of the Month
Each month a kid is chosen to curate a display in The Trove with some of their favorite books. Are you interested in being next month’s kid librarian? Fill out a submission form available at The Trove Desk! Name: Evie Age: 7 Favorite types of books: Magic, adventure, & scary Why do you like to read? Because I like stories Check out Evie’s recommended reads! Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie All available formats One starry night, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland – the island where lost
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Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Library are hosting a special book sale on Saturday, February 8th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Along with the already extensive selection that is always available in the Bookstore, the Friends will be featuring our wonderful collection of cookbooks and children's books. The sale will take place in the Friends Bookstore located in the Cafe on the first floor. Books will be priced at $1.00 for hardcovers and $.50 for paperbacks. Cash only, please. Proceeds from the Friends Bookstore go directly to supporting the Library. The Friends’ core mission is funding programs for children and
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book sale, children's books, cookbooks, Friends, and Friends of the Library.
Swimming and Water Safety Programs and More
White Plains Department of Recreation and Parks is gearing up for their Jump In and Swim! program. Jump In and Swim! Every child and adult should have the opportunity to learn to swim. Jump In and Swim! is designed to help children and adults learn basic swimming skills and water safety practices. Learning these skills helps to build confidence and self-esteem. Swimmers will grow stronger in body, mind and spirit. All Jump In and Swim! events are free and take place at the White Plains High School pool. To register for these programs, contact Ellen Albers, 914-422-1255 or Friday, March 28
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Kids in the Kitchen 5
Welcome to Kids in the Kitchen. This blog series highlights great cookbooks for kids. This entry showcases some titles in the excellent “Young Chefs” series by America’s Test Kitchen. The Complete Baking Book for Young Chefs: 100+ Sweet and Savory Recipes That You'll Love to Bake, Share and Eat! by America’s Test Kitchen Library Catalog “These 100-plus kid-tested recipes feature baking standards, like corn muffins and peanut butter cookies, as well as trendier fare, such as za'atar bread, buffalo chicken lavash flatbread, and Tahini-banana snack cake. Short testimonials from some of the more than 4,000 kids who were part of
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January K-6 Programs
For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month. Magical Mondays – Grades 3-6 The Igloo January 6th 4:30-7:00PM Join us in creating magical Little Wizards characters through words or pictures (or both!) and playing those characters in class at Epic Academy! What adventures will your Little Wizard have today? Trove Trivia Book Club- Grades 4-6 Galaxy Hall January 7th 4:30-5:30PM Do you love reading, trivia, and a bit of competition? Join the Trove Trivia Book Club. First 6 registered get their own
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Kids in the Kitchen 4
Welcome to Kids in the Kitchen. This blog series highlights great cookbooks for kids. In this entry, the spotlight is on some fun pop culture inspired cookbooks. Barbie Cooks! a Healthy Cookbook Library Catalog “In this colorful cookbook of over 50 recipes, Barbie encourages kids to make healthy choices by developing their culinary skills and kitchen creativity. Breakfast bites like Loaded Avocado Toast and Mini Frittatas; filling lunch and dinner fare such as Summery Minestrone, Rainbow Carrot Ribbon Salad, and Spaghetti Squash Pizza bowls; and sweet and savory shareables like Sweet Potato Oven Fries and No-Bake Cheesecake Jars, provide kids
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New Books in the Trove: December 2024
We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove. Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Play Games With Me by Kat Chen and Lorraine Nam (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “Let's play! This lively board book follows Alex, a small Black child, who engages readers by asking questions like, ‘What's your name? What a great name! Would you like to play some games with us?’ This title can help children who are anxious in social situations, allowing them to practice responding to questions alongside
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December Kid Librarian of the Month
Each month a kid is chosen to curate a display in The Trove with some of their favorite books. Are you interested in being next month’s kid librarian? Fill out a submission form available at The Trove Desk! Name: Josie Age: 11 Favorite type of books: Dystopian, Realistic Fiction, & Mysteries Why do you like to read? Because books are really fun! Check out Josie’s recommended reads! To Stay Alive by Skila Brown All Available Formats The journey west by wagon train promises to be long and arduous for nineteen-year-old Mary Ann Graves and her parents and eight siblings. Yet
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New Books in the Trove: November 2024
We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove. Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Awake , Asleep by Kyle Lukoff and Nadia Alam (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “From dawn to bedtime, loving glimpses of children living through an ordinary day. Writing almost entirely in rhyming, sonorous sequences of simple nouns, Lukoff begins with sunrise—’A kiss, a blink, a dawn, / a break. // A yawn, / a peep, / a stretch, / awake!’—and goes on to caption cozy digital paintings of three
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Author Visit Storytime: Laura Bower
Author Visit Storytime: Emily Snook: The World’s Smallest Cook by Laura Bower Saturday, December 14th at 11 am For: Families Location: Galaxy Hall Come enjoy a Special Author Storytime with Laura Bower who will be reading her book, Emily Snook: The World’s Smallest Cook. Kids are also invited to make a craft! About the Book: Emily Snook is a whiz in the kitchen. But when she enters an international cooking contest and meets the competition, her hopes of winning deflate like a botched soufflé. Everyone is older, taller and in serious doubt of her cooking capabilities! A classic underdog story,
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December Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Just Lizzie by Karen Wilfrid All available formats here In the wake of a terrifying encounter that prompted the family move, everything in Lizzie’s life is beginning to change – except her (or at least that’s how it feels). Unlike her best friend Sarah Nan – unlike pretty much everyone in her middle school – Lizzie doesn’t care about dating, and she feels isolated and confused. But
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December K-6 Programs
For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month. Make Your Own Snow!- Families/All Ages The Castle December 4th 3:30-5:00 PM Whether or not the weather outside is frightful, come to the library for a delightful sensory craft! Make and play with your own snow that you can take home! LEGO Club! – Grades 1-6 Galaxy Hall December 9th 3:30-5:30PM December 23rd 3:30-5:30PM Drop in and build with the Library's LEGOs. Each session we'll provide a building theme or challenge, but also feel
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Kids in the Kitchen 3
Welcome to Kids in the Kitchen. This blog series highlights great cookbooks for kids. American Girl: Around the World Cookbook: Delicious Dishes from Across the Globe by American Girl and Williams Sonoma Library Catalog “This globally minded addition to a series of American Girl cookbooks features ambitious recipes for budding foodies. Passport stamp graphics introduce four sections that explore snacks, soups and sandwiches, rice and noodle dishes, and beverages and desserts. Gerulat's color photographs feature multicultural girls preparing and enjoying the meals, along with images of the completed dishes. The more than 50 recipes include Moroccan-spiced chicken skewers, cheese fondue,
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November Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Gut Reaction by Kirby Larson & Quinn Wyatt All available formats here In the wake of the move to a new school and her father’s death, Tess has continued to follow in his baking footsteps – even as her stomach has started rebelling against more and more types of food. When her baking skills not only earn her new friends, but also a place back at the
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Saturday Cinema – November & December
Come watch a fun family film! Saturdays at 2:00pm in the Library Auditorium.
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films, free library movies, kids movies, movies, saturday cinema, and summer cinema.