Policy: Customer Service

It is the policy of White Plains Public Library to provide equitable and accessible customer service to all patrons both in person and remotely. Each staff person, regardless of job title, is responsible for providing service that respects the dignity and privacy of the library patron regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, physical limitations, sexual orientation, or any other criteria. All staff members are empowered and expected to offer assistance.

All patrons can expect:

  • To find the Library and facilities clean, tidy and in good repair.
  • To find staff in highly visible locations to assist them.
  • To be acknowledged with a friendly greeting.
  • To be treated courteously and respectfully in a non-judgmental manner.
  • To receive knowledgeable and professional service, free of jargon.
  • To have their privacy respected.
  • To be treated as individuals, with unique needs.
  • To have open access to Library resources and instruction in their use.
  • To find empathetic staff members that are empowered to creatively remove barriers to library services and resolve conflict.

The Library promotes development of these behaviors through managers’ coaching, staff development and training, and patron input.

Adopted by the White Plains Library Board of Trustees on: 3/13/13

i:\policy\approved\customer service
u:\policies\customer service (pdf)

PDF Version: WPPL Policy Customer Service 03-13-2013.pdf