Policy: Donations and Gifts

Gifts are welcome and encouraged, with the donor’s agreement and understanding of the following policies and conditions:

Gifts are accepted, used, loaned, displayed, donated, traded, sold or otherwise disposed of at the sole discretion of the Library. Donated items will not be returned to the donor, and the Library will not accept anything that is not an outright gift.

Every effort will be made to abide by agreements made with respect to gifts. However, because of circumstances such as ordinary wear, theft, mutilation, obsolescence and changing Library needs, no guarantee is made that any gift will be permanently displayed or kept by the Library.

Receipt given by the Library to donor is limited to a general acknowledgment of gift(s) received. Assignment of value for income tax or other purposes is the responsibility of the donor. The Library does not appraise materials for donors, nor endorse appraisals provided by donors. It is recommended that the donor make a list of any item(s) donated.

The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift, and to accept or discard any goods or materials sent unsolicited to the Library. A gift will be judged based on its suitability to the purposes and needs of the Library, the laws and regulations that govern its ownership, the Library’s ability to cover insurance and maintenance costs associated with it, whether it is in acceptable physical condition and can be used in accordance with the wishes of the donor.

Donations are accepted according to guidelines established by Library Administration. Copies of guidelines are available at the Check Out Desk in the Main Lobby and on our web site. Evaluation and disposition of gift materials is the responsibility of staff and volunteers authorized by the Library Director. Gifts to be considered for the Library collection are evaluated according to the Library’s materials selection policies.

Acceptance of donated books and other materials in no way guarantees their inclusion in the Library’s collection. Most gifts are used in Friends of the White Plains Library book sales to benefit the Library, and some are discarded.

Items not accepted are: magazines (Patrons may wish to try calling area libraries or local nursing homes); old textbooks and encyclopedias; and, anything in poor physical condition. Items smelling of mildew will be refused. Such items should be discarded at home, as they are of no value as donations.

Acceptance is subject to recommendation of the Library Director and approval of Library Board.

Prospective donors should make written application to the Library Board regarding item(s) to be donated, including a full description of the item(s), the donor’s estimate of value, and instructions for use, if any. The Library Board’s decision will made at a regular Board meeting and communicated in writing.

Donors are encouraged to consult with the Library Director regarding items needed by the Library.

Undesignated gifts are preferred. Gifts contingent upon a specific purpose are subject to acceptance by the Library Board. Once accepted, designated gifts will be used so far as is practicable in accordance with such designation.

All funds received as gifts are deposited to the Library Trust Account and expended by approval of the Library Board.

For memorials and honorary gifts, acknowledgment is sent to the donor and the family of the person being recognized. Item(s) to be purchased are determined in consultation with the donor and are marked with donor plates whenever possible.

Donors are also encouraged to consider making their gifts to the White Plains Library Foundation and Friends of the White Plains Public Library.

Revised & Adopted by the White Plains Library Board of Trustees on: 4/19/00, last revision date 4/20/04

PDF Version: Gifts_and_Donations.pdf