Policy: Staff Development Conference Attendance

The White Plains Public Library is committed to the continuing education of its staff with the belief that ongoing learning benefits both the individual and, in turn, the institution.

This policy includes information on how to apply for approval to attend a workshop, meeting, course or conference, the allowable expenses, and the procedure for reimbursement.

For all requests, even instances when a staff member may not seek reimbursement or the workshop or conference may be held virtually, staff should complete a Conference Attendance/Meeting Form; this form must be approved by both their manager and the Library Director or Assistant Director in advance of attendance. This form should be submitted as early as possible; if $150 or more is requested, the Conference Attendance/Meeting Form must also be approved in an open meeting by a majority vote of the Library Board of Trustees.

Opportunities for staff development have increased significantly, and staff is encouraged to take advantage of the many free and low-cost workshops and conferences available in the tri-state area. These include events offered by the Westchester Library System, New York City’s METRO, colleges and universities, and local conferences such as Book Expo America and Day of Dialog.

In addition, many learning opportunities require no travel at all, such as webinars and online courses provided by the American Library Association and others.

There are two types of travel: administrative and professional.

Administrative travel is undertaken at the request of the Library, either to represent the Library in an official capacity or to acquire new skills related to the performance of the employee’s job and to the goals of the Library. This travel is considered mandatory and is reimbursed in full. Allowable expenses include: registration, travel, meals, and lodging. Meal reimbursement is limited to the current U.S. General Services Administration regulations in place at the time the expense is incurred. If a personal vehicle is used, the staff member should submit a City of White Plains Mileage Allowance Form in advance of travel; reimbursement is at the current IRS’s Standard Mileage Rates for business miles driven. Conference attendance on a Saturday will be scheduled as part of the staff member’s regular work week. Conference attendance on a Sunday will paid according to the CSEA contract.

Professional travel supports growth and maintains professional engagement. For professional travel, allowable expenses include registration, travel and lodging. If a personal vehicle is used, reimbursement is at the current IRS’s Standard Mileage Rates for business miles driven. Meals are not reimbursed, unless a meal is a ticketed event that includes a program, such as an authors’ breakfast. For state-wide and national conferences such as those sponsored by the New York Library Association or the American Library Association, the Library provides only partial reimbursement. Preference is given to staff members making presentations at these conferences or serving on the associations’ committees. If a personal vehicle is used, the staff member should submit a City of White Plains Mileage Allowance Form in advance of travel; reimbursement is at the current IRS’s Standard Mileage Rates for business miles driven. Conference attendance on a Saturday will be scheduled as part of the staff member’s regular work week. Conference attendance on a Sunday will be on the staff member’s own time.

Once a Conference Attendance/Meeting Form has been approved, staff members should pay conference and travel costs with their own funds.

For reimbursement, all original receipts should be submitted to the Business Manager within two weeks of the completion of the course, workshop or conference. Receipts that are not submitted in a timely manner may lose their eligibility for reimbursement. Expenses incurred without a receipt will not be reimbursed.

PDF Version: Staff Development Conference Attendance Policy.pdf