Policy: Volunteers

Volunteer time, talent and goodwill are invaluable assets to the Library, helping it to fulfill its mission. Volunteers strengthen and deepen the Library’s relationships throughout the City and offer citizens a way to contribute to their community, fulfill personal goals, gain new experiences, achieve a sense of satisfaction, and learn more about the Library.

Volunteers help the White Plains Public Library expand and enrich its services. Volunteers will not be used to replace the work done by paid library staff. We support the effective utilization of volunteer time as a way to:

  • Add services of value to existing programs.
  • Allow the library to expand its programs or services.
  • Promote public awareness of library services.

Volunteers may not engage in activities that could reveal confidential patron information and may not use the Integrated Library System. Adult volunteers will be recruited regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, physical limitations, sexual orientation, or any other criteria.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have parental approval and cannot volunteer more than four (4) hours per day. Generally, the Library will not accept volunteers under the age of 13. Youth volunteers may not work without direct supervision by a staff member.

Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves as if employed by the Library and must adhere to the personnel policies and procedures established by the City of White Plains. Library procedures, including, but not limited to, work schedules, attendance, conduct, safety, proper attire, etc., apply to all volunteers. Volunteers can be released at any time at the discretion of the Library. Neither the City nor the Library provides any medical, health, accident or worker’s compensation benefits for any volunteer.

To ensure a positive experience at the Library, the Library will:

  • Designate a staff person to administer the volunteer program.
  • Provide written position descriptions for all volunteer opportunities.
  • Make every effort to ensure that volunteers serve in positions that reflect their skills and interests while meeting the needs of the Library.
  • Provide orientation and training to prepare the volunteers to perform their duties.

The library will check references and conduct background checks where procedures call for it and has the authority to decline a volunteer application. Applications remain on file for one year if a suitable assignment is not available at the time of application.

Adopted by the White Plains Library Board of Trustees on October 9, 2013.

PDF Version: Volunteers.pdf