Archives for Edge

Summer Programs and Events for Kids, Teens, and Families

While we might not be able to hold them in the Library, that doesn’t mean we’re not offering a lot of great programs in July and August! For full details on each program, and to get Zoom links, visit our Online Calendar. Of course, we also have our annual Summer Reading Game to take part in, and tons of fantastic reading recommendations in our Reading Lists! Family Fun Fridays – Fridays, July 10-August 14, 11:00 a.m. A great performance for children and families every Friday. More information here. Illusionist Leon Etienne – Wednesday, July 22, 6:30 p.m. World-class magician Leon
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

3D Printers Donated to Hospital

Dr. Stephen Erosa from St. John’s Riverside Hospital in Yonkers reached out to Westchester libraries with a call to action. Dr. Erosa has started a 3D printer farm at the hospital and asked Westchester Libraries to contribute their machines. He will be printing out pieces for face guards for hospital staff and essential workers. The White Plains Public Library stepped up and donated its two 3D printers, the Ultimaker 2+ extended and the Flashforge Creator Pro, along with six rolls of filament to help out the cause. On Thursday, Librarian Erik Carlson picked up the equipment and met with Dr.
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Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Homepage, and Library News.

Sch-EDGE-uled Videos

Do you miss the Edge as much as we do? Librarian Erik Carlson has been bringing a bit of the Edge to Instagram and Facebook every day, giving you a daily dose of the Edge while at home. Follow @theedgewppl on Instagram where you’ll find a daily schedule posted each morning around 11:00 a.m. The sch-Edge-ule always has a joke of the day, riddle of the day, and afternoon read aloud. And there is more! Librarian Carlson posts a Which Craft? Wednesday program, he’s working on online Uno games, and is working with Austin Olney, aka Schmiegel, on putting together
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Categories: eNewsletter, Evergreen, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Teens Knitting for Charity

Knit a Square for Project Linus in The Edge. Friday, December 12 at 3:30 p.m. Come make blankets for Project Linus, a charity that collects handmade blankets for children in shelters and hospitals. Handmade blankets provide the children with not just warmth and comfort, but also the knowledge that someone cared enough to spend time making a blanket just for them. This is a fun way for teenagers to engage with their community and learn a new skill at the same time. No knitting or sewing experience is required; instructions for beginners and materials are provided. Participants will earn two
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Categories: Events and Library News.