Archives for Martin Luther King Jr.

Countdown to Eternity: Dr. MLK, Jr. Photo Exhibit

On display in the Library's Museum Gallery June 15th–July 30th. Opening Reception: Thursday, June 16th, 6:30 p.m. COUNTDOWN TO ETERNITY is a photographic tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. documenting the last year of Dr. King’s life. The photographer, Benedict J. Fernandez has captured some of the most iconic images of the 1960’s and beyond. A distinguished educator, in the 1970’s he established the Photography Departments at the New School and Parsons School of Design and created the Leica Medal of Excellence. He also received numerous awards including Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships and has published a number of books.
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Categories: Gallery and Library News.

Children’s Nonfiction Titles to Celebrate Black History Part 1

The banning of children’s books on Black history (And children’s books on the LGBTQIA+ experience) has greatly risen recently throughout the United States. Students and teachers are fighting back. One student and teacher victory (for now) led to the rescinding of a book ban instituted by the Central York Pennsylvania School District board. Alyssa Shotwell wrote in her article in the Mary Sue, “Last year, heated school debates resulted in the York, Pennsylvania schools banning (and, in some cases, holding ongoing ‘reviews’ of) a four-page list of materials. In the list sent to teachers across the Central York District, books
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.