Archives for photography

June 27 and 28: Photography Workshop

Get Into Your Picture June 27 and 28 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Grades 4 – 12, adults Participants in this workshop will receive a free photographic portrait produced collaboratively with artist Francois Deschamps and printed on the spot at the White Plains Library. In a two-hour guided session, a small group of 4-5 participants will produce individual drawings and photographs to be combined on the computer into final images. Artist and participant will work together on a computer to assemble and print the final image. Participants are strongly encouraged to come to the workshop with specific ideas, images, or
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Categories: Events, Library News, and Teens.

Pandemic Paraphernalia Photos

Calling all photographers — professional and amateur — of all ages: to celebrate National Photography Day on June 15th, we’re asking for your submissions and have provided prompts for you below. Photographs submitted will be shared in our weekly newsletters (adult submissions in This Week on Martine and kids and teen submissions in What’s the Story?), and they will be added to our Documenting COVID-19: White Plains Experiences collection. So please, take a look at our prompts, or get creative and submit your photos below. Ideas: Empty White Plains streets COVID cleaning supplies Work from home work area Home Schooling
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Categories: COVID-19, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Local History: Depends On What You’re Looking For…

Photographs are great ways of learning about the past. They hold different levels of meaning and must be viewed critically to gain a true sense of what they represent. For instance, a seemingly straightforward picture of a row of houses might contain valuable information about the way houses were used or redesigned. A street scene with people scattered along the sidewalk might not be an accurate depiction of street life at the time–were the people posed? Did they show up because they knew a photograph was being taken? Here is a list of more questions I ask myself when using
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Categories: Local History.

Hidden in Plain Sight Opens in The Gallery

“Hidden in Plain Sight,” an exhibition of photographs by Barry Katzen of architectural details on buildings in White Plains, will go on view at The Gallery in the White Plains Public Library on June 19. The exhibition will be open to the public through August 2, 2015. Long-time White Plains resident Barry Katzen has spent the last decade recording architectural details throughout the city. “I sought out the interesting, the beautiful, the mysterious, and the downright strange.” Katzen has captured valuable visual treasures which are still embedded in our built environment. Opening reception will be at 6:30 p.m. on June 18. It is free and all
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Categories: Gallery.