Archives for technology

Photo Editing Workshop

This post has expired, for the most up-to-date technology programs, view our schedule here. Want to know how to “photoshop” an image? In the Photo Editing Workshop on Tuesday, December 8th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., patrons will learn how to manipulate photos using GIMP, a free 2D graphics editor for PC, Mac, and Linux. Similar to Photoshop, GIMP allows users to tweak images for a desired result. Registration required; equipment is provided. Held in the Edge Media Lab.  
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Categories: Classes and Events.

TV Production Camp with the Global Ambassadors

Teens from White Plains will spend two weeks learning the ins and outs of creating a short news clip for R.E.A.C.T. News. Students will learn how to research a story, write a script, interview, tell the story on camera, and edit. There will be a party on Thursday, August 20, at 12:00 PM, to see the news stories they created before they are posted online – all are welcome to the viewing. TV Production Camp is now full. But viewers can see the results on August 20.
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Categories: Classes, Technology, and Teens.

Maker Camp: Explore + Make + Share

The Edge is an affiliate site for Maker Camp, a worldwide, online camp for makers, hosted by Make: magazine. We make a different craft each week following a theme and share our projects globally with other campers. We meet every Thursday at either 2:00 or 3:00 – just drop in. Projects can be a mix of crafts and technology, and are always fun!
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Categories: Technology and Teens.

TV Production Workshop Screening

This year is the second Summer TV Production Camp, a collaboration between the Library and public schools. Teens will be producing their own TV news segments focusing on local issues. There will be screenings of the videos on the last day of each session in The Edge at noon on Thursday, July 16th and Thursday, August 20th.
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Categories: Events, Technology, and Teens.

Print to Our Printers Wirelessly, Remotely

You can now print to the Library’s printers from your laptop, tablet or smartphone from anywhere you have access to the internet. Our Remote/Wireless Printing page has all the details you need to get started, including a video tutorial. You have two options:  send the file from a web browser or email the file as an attachment to the specific email address for the printer you need. You can print in black and white, color and legal-size black and white. (Usual per page printing fees apply.) You can submit a print job 24/7 and come print it out during the
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Categories: Library News and Technology.

3D Printing and Design

Come and learn about 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD) with TinkerCAD on May 9, 2015 at 1:15 p.m. in the Edge Media Lab. Participants will have the chance to design an original object and print it out in physical form via the library’s MakerBot Replicator 2 (3D Printer). There is a limit of 6 participants and registration is required.
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Categories: Events, Library News, and Technology.

LAN Party in The Edge

Teens, join our Local Area Network (LAN) party in The Edge Media Lab on Thursday, April 2 from 4:00-5:00 p.m., where we will enter an online server and play in a virtual environment. There are many free-to-play games out there that anyone can enjoy. Creation of a free account may be required. No registration is necessary and equipment is provided.  
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Categories: Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Hoopla Launch Event planned for this Saturday

We are excited to announce the public availability of thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks, all available for mobile and online access through a new partnership with hoopla digital. White Plains Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device or visit to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and attractive, easy-to-use interface, so it’s easy to get to your listening and viewing experience.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Hoopla: Streaming Movies and Music Now Available

We are excited to announce the public availability of thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks, all available for mobile and online access through a new partnership with hoopla digital. White Plains Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device or visit to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and attractive, easy-to-use interface, so it’s easy to get to your listening and viewing experience.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Build a High-Powered PC

Building a computer from parts is much cheaper than buying one readily assembled. At the “Build a High-Powered PC” series of courses, every Tuesday in October at 4:00 p.m. in The Edge, teens will be able to assist in the building of a modern gaming rig. Instruction about microprocessors, RAM, motherboards, power supplies, hard drives, and graphics cards will be taught throughout. If teens wish to build a computer on their own, methods of selecting and purchasing compatible computer parts online will be shown as well. Registration is not required and all equipment is provided.
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Categories: Classes, Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Learn How to Make Personalized Cards and Flyers with Microsoft Publisher 2007

Want to create your own personalized birthday cards, holiday cards, or party invitations?  How about designing a flyer for your tag sale or an event your club is sponsoring? Learn how at our hands-on class, Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2007, on November 14 from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. Registration is required, but only takes a minute:  Go to our Computer Classes calendar, then click on the class name on the calendar and fill out the brief form. You’ll be publishing your own cards and flyers before you know it!
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Website Design Class for Teens: Create a Distracted Driving Website

Are you interested in learning website design or how to build a website? In this class we will cover Internet research, web design and building to create a site on the dangers of distracted driving. The site will be uploaded to the Internet so everyone can see it. There will be a launch party at the end. For teens ages 12-18. Wednesdays, October 30-December 4 (except November 27), from 4:30-6:00 PM
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

The History and Future of Video Games

The progression of technology is seemingly exponential, especially with regard to electronic gaming. In “The History & Future of Video Games,” a class consisting of three independent sessions on October 2, October 9, and October 23 at 3:30 p.m., teens are exposed to video games of the past and present in order to imagine the video games of the future. Each session is one hour in length and open to teens, no registration required. There is a limit of 10 gamers, with admission based on arrival time. In the final week we look at the history and future of FPS
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Hands-on Help for the Unemployed and Under-Employed

Our next program for job seekers provides two great workshops in one: 1. Digital Dirt: Unfavorable Information About You That Can Be Found on the Internet. Do you realize that digital dirt might sabotage your job search or career development? Come and learn how to manage your online reputation. 2. E-Resumes: Preparing Your Resume for Email and Online Job Sites. Format your resume for posting online and emailing to prospective employers. Bring your resume saved on a flash stick/floppy disk/email in .doc format. This program takes place Wednesday, September 25, 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Seats are limited, so don’t delay!
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Downloading Free Music with Freegal

Come to our computer class on Thursday, August 1, from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m., and learn how to download files from Freegal Music, a service provided by the Library. Bring your MP3 player and choose from thousands of artists and millions of pop, rock, country and classical songs, in genres ranging from acapella to zydeco. You can listen to a 30-second clip of any available song before you decide whether or not you want to download it. The downloads on this site are all in MP3 format with no DRM. Freegal will work with any MP3 player, including iPod, and
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Exciting New Technology Program for Teens

The White Plains Public Library is proud to announce the first in what is expected to be a series of exciting new technology programs geared specifically for teens:  Hacker Academy:  How to create and program your own computer.  In this course, consisting of four one and a half hour sessions from July 11 through August 1, teens will be introduced to the world of small board computers as well how to hack them to boot and use Linux.  Provided for each of the 10 participants in the course is an Android-based computer, specifically the APC 8750 from VIA Technologies, Inc.
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Tech Help on Tuesday Nights

Got questions? The library will be providing Drop-in Computer Help every Tuesday evening in June, July and August from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Our tech expert will answer your questions on everything from basic tasks such as setting up files in your computer and adding attachments to your emails, to using application software such as Microsoft Word and Excel, finding online forms and sharing your digital photos. Bring your laptop, tablet or eBook reader, or use one of the Library’s computers. No registration required – just come with your questions.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Libraries And E-Lending: The 'Wild West' Of Digital Licensing?

(This article originally appeared on on December 27, 2012 by NPR Staff.) Have you ever borrowed an e-book from a library? If the answer is no, you're a member of a large majority. A survey out Thursday from the Pew Internet Project finds that only 5 percent of “recent library users” have tried to borrow an e-book this year. About three-quarters of public libraries offer e-books, according to the American Library Association, but finding the book you want to read can be a challenge — when it's available at all. Brian Kenney is the director of the White Plains
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Categories: Director's Corner, Homepage, and Library News.

Our New, Low Cost Experimental Online Catalog PC

In my position as manager of information technology here at White Plains Public Library, there are times when my job goes beyond being merely enjoyable, times when it truly becomes a source of excitement. This is one of those times. The reason for the excitement is a modest little device no bigger than four by seven inches. One that will set you back a grant–a $50 bill, that is, not one from a charitable foundation–and , when connected to a monitor, keyboard, mouse and the internet, is very well-suited to using cloud-based applications such as web-based email and other online
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.