Monthly Archives October 2013

Website Design Class for Teens: Create a Distracted Driving Website

Are you interested in learning website design or how to build a website? In this class we will cover Internet research, web design and building to create a site on the dangers of distracted driving. The site will be uploaded to the Internet so everyone can see it. There will be a launch party at the end. For teens ages 12-18. Wednesdays, October 30-December 4 (except November 27), from 4:30-6:00 PM
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Library Foundation's 8th Annual Fall Gala Saturday, November 2

The Library Foundation will hold its Fall Gala, Saturday, November 2, 7:00-10:00 p.m., at the Library.  As our major fall fundraiser, the event supports a wide range of Library programs and resources that promote literacy, education, job readiness, personal enrichment and more. Join us to celebrate three outstanding advocates for youth development:  Shinnyo-en Foundation, Frank Williams, Jr., and Yuki Itoh Haynes. This year's event features a sneak peek of The Edge and a fabulous silent auction! Individual tickets are $125, and include a wine & cheese reception, elegant buffet supper, and dessert. For more information and to RSVP, click here,
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Celebrate Diwali with Us!

Learn about Indian culture in this children's program! Join us to celebrate Diwali with our Indian community. Also known as “Festival of Lights”, Diwali is a Hindu festival that celebrates the triumph of good versus evil. The Library will hold a celebration on Sunday, October 27 at 2:00 p.m. Enjoy Indian dancing, crafts, and food generously donated by Royal Palace Restaurant. Thanks to the Kumar Family for all their help organizing this event. (Photo By Ashish Kanitkar [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Volunteer GED Tutors Needed

According to the US Census, 90,000 adults in Westchester do not have high school diplomas. The Office of Community Connections at the Westchester Library System is seeking volunteers to help GED seekers of all ages improve their skills and prepare for the exam. Opportunities are available in White Plains as well as several other communities throughout Westchester. Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of three hours per week throughout the year. Volunteers must be comfortable using technology and working with diverse learners. Training and support will be provided on an ongoing basis. If interested, contact Elena Falcone
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

White Plains Youth Bureau Accepting Applications for Youth of the Year Award

The White Plains Youth Bureau is now accepting applications for its Youth of the Year Award. The Award is given annually to a graduating high school senior from either a public or private school. The award recognizes outstanding volunteer service and contributions to making a difference in the City of White Plains. The award recipient must be a City of White Plains resident. Service activities may include tutoring, helping the elderly, conducting food and clothing drives, fund raising for charitable programs, organizing community events, mentoring and coaching, etc. The deadline for nominations is October 18, 2013. Nomination forms may be
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

The History and Future of Video Games

The progression of technology is seemingly exponential, especially with regard to electronic gaming. In “The History & Future of Video Games,” a class consisting of three independent sessions on October 2, October 9, and October 23 at 3:30 p.m., teens are exposed to video games of the past and present in order to imagine the video games of the future. Each session is one hour in length and open to teens, no registration required. There is a limit of 10 gamers, with admission based on arrival time. In the final week we look at the history and future of FPS
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

College Essay Workshop for First Generation College Students

We will host a college essay writing workshop for first generation college students on Saturday, October 19 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 26 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (This is a two-session program.) The workshop is open to high school seniors who are first in their families to apply to and attend college. Learn how to “tell your story” and write a college essay that has impact and will capture the attention of college admissions. Class size is limited. Registration required. Register early for a spot! There is a $15 fee for materials due on first day
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Join Job Club for Expert Job Seeking Advice

Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? The White Plains Library Job Club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new topic from interview skills to using social media for a job search. Get support, exchange ideas, ask questions or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-Noon, until December 10th. While it is recommended and encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you're able. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.