This week for STEAMonday we made a pop-up card for a belated Father’s Day Gift. But you can make these for any occasion.

- 2 or 3 pieces of paper – preferably thicker paper than regular printer paper or notebook paper.
- Glue Stick
- Scissors
- Markers
- Other decorations
You can make your own pop-up designs or use the ones I found here.

Take a piece of paper and fold it horizontally (landscape). At the fold side cut 3 tabs. Cut in six, 1.5”, slits along the fold. Then open the paper and fold your tabs into the card. Next, take a second piece of paper and cover the back (outside) of the first piece to hide the cuts. You can use the same color or be creative. Once that is glued, open up your card. You should have 3 tabs in there now that you can glue your pop up decorations on. Cover the front of the tabs with glue and attach your decorations.
Now you can be even more creative. Draw and color the inside of your card to complete the scene. Write a message on the outside or inside too.

This is a very simple way to make a pop-up card. What can you do next to make this even more intricate? Can you add pop ups at different parts of the card and not just the center fold? How can you design a setting that makes your card really immersive? What about the designs that pop up? What can you do to make those pop out even more? What would happen if you folded those so they had pop ups in them!

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