Great programs for younger children take place all month long, every month, at the Library. See our online calendar or stop in the Trove for location information. Be sure to also check out our listing of great Family/All Ages events throughout the summer. (link to post) AND! Sign up for Summer Reading! Storybook Dancing with Steffi Nossen School of Dance Ages 2-6, Families Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. – July 5, 26; August 9, A creative, movement-filled program for young ones to hear stories and then dance them to life! VR Storytimes in the Igloo Ages 2-8, Families Wednesdays, 2:00 and 2:30
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Archives for Authors & Books
Reading & STEM Buddies Return
We’re excited to announce the return of two popular programs: Reading Buddies and STEM Buddies! Reading Buddies Grades 2-5 Tuesdays, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. – July 11, 18, 25; August 1, 8, 15 Space is limited. Sign up in the Trove starting at 4:45 p.m. Children can practice reading with a teen Reading Buddy. Reading Buddies will be available to read one-on-one with children for 15 minute sessions in the Trove. STEM Buddies Grades 1-4 Thursdays, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – July 6, 13, 20, 27; August 3, 10 Space is limited. Sign up in the Trove starting at 2:45
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Celebrate Disability Pride Month Storytime!
Celebrate Disability Pride Month Storytime! Families, Children July 8th, 2:00 p.m. Location: Galaxy Hall Please join us in the Trove for our Celebrate Disability Pride Month storytime for stories, a craft and a treat on Saturday, June 8th at 2 pm! Disability Pride Month is celebrated every July to honor the history, achievements, experiences, and struggles of the disability community. Disability Pride Month is celebrated in July, because the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990. The Act bars discrimination against people with disabilities – in employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and
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June Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith Library Catalog: Print Libby: eBook and eAudiobook In a world where girls have magic and boys become knights, nonbinary Callie has always been determined that their gender will not be able to stop them from becoming a proud knight of the realm. When their father is summoned to the capital Helston, Callie leaps at the chance to
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June Graphic Novel Pick of the Month
In this blog, Donna will highlight graphic novels that are great reads! Graphic Novels are intended for readers ages 8 and up. graph·ic nov·el a novel in comic-strip format Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega, Art by Rose Bousamra (ages 8-12) Library catalog Winner of the Pura Belpré Award Marlene is a middle-schooler that is well aware of what “good hair” is and that she does not have it. Every Sunday her mother drags her to the salon to get her curly hair straightened so she looks presentable. Middle school can be tough, but when you have classmates that tease you
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Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 10
LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 10 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we will be featuring our beautiful new books in a blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le estaremos presentando nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así puede disfrutar practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros. I Am a Big Brother! / ¡Soy un hermano mayor!, by Caroline Jayne Church. Library Catalog A little boy describes
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June Picture Book of the Month
Picture Books are for all children! In this blog, Donna will highlight great picture books old and new. all the beating hearts by julie fogliano (ages 4-8) Library catalog “Each beat / a reminder / that we are here / and alive / together but apart / the same, but exactly different.” A wonderful quote from this beautiful picture book that is so expressive in text and illustrations. This picture book, told in verse, might seem very simplistic, but carries a very important message about what happens in our lives on a daily basis. There will be good days and there
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Staff Summer Reads
Looking for an exciting book to read on a plane or train, listen to on a car trip, or just enjoy at home? Checkout one of our staff recommendations below. We've got something for everyone – mysteries, memoir, graphic novels, fantasy, cookbooks, and more! Do you have a summer reading you'd like to share? Leave us a comment below. Adult Fiction Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li Library Catalog A blockbuster action heist adventure that's also an examination of the pressures faced by the children of immigrants, Chinese American identity, the fears and questions that college students face
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Battle of the Books 2023
We're thrilled to announce that the Westchester Battle of the Books tournament is returning to its original, in-person format this year! Read on to find out more about the tournament, our plans for the team, and most importantly, the books! This year's Battle of the Books tournament will take place on Saturday, October 21 at Ossining High School. We are putting together a teen team this year for teens who will be in grades 6-12 in fall 2023. We've set up a couple of interest meetings for any and all interested teens: Fridays June 9 and June 30 at 4
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Afrobeats Dance Workshop
Afrobeats Dance Workshop Wednesday, June 28th, at 6:30–8:00 p.m. For: Adults and teens Location: Auditorium Afrobeats Dance is a combination of modern day African movement paired with Afrobeats music. The movement is full body & high energy. Focusing on hip releasing, footwork, arm coordination and rhythm. It's a fun form of dance because it allows the body to move naturally and with the percussion of the music. Past Juneteenth Events: Grab & Go Kits: Juneteenth! Monday, June 12th at 10:00 a.m. For: Grades K-3 Location: Lobby Pick up a new Grab & Go Kit at the Library, while supplies last,
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June Programs for Younger Kids
Great programs for younger children take place all month long, every month, at the Library. See our online calendar or stop in the Trove for location information. Storytimes! Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. – June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. – June 6, 13, 20 Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – June 10 – Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month! Stories, songs and fun with a Trove Librarian. Following Storytime on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the children and caregivers are invited to Toy Time in the Story Trove – a time to play and socialize!Tiny Tots! 0 – 24 months, with a caregiver Fridays,
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Five Strong Female Characters in YA Fiction
This month we're celebrating strong heroines in our young adult (YA) fiction collection. Read on for YA Librarian Lilian's recommendations for books that feature capable and inspiring female protagonists. Legendborn by Tracy Deonn Grade 8 and up Library Catalog: All available formats “Sixteen-year-old Black whiz kid Bree Matthews battles grief and demonic forces on her college campus. After her mother dies in an accident, Bree begins a residential program for enterprising teens at her mother’s alma mater and, soon after her arrival, witnesses a magical attack that triggers hidden memories about the evening her mother was killed. Haunted by the
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May Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao Library Catalog: Print Libby: eBook and eAudiobook Zachary Ying has been struggling to fit in at school – hard to do when you’re one of the only non-white kids. But any worries about that are immediately overwhelmed when Zachary’s mother’s soul is stolen – and he gets possessed by the spirit of the first emperor of China!
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May Graphic Novel Pick of the Month
In this blog, Donna will highlight graphic novels that are great reads! Graphic Novels are intended for readers ages 8 and up. graph·ic nov·el a novel in comic-strip format A first time for everything by Dan Santat Bestselling author and Caldecott Medalist (ages 10-14) Library catalog: Print Libby: ebook A school trip to Europe in the summer? Most kids would be excited, but not Dan. This graphic novel is a memoir of Dan Santat’s middle school years. Dan is seen as a pretty good kid. He stays out of trouble, listens to his teachers and parents, and tries to fly
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Books By Dads For, and About, Dads
Below please find lists curated by the Youth Services Librarians of White Plains Public Library of Nonfiction, Memoirs & Parenting Books; Picture Books, Juvenile Fiction; and Young Adult Fiction written by fathers that are for fathers and about fatherhood. Nonfiction, Memoirs, & Parenting Books Dad’s Book of Awesome Projects by Mike Adamich Library Catalog Dad’s Book of Awesome Science Projects by Mike Adamich Library Catalog Fatherhood by Papa B: a Game-changing Guide for Parents, Father Figures and Fathers-to-be by Bode Aboderin Library Catalog – Libby Made With Dad: From Wizards’ Wands to Japanese Dolls, Craft Projects to Build, Make and
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Picture Book Pick of the Month
Picture Books are for all children! In this blog, Donna will highlight great picture books old and new. Noor and Bobby by Praline Gay-Para, Illustrations by Lauranne Quentric (ages 4-7) Translated from French by Alyson Waters Library catalog: Print Libby: ebook What immediately grabbed my attention was the sweet illustration of a boy holding a dog on the cover. This illustration is simplistic in nature, but the story it tells is multi-layered. There are certain subjects that are hard to discuss with younger children and that is exactly why we need books like Noor and Bobby. The author never uses
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Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 9
LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 9 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we will be featuring our beautiful new books in a blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le estaremos presentando nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así puede disfrutar practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros. Bedtime for Baby Shark / A la cama Bebé Tiburón, by John John Bajet. Library Catalog An adaptation of the
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May Programs for Younger Kids
Great programs for younger children take place all month long, every month, at the Library. See our online calendar or stop in the Trove for location information. Storytimes! Ages 2-6, Families Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. – May 2, 9 Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – May 20 – Celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Stories, songs and fun with a Trove Librarian. Following Storytime on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the children and caregivers are invited to Toy Time in the Story Trove – a time to play and socialize!Rock Your World Concert Up to age 8, Families Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. – May 3,
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May is Family Wellness Month!
The month of May is a great time to educate, encourage, and enact a healthy lifestyle for your family! Eating healthy, exercising, and unwinding at the end of the day are important ways for keeping everyone happy and healthy. There are lots of simple activities you can do to keep your mind & body fit…and think about ways to improve your daily habits, such as going to bed at a reasonable time! Books for the whole family to check out: Taking Care of Me by Mari C. Schuh Library catalog, ebook Yoga for little kids: simple poses to encourage
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Mindfulness & Yoga Storytime
Mindfulness & Yoga Storytime with Poojah Shah Tuesdays May 16th & May 30th at 11:00 a.m For: Children (ages 2-6) Location: Galaxy Hall The Trove will be hosting two mindfulness & yoga storytime sessions featuring Poojah Shah. We will first read a book that focuses on mindfulness. Afterwards Ms. Shah will practice mindful movements and yoga postures designed for children. This event will be held in Galaxy Hall. The first session will be offered on Tuesday, May 16th at 11:00 a.m. The second session will be held on Tuesday, May 30th at 11:00 a.m. Tickets for the program will be
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mindfulness, storytime, and yoga for kids.