Archives for architecture

Vacant Lot Challenge with Arch For Kids

Registration for this event is now full. Arch For Kids, a local educational group that provides young people with dynamic hands-on, minds-on learning experiences – grounded in architecture, design, engineering and urban planning, is joining the Library to run their Vacant Lot Challenge for students in Grades 5-8. There is a vacant lot in your neighborhood. Local officials are seeking proposals for its development. Students will receive supplies from the Library, some things they may need to find around home, to design and build a model structure for this vacant lot. The program will be held on Monday, March 15,
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Categories: Library News.

Local History: The Hudson River

The Hudson River shapes nearly every area of our lives in some way: from topography, patterns of human settlement, and military decisions to energy production, human health, commerce, and culture. This summer, impress your fellow travelers with some knowledge about the Hudson Valley and the Hudson River gained from the White Plains Collection. Below is a bibliography of historical and contemporary titles from many different genres and eras.   Histories: Narrative, Revolutionary, and Social The Hudson from the Wilderness to the Sea by Benson J. Lossing (1866): A wonderful, illustration-rich vintage title donated by former White Plains librarian Clara F.
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Categories: Local History.

Local History: Richard Crandell Collection

We regularly receive donations to the White Plains Collection, but there are just a handful of people who made large donations of materials or funds. John Rosch and Renoda Hoffman, both official city historians, donated or created some of the most important items in our collection. Richard Crandell, while never officially the city historian, also had a huge impact on the promotion and dissemination of local history and added some vital pieces to the WPC.   In 1954, Crandell published This Is Westchester: A Study of Suburban Living, a book that illuminates some of Westchester's history. Mostly, however, the book
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Categories: Local History.