Archives for at home learning

Grab&Go Kits

The Library will now feature a variety of Grab&Go Kits that families can take home to enjoy. Librarians in the Trove and Edge are compiling several types of kits that will provide families with wonderful opportunities to unplug and engage in activities that stir the imagination and provide at-home learning and fun. Kits will be available outside our main entrance while supplies last. In October and November we will begin regularly offering the following kits for pick up on a varied schedule. The first day a kit will be available to pick up will be marked in our online calendar.
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Categories: Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Halloween at Home

There are a lot of decisions having to be made this year that are very personal decisions for a family. Having already made the big decision of full remote learning for our daughter this school year, it became an easier choice to make the smaller decision that neighborhood trick-or-treating is just not what we are doing this year. Instead, we're going to make a full day of at-home Halloween themed fun. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a ghoulishly great day! If you do decide in favor of Halloween at Home, I hope the following ideas can
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Categories: Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Homeschooling Reading List

Many parents are choosing to homeschool their children this year given the current pandemic. To be clear, choosing to follow a full virtual model provided by your school district is NOT to be confused with homeschooling. Homeschooling is where you are completely responsible for both the curriculum and reporting your child’s progress to the state. Homeschooling is an involved process that must follow certain guidelines.  New homeschooling parents need resources to help them. We at the Library have many items available to make your journey easier.  In addition to physical titles in our Parenting section, we have many eBook and
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Categories: Authors & Books, COVID-19, Featured, Homepage Family CV, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Safe at Home

Some of the sites listed here may be offering some content free of charge or may be offering free access currently in response to the virus, but will move to a charge model again in the future. Please take care when using these sites to avoid unwanted charges. Previous Installments in this Series Stuck at Home Staff Picks 1 Stuck at Home Staff Picks 2 Stuck at Home Staff Picks 3 Stuck at Home Staff Picks: Teens Edition Great Ideas for Activities and Experiences Children’s Museum of Manhattan At Home Daily Activities Long List of Virtual Activities and Experiences for
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Family CV, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Stuck at Home Part 3

Some of the sites listed here may be offering some content free of charge or may be offering free access currently in response to the virus, but will move to a charge model again in the future. Please take care when using these sites to avoid unwanted charges. Previous Installments in this Series Stuck at Home Staff Picks 1 Stuck at Home Staff Picks 2 Stuck at Home Staff Picks: Teens Edition Great Ideas for Activities and Experiences Need Virtual Elmo Hugs? Sesame Street has New COVID-19 Resources for Kids. Fun Things to Do at Home from Today’s Parent. Virtual
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Stuck at Home: Staff Picks Part 2

Stuck at home with kids and teens due to the virus? The White Plains Public Library has you covered with these suggestions from Josh Carlson, Manager of Youth Services. Some of the sites listed here may be offering some content free of charge or may be offering free access currently in response to the virus, but will move to a charge model again in the future. Please take care when using these sites to avoid unwanted charges. Great Ideas for Activities and Experiences Family Maker Camp – free projects and ideas Smithsonian’s Fun Stuff for Kids Cincinnati Zoo Home Safaris
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Family CV, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.