Archives for classes

“Intro to Video Editing: How to Create Films”

Adult learners will have the chance to edit clips and create his or her own segment using the Lightworks™ Software Application on Tuesday, April 26th from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the Edge Media Lab. Video editing is fun and available for free on most computers.   Equipment is provided; Registration is required.
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Categories: Classes, Technology, and Uncategorized.

Introduction to Babysitting Class

Saturday, May 7, 12:00-4:00 p.m. Looking to earn some spending money babysitting this summer? Sign up for this four-hour class taught by instructor Amanda Tucker, a kindergarten teacher with degrees in early childhood education. You'll learn interviewing tips, communication skills, ages and stages of young babies and toddlers, safety and first aid tips, and how to feed and care for children. At the end of the class, there will be a simple test and certificates will be distributed.  This event is open to teens in grades 6-12; registration is required. Light snacks will be provided. Bring paper and pencil, and a
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Categories: Classes and Teens.

Digital Photography Workshop for Seniors

Professional photographer and arts educator Lori Adams will present an 8-week digital photography workshop for seniors. The first session is Tuesday, January 5, 2016, 2:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. Using their own cameras, participants will learn the fundamentals of composition, and use of light and color to create portraits and still life images. A basic understanding of camera settings and photo editing will also be covered. The workshop will culminate in an exhibit of participants' work. Participation is limited to fifteen students aged 55 and better.  Participants should plan to attend all sessions. Pre-registration is required and can be submitted
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Categories: Classes and Uncategorized.

Photo Editing Workshop

This post has expired, for the most up-to-date technology programs, view our schedule here. Want to know how to “photoshop” an image? In the Photo Editing Workshop on Tuesday, December 8th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., patrons will learn how to manipulate photos using GIMP, a free 2D graphics editor for PC, Mac, and Linux. Similar to Photoshop, GIMP allows users to tweak images for a desired result. Registration required; equipment is provided. Held in the Edge Media Lab.  
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Categories: Classes and Events.

How to Find the Right Colleges for You

If you're a high school student thinking about applying to college, you have a lot of schools to consider. We're hosting a workshop to help you navigate this process. On Monday, October 19 at 7 p.m., join us in the Edge Media Lab. You'll learn how to evaluate potential schools to determine which one is the best fit for YOU, and you'll even get some tips on how to have a successful college visit. This event is open to high school students and their parents. Light refreshments will be served. This workshop is presented by Katie Sprague of Collegewise.
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Categories: Events and Teens.

On the Homefront — Families of Veterans Writing Workshop

White Plains Public Library and Veterans Writing Workshop are pleased to offer a free creative writing workshop for family members or caretakers of a veteran or active duty service members. The free workshop is open to all writing experience levels. The workshop will take place ten Wednesdays beginning September 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Learn the skills that will help you write your stories. Get valuable feedback and guidance from a published writer. Become part of a supportive community of writers. Publish your writing in the Families of Veterans anthology. Class size is limited and registration is required.
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Categories: Classes.

Practice Your Spanish Conversation

Want to brush up on your Spanish?  Join us August 17 – August 20 at 10:30 a.m. This is for individuals who want to further develop their Spanish skills, discover new phrases, verb conjugations, feel comfortable actively participating in short story discussions, and more. Please note, this is NOT a class for beginners. Space is limited and registration required. Please register through our online calendar.
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Categories: Classes.

TV Production Camp with the Global Ambassadors

Teens from White Plains will spend two weeks learning the ins and outs of creating a short news clip for R.E.A.C.T. News. Students will learn how to research a story, write a script, interview, tell the story on camera, and edit. There will be a party on Thursday, August 20, at 12:00 PM, to see the news stories they created before they are posted online – all are welcome to the viewing. TV Production Camp is now full. But viewers can see the results on August 20.
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Categories: Classes, Technology, and Teens.

Sewing on The Edge for Teens

Interested in learning to sew…and making your own beach bag and pencil case to take home? Join Sewing on The Edge with sewing instructor Kate Perri. You will learn the basics of sewing, discover how to use a sewing machine, and become familiar with the University of Fashion web resource. Teens in grades 7-12 are welcome; no sewing experience is required. This class takes place in three sessions: Tuesday 7/28, Tuesday 8/4, and Tuesday 8/11, from 3:00-5:00 pm. Students must register for the first class through the Library's online calendar, and must attend all three sessions. This event is supported
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Categories: Classes and Teens.

Intro to Car Maintenance

Saturday, April 18 from 1:00-3:00 PM Are you curious about how your car runs and what you can do to keep it from breaking down? Victor Principe from Bronx Community College will teach you about cars and share some basic tips to keep them on the road. All participants will receive a free gift. This program is part of the Allstate Readiness Series, in partnership with the Allstate Foundation and the White Plains Public Library Foundation.
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Categories: Classes and Library News.

Calling all teen drivers!

Are you a new driver? Getting your license soon? Attend our Allstate Readiness Teen Safe Driving Program, Monday, April 6, 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Library auditorium. Learn safe driving tips from certified driving instructor Jim Fatigate. Parents welcome. Students will earn one hour of community service credit for attending. Refreshments provided. Supported by a generous grant from The Allstate Foundation to support community education programs and outreach on teen safe driving.
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Categories: Classes, Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Create an App with MATLAB

Thursday, February 5 at noon Created by Mathworks, MATLAB® is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. It is mainly a tool for engineers, but it offers a multitude of computation possibilities. This class will provide design instruction within a Graphic User Interface (GUI) and computer programming using the MATLAB coding language. Come and learn how to create a basic computer application! All equipment and software is provided. Please register for this program on our online event calendar.
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Categories: Classes, Events, Library News, and Technology.

Free Citizenship Classes

The Library is hosting free citizenship classes this summer. Classes will cover information needed to pass the test, basic test-taking skills and preparation for the English language section of the test. The class is free but space is limited and registration is required. Register on Tuesday, July 1, 10am – 1pm, 6pm – 9pm or on Thursday, July 3 from 10am – 1pm. Students must be at least 18 years old. Classes meet on: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Tuesday, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. OR Thursdays, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. This class is offered in partnership with
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

FREE English as a Second Language Classes

Learn English FREE at the Library! The White Plains Public Library, in partnership with Westchester Community College, is pleased to again offer classes in spring 2014. Classes are offered mornings, evenings and weekends, and focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing English. Registration dates for the upcoming semester: Friday, December 6 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Saturday, December 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Monday, December 9 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 18 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. For additional information, please contact Westchester Community College at 914 606-5656. We hope you'll join us!
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Categories: Classes and Library News.

Alice – 3D computer programming

Children at the White Plains Public Library can learn the basics of computer programing with Alice 2.3, a computer application developed by Carnegie Mellon. By designing 3D animations and video games of their very own, 4th, 5th and 6th graders will be executing essential computer commands – thanks to the work of the Alice Team at Carnegie Mellon. Children are encouraged to join any of the upcoming sessions in The Trove on 11/18, 12/2, and 12/16 from 4:30-5:30p.m. Tickets will be distributed at 4:00 p.m. There is a limit of 10 children, so be sure to arrive early to get a
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Learn How to Make Personalized Cards and Flyers with Microsoft Publisher 2007

Want to create your own personalized birthday cards, holiday cards, or party invitations?  How about designing a flyer for your tag sale or an event your club is sponsoring? Learn how at our hands-on class, Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2007, on November 14 from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. Registration is required, but only takes a minute:  Go to our Computer Classes calendar, then click on the class name on the calendar and fill out the brief form. You’ll be publishing your own cards and flyers before you know it!
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Volunteer GED Tutors Needed

According to the US Census, 90,000 adults in Westchester do not have high school diplomas. The Office of Community Connections at the Westchester Library System is seeking volunteers to help GED seekers of all ages improve their skills and prepare for the exam. Opportunities are available in White Plains as well as several other communities throughout Westchester. Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of three hours per week throughout the year. Volunteers must be comfortable using technology and working with diverse learners. Training and support will be provided on an ongoing basis. If interested, contact Elena Falcone
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

The History and Future of Video Games

The progression of technology is seemingly exponential, especially with regard to electronic gaming. In “The History & Future of Video Games,” a class consisting of three independent sessions on October 2, October 9, and October 23 at 3:30 p.m., teens are exposed to video games of the past and present in order to imagine the video games of the future. Each session is one hour in length and open to teens, no registration required. There is a limit of 10 gamers, with admission based on arrival time. In the final week we look at the history and future of FPS
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.