Posts by Austin, Digital Media Specialist

Intro to 3D Printing and Design

Come and learn about 3D printing and Computer-aided design (CAD) with SketchUp, a free computer application. Participants will have the chance to design an original object and bring it home in physical form via the library’s MakerBot Replicator 2 (3D Printer). This program will begin at 10:15am on Thursday September 11th in the Edge Media Lab. There is a limit of 10 participants & registration is required.
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Technology.

Video Game Design Workshop

Teens can create a 3D video game about safety behind the wheel with Unity, a powerful game engine. A class consisting of four sessions (May 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, from 4pm – 5:30pm) will be held in the Edge and will demonstrate the realities of designing a video game from scratch. This is part of the Allstate Readiness Series – the video game will be used to show teens the dangers of distracted driving. Utilize your imagination! LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE, REGISTRATION REQUIRED
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Maker Morning

The current “Maker Revolution” is all about imagination and implementation. On Saturday, May 3rd, a celebration of this new culture will take place at the White Plains Public Library. The idea is to highlight local creation and originality. There will be 3D printing, robotics, and people from all over the community presenting special pieces of work. Come and find out how you can DIY (do it yourself).
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Categories: Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

How to Build a Computer

Building a computer from parts is much cheaper than buying one readily assembled. At the “How to Build a Computer” workshop in the Edge, on March 31st from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., teens will be able to see what an individually constructed PC looks like and participate in the process of upgrading another. Instruction about microprocessors, RAM, motherboards, power supplies, hard drives, and graphics cards will be taught throughout. If teens wish to build a computer on their own, methods of selecting and purchasing compatible computer parts online will be shown as well. Registration is not required and all equipment is
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Technology.

How to Make Dubstep

Learn how to produce Dubstep like the pros do on an iPad! Novice musicians and Dubstep fans alike will learn how to create songs at The Edge in December every Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm. Teens will discover how to use modern iPad audio applications and sound like modern professionals. For teens only. No registration or equipment is required, limit of 9 students based on arrival time. Bring headphones if possible.
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Virtual Computing

Have you ever seen a computer inside a computer? With VirtualBox, a free virtualization product from Oracle, you can install and use an isolated Operating System (OS) within another. Teens are welcome to join this class on December 3rd and December 10th from 5-6pm to find out how. Students will use library equipment in order to install a virtual Linux OS called “ArtistX” and learn all about it. For teens. No registration or equipment is required, limit of 10 students based on arrival time.  
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Categories: Classes, Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

Alice – 3D computer programming

Children at the White Plains Public Library can learn the basics of computer programing with Alice 2.3, a computer application developed by Carnegie Mellon. By designing 3D animations and video games of their very own, 4th, 5th and 6th graders will be executing essential computer commands – thanks to the work of the Alice Team at Carnegie Mellon. Children are encouraged to join any of the upcoming sessions in The Trove on 11/18, 12/2, and 12/16 from 4:30-5:30p.m. Tickets will be distributed at 4:00 p.m. There is a limit of 10 children, so be sure to arrive early to get a
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

The History and Future of Video Games

The progression of technology is seemingly exponential, especially with regard to electronic gaming. In “The History & Future of Video Games,” a class consisting of three independent sessions on October 2, October 9, and October 23 at 3:30 p.m., teens are exposed to video games of the past and present in order to imagine the video games of the future. Each session is one hour in length and open to teens, no registration required. There is a limit of 10 gamers, with admission based on arrival time. In the final week we look at the history and future of FPS
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.