Archives for Authors & Books

Favorites From Best Books of 2023

Each year, we enjoy looking through the lists of best books of the year, looking to see which opinions we agree with (or not), and checking to see which gems we might have missed ordering earlier in the year. We rejoice when we discover many of the books already in our collection, although we always do end up finding a title or two to order. Read on to see which books on the “Best of 2023” lists were our favorites this year. Raquel’s Favorite 2023 Best Picture Book: Remember by Joy Harjo & Michaela Goade Library Catalog “As the modern
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Most Popular 2023 Checkouts

Below is a list of the 2023 top ten most popular fiction, nonfiction, films, children's books, and YA titles based on the number of times they've been checked out from our collection. We told you what our staff loved last year, well, here's what was most popular among your fellow Library patrons. I'm sure you'll notice a few trends – our patrons really love Colleen Hoover, memoirs, Karen M. McManus, Dog Man, and Disney! Fiction Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus (All available formats) Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano (All available formats) It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover (All
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Celebrate the Wolf Moon & Wolf Conservation

Family Storytime: Celebrate the Wolf Moon & Wolf Conservation! Saturday, January 20th at 2:00 pm For Children, Families Location: Galaxy Hall Celebrate the Wolf Moon (January's Full Moon on 1/25) and learn about wolf conservation efforts with a presentation (geared towards children 3-8 years-old) and a storytime reading of, Trumpet the Miracle Wolf Pup: Trumpet Finds Love! The Trumpet book series was written to introduce young children to the joy of learning about wolves, wolf conservation and saving critically endangered species. Trumpet called the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem her home, and in this newly published title we learn
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, and Kids.

Celebrate Three Kings Day

Celebrate Three Kings Day Program! Saturday, January 6th from 1-4 pm For Families and Children Location: Gallery, Igloo, Auditorium & Rotary Room Families are invited to come celebrate Three Kings Day at the Library on Saturday, January 6th starting at 1 pm! Join the White Plains Puerto Rican Cultural Committee, Comite Noviembre & PRIDA and the White Plains Public Library for an afternoon full of family-friendly activities such as taking a 3D visit to a Puerto Rican Beach in the Library’s Igloo, and enjoying a special appearance by the Three Kings! At 3 pm, there will be a fun bilingual
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Categories: Authors & Books and Library News.

January Festivities

During the year, each month celebrates a variety of observances and celebrations that can include celebrations of food, cats, historical events, poets, etc. Observations in January include well known International days to lesser, funny (and downright strange) events celebrating things such as whipped cream, introverts and chickens.  I have highlighted a few holidays that are fun, a few that are educational and some that are cultural and historical: January 3rd is Tolkien Day The Complete Guide to Middle Earth by Rober Foster. Explore Middle Earth: a fantastical land full of Elves, Orcs, Dwarves and wizards. Who was J. R. R.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate Dragon Appreciation Day

Celebrate Dragon Appreciation Day on January 16th! On January 16th, readers of all ages can celebrate one of the most magnificent creatures that has been a part of our imagination and mythology. Many books, films and shows center around dragons: from shimmering dragon eggs, to taming them, and becoming friends with them – dragons are a delight! Dragons also are known to protect treasure as illustrated in J.R.R Tolkien’s beloved classic The Hobbit.  Dragons can also represent the embodiment of enlightenment  in Asian mythology/spirituality. We can  learn more about dragons as we celebrate Dragon Appreciation Day and for some other
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Edge: December 2023

One of the best parts of my job is ordering new books for the Edge–reading the reviews, seeing what popular authors come up with next, or finding out about an upcoming sequel to an old favorite. Read on to find out about some of the new YA fiction titles coming to our shelves this month. Salt the Water by Candice Iloh Grades 9 and up Library Catalog “A Bronx teen is compelled to explore a free, expressive life by any means necessary. In this novel in verse, Cerulean Gene, a nonbinary Black high school senior, is frustrated with school, especially
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Uncovering Westchester LGBTQ+ History

Uncovering Westchester LGBTQ+ History Thursday, January 11 at 5:00 p.m. Teens, Adults Edge Media Lab Allee Manning, founder of the Westchester LGBTQ+ History Project, will give a presentation on her research of Westchester LGBTQ+ history and lead attendees in a game of trivia. For additional information and oral history interviews, see the project's website.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 15

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 15 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 15 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. Cinco monitos : Colección de oro / Five Little Monkeys : Storybook Treasury, by
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

December Middle Grade Pick of the Month

Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! The Trouble with Robots by Michelle Mohrweis All available formats here Evelyn is determined to do whatever it takes to lead her middle school robotics team to victory – no matter who she runs roughshod over. Allie is new at school and already gotten into fights – too many fights, according to the principal. Successfully working with the robotics team will be her last chance to prove
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

2023 Staff Favorites

The White Plains Library Staff have assembled their picks for the year, featuring literary fiction, audiobooks, fantasy, music, and more. It's a wonderfully wide-ranging list, full of lots of surprises, and should help with your holiday shopping or just some entertainment for yourself. Enjoy! Below you'll find a list with links to the catalog as well as a blurb on why staff enjoyed it. Fiction Chain Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah All available formats From the opening page you are hooked, violently, by this book. In this dark, dystopian future, prisoners held within the privatized penal system fight to
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Holiday Books in Spanish

HOLIDAY BOOKS IN SPANISH LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL PARA LOS DÍAS FESTIVOS The winter holiday season is approaching! Celebrate the season with our new Spanish and Spanish/English holiday titles covering Christmas/Navidad and Three King’s Day/Día de Reyes! Las fiestas de invierno ya casi están aquí. Celebre esta temporada con nuestros libros nuevos en español y bilingües (inglés y español) sobre la Navidad/Christmas y el Día de Reyes/Three Kings Day. Una noche más para la Navidad (One Good Night ‘Til Christmas), by Frank Berrios. Library Catalog ¡El gran día está casi aquí! Solo queda “una noche más” para la Navidad. Mientras los
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Edge: November 2023

One of the best parts of my job is ordering new books for the Edge–reading the reviews, seeing what popular authors come up with next, or finding out about an upcoming sequel to an old favorite. Read on to find out about some of the new YA fiction titles coming to our shelves this month. The Totally True Story of Gracie Byrne by Shannon Takaoka Grades 8 and up Library Catalog “An old journal gives a teen the ability to control the narrative of her life—but at what cost? Gracie is a lover of words and stories. Her imagined life
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

December Trove Book Groups

Graphic Novel Book Club Monday, December 11th at 5:00 p.m. Please click here to register. Join Caroline and Kat for a book discussion and trivia game for 3rd through 6th graders! We will be reading Estranged by Ethan M. Aldrige. Edmund and Childe were swapped at birth. The two live in different worlds: Edmund lives in the world above as a changeling. He knows about his powers but keeps it a secret from his family. Childe lives with the fae world below as a human. When an evil magician seizes the throne, the two must work together on a quest
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Categories: Authors & Books, Book Discussion, Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

November Middle Grade Pick of the Month

Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow All available formats Hazel likes her life just the way it is – her family, her hobbies, her chores at the family farm, and her best friend Becca. But when her mom is pregnant (for the third time, after two miscarriages) and redistricting means starting at a new school without her best friend, Hazel’s worry over the upheaval in
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Good Trouble: The Young Activist’s Dictionary of Social Justice

Taking part in activism and fighting for social justice and change takes courage, commitment and is often sparked by strong emotions, such as anger, fear, or love. It also takes a lot of information. Being informed allows you to back up your opinions and beliefs with facts: knowledge is power. The Young Activist’s Dictionary of Social Justice by Ryse Tottingham, illustrated by Andy Passchier Library Catalog This is the fourth installment in the Good Trouble series, and while I have mentioned activism and being an activist several times, I’ve taken for granted that those terms are understood. These definitions are taken from
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Edge: October 2023

One of the best parts of my job is ordering new books for the Edge–reading the reviews, seeing what popular authors come up with next, or finding out about an upcoming sequel to an old favorite. Read on to find out about some of the new YA fiction titles coming to our shelves this month. Everyone’s Thinking It by Aleema Omotoni Grades 9 and up Library Catalog “Estranged British Nigerian cousins Iyanu and Kitan are two of the few Black students attending Wodebury Hall, an English countryside boarding school. While day student Iyanu, a budding photographer, prefers to fade into
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Categories: Authors & Books, Library News, and Teens.

This Month in the Edge: November 2023

This fall we've planned a bunch of different fun things for grades 7-12. From our College and Career Club to the monthly After Hours for grades 9-12, we have a range of options available. Stop by anytime during Edge hours to say hello and find out more about the Edge. Edge Fall Hours: Monday – Thursday: 3:00-8:00 p.m. Friday: 3:00-8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 1:00-5:00 p.m. Drop-in Activities: No registration is required for these ongoing programs for grades 7-12. Movie Monday Join us for a movie on Monday at 4:00 pm. November 6, 13, and 20 Winning Wednesday Play some
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

November Trove Book Groups

November Book Bunch Wednesday, November 15th at 4:30 p.m. Click here to register. Join Caroline and Erica for a book discussion and trivia game for 4th through 8th graders! We will be reading Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk. Crow has lived on an isolated island. Her only companions are Osh, the man who raised her and their next door neighbor, Miss Maggie. When a mysterious fire appears across the water it sets a chain of events that forces Crow to find out about her true identity. The Trove will provide a free copy of the book for the
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Categories: Authors & Books, Book Discussion, Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Good Trouble: Being the Change

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Attributed to Mahatma Gandhi (although not actually said by him), this quote is nonetheless a fantastic statement of purpose and a call to activism.  This installment of Good Trouble features a few books which include words of inspiration from civil rights leaders and young activists, a “how to” guide for kids to be change makers, and more. We Are the Change: Words of Inspiration from Civil Rights Leaders by Chronicle Books Library Catalog A gorgeously illustrated collection of inspirational quotes from famous, as well as not so well known, individuals
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.