Archives for education

Online Tutoring

If your schooling and learning support options have been affected by COVID-19, remember—as always— is available to help. Students will be able to connect with tutors from 9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, until June 15. Access for free through our website here:
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Categories: Evergreen, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Makers Wanted!

Become a Maker Corps Member and lead a summer of making in The Edge at the Library!  The White Plains Public Library, in partnership with Argus Information and Advisory Services, has been accepted to be a Maker Corps site this summer, which means that all summer long we will be holding STEM-related workshops and mini-camps. Are you a maker, a DIY enthusiast, an artist, or interested in new and emerging technologies?  The Library needs to hire two people as Maker Corps Members that are interested in the Maker movement, want to work with teens, and build an innovative and exciting
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Categories: Library News, Technology, and Teens.

People & Stories Oral History Project: Karen Smith

Dr. Karen P. Smith is multi-faceted. Before her career as a professor, she served as principal of two schools in Yonkers and the Director of Integration for the district. She was handpicked by a superintendent for the Director of Integration job, an honor that came during Yonkers' conflicts with the federal government over racial inequalities in the city. As principal to children whose schools were transformed over the course of the summer of 1986 and ambassador to their (sometimes angry) parents, Smith faced numerous challenges. Interestingly, she recalls few conflicts between students and says she spent most of her time
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Categories: Oral History.

Local History: The Racial Balance Plan

In the 1960s, northern as well as southern communities were forced to desegregate their schools to achieve educational equity between races. The White Plains Collection contains a number of sources for learning more about the desegregation that took place here under the Racial Balance Plan. Multiple reports issued by the Board of Education as well as a report from a committee of citizens provide statistical and administrative assessments of the plan. For a more sociological view, the slim volume Children In The Balance does a remarkable job of revealing what classrooms were like in the years after the plan was
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Categories: Local History.

People & Stories Oral History Project: YWCA GEMS

People & Stories was thrilled when Rhonda Brooks and Candi Poinsette, of the YWCA, reached out to collaborate on an oral history project about the history of the GEMS. GEMS stands for “Girls Empowered Through Meaningful Support” and has existed in one form or another for over 40 years in White Plains. GEMS strives to assist girls in the White Plains community in becoming self-reliant, competent, caring and healthy. It does so by providing relevant engaging activities in the areas of cultural awareness, health and wellness, college and careers, and self-esteem. Current members of GEMS met with alumni to learn
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Categories: Local History and Oral History.

People & Stories Oral History Project: Lord Judah & JCA

This is the first time People & Stories is presenting a produced oral history, and it's for a good reason. Lord Judah is the artist behind H.I.P.H.O.P., which stands for Highly Intelligent People Healing Our Planet. H.I.P.H.O.P. is many things. It's a philosophy for engaging with social issues, a mobile-teaching unit, and an artistic collective. H.I.P.H.O.P. is combining music with a social justice mission through teaching workshops with young people and support for local artists. Lord Judah and JCA mix their personal stories about coming up in White Plains with insights about how to find a place as an artist
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Categories: Local History and Oral History.

What can I do with my degree from outside the US?

Have a degree and don't know how to seek employment in the U.S.? The WES Global Talent Bridge can help! They will discuss how you can utilize your foreign education and experience to pursue employment , professional licensing and higher education. They will provide tips to best reflect your qualifications and give information on how to prepare for your job search. This seminar is designed for people with foreign qualifications interested in seeking further employment and /or professional licensing. Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
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Categories: Events and Uncategorized.

Learn About Online Education Fraud

Come learn what role these for-profit education companies play in creating a potential financial disaster that may burden taxpayers for years to come. Robert MacArthur, author of Online Education Fraud: The Diary of a Short Seller, covers 15 years of corporate fraud in online education. He will discuss how the industry remained largely unregulated for years causing a potential burst of the student loan default bubble. He will be in Room B on our second floor on Thursday, September 24 at 7:00 PM. No registration needed.
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Categories: Events.

People & Stories Oral History Project: Andy Morzello

Andy Morzello's story is one of education, service, and commitment to White Plains.  As a teacher of adults and young people, he had a large impact on the people of White Plains.  In this oral history, he remembers growing up in the neighborhood surrounding Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, being encouraged to pursue higher education by a caring teacher, and running the adult education program in White Plains.  He remembers White Plains before urban renewal, discussing the people as much as the landscape.  Morzello continues to be active in White Plains, especially in efforts to keep Our Lady of
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Categories: Local History and Oral History.

People & Stories Oral History Project: Harry Bright

People & Stories is the oral history project of the White Plains Public Library. People & Stories seeks to record and share the voices of people who have lived or worked in White Plains. The project functions by pairing interviewers with storytellers from the community. If you are interested in becoming an interviewer, we have our first training event on Saturday, April 18, from 10:30 am- 12:00 pm at the Library. Harry Bright's work as an educator took him around the world, from Cambodia to Europe, and, of course, to White Plains. Bright worked as a teacher and coach at
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Categories: Local History and Oral History.