Archives for Grab and Go Kits

Grab & Go Kits for Grades 7-12: Handmade Envelopes

Teens in grades 7-12 can pick up a kit with project supplies at the Library, then follow along with the instructional video below to make the project. Or, you can find the materials around your home and follow the video to make the project. Kits are first come, first served, and will become available on Tuesday, January 18th in the Library lobby. This month's project is handmade envelopes. I wanted to make this kit available in plenty of time before Valentine's Day, for those who really want to put their heart and soul into their Valentine's cards. The kit includes
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Categories: Library News and Teens.

Grab & Go Craft Kits: CD Artwork

Which Craft? Wednesday has been phased into Grab & Go Craft Kits! Instead of finding materials around the house, teens in grades 7-12 can pick up a kit with project supplies at the Library, then follow along with the instructional video below to make the project. Or, you can find the materials around your home and follow the video to make the project. Kits are first come, first served, and will become available on Monday, May 17th in the Library lobby. For this month’s project, we’re making reflective art from old CDs. The kit includes painted CDs and some mini
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

World Art Day Storytime & Author Visit

World Art Day Storytime & Author Visit Ages 2-6, families Thursday, April 15, 11:00 a.m. (access the program here) Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. Celebrate World Art Day with award-winning author Amalia Hoffman’s storytime featuring her art-filled book, My Monsterpiece: “A humorous celebration of imagination and creativity that invites kids to create their own monster masterpieces with everyday materials.” You can find some of Ms. Hoffman’s fantastic books in the Library Catalog and as eBooks. Learn more about author Amalia Hoffman and her works on her
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Categories: Library News.

Grab & Go Kit Gr. 4-8: Paper Rollercoaster

The next Grab & Go STEAM kit for Middle Graders will teach some paper engineering techniques. Kids and Tweens will assemble a rollercoaster using paper. This involves creating stability with a very unstable material. They will make pillars to hold up the rollercoaster, fold the paper to make stable rails, and learn how to cut paper to create curves. Limited kits are available at the Library. Couldn’t get a kit? No problem! All you need is paper, tape, and scissors. You can follow along with the video instructions.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Grab & Go Kit: LED Creature

White Plains Public Library’s Grab & Go STEAM kits are a great way to unplug and be creative while learning about a STEAM concept. Edge Librarian Erik Carlson has put together a great STEAM activity for Grades 4-8 that allows you to create your own LED creature. The LED Creature Grab & Go kit will help young scholars learn some basic elements of electricity. If you have ever wanted to work on a conductivity experiment, or create a circuit bug or creature, here’s your chance! This kit will be available for pickup outside the Library's main doors on Monday, December
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM Grab&Go Kit For Teens: Rubber Band Powered Car

Come to the Library and pick up a Grab&Go Kit with materials to make a cardboard car powered by rubber bands, available on December 7. The kit will have most materials except tape, glue, and a pencil. There are printed instructions to accompany the video instructions. Have fun learning how to make a car run using tension created by rubber bands. If you can’t pick up a bag, you can try to find the materials around your home and follow the video instructions.
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Grab&Go Kits for Adults

Grab&Go Kits for adults–because we also need to unplug from our screens, relax, and have fun! Each month, we will prepare a packet that will include instructions and supplies. (A few basics can be found at home.) Kits will be available in the blue Grab&Go box outside our main entrance while supplies last. This month's kit: making a Gratitude Journal. Available beginning Friday, November 20th. Just in time for Thanksgiving. Look out for kits in the coming months on making a zen garden (stress relief!), and, of course, something for Valentine's Day in February.
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Categories: COVID-19 and Library News.

Grab&Go: Tripod Catapult

STEAM Monday has been phased into Grab ‘n Go Craft Kits! Instead of finding material around your home, you can pick those materials up from the Library, then follow along with an instructional video for making a project. Our first project is a Tripod Catapult. You can pick up the materials with instructions from the Library and use the video to follow along. Or you can find the materials around your home and follow the video to make the project. How Is This Working? The most important part of a catapult is it’s base. For this catapult we made a
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.