Archives for white plains

Documenting COVID-19:
A Bicycle on the Move

A poem, “a bicycle on the move,” submitted by Romina, age 46. A bicycle on the move A bicycle on the move Maintenance, did you say? Tires are getting low Too many holes in the road Bumps have affected my shape And I am carrying a heavy weight The breeze feels refreshing but cold Cold gets into my inner emptiness Emptiness. Is that how it feels? What’s wrong? Other bikes are riding along… I have no clear path or freedom There is fog menacing my wisdom Sounds of nature are suddenly close I feel the soft soil embracing my rubbery
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
“A Pen” Poem

Poem submitted by Nava D. Pollak, age 11. A pen That never stops using words A unique fountain pen Who’s nib points flat down, Yet up To let ink out just right Fill it up in the color you want Make it yours Right now this pen feels alive So much extra time to write But this pen is so sad For in the wrong hands this pen Writes things learns things A poor pen shouldn’t have to know But this pen can be used by a child A child who finds the obvious topic EXTREMELY BORING In those hands
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
Garbage Truck Story

Story and photo submitted by Robin Cohen. During the 2020 pandemic my daughter, her husband, and two young sons moved out of the city to live with me. Every morning the seven year old has school at nine. I take the under two grandson for long walks. On our walks one of his favorite things to see is garbage trucks. Every time we pass one, the driver honks and the sanitation workers wave. It really feels like a connection. The attached picture is of a sweater I knit for him to always remember this. Submit your own experience.
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
County Center Photos

Photos of the “Westchester County Center and the temporary hospital across the street,” submitted by Anonymous. “We are ready. The temporary hospital will be operated by the New York State Health Department through nearby White Plains Hospital.” Submit your own experience.
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
Never A Miss Poem

“Never A Miss,” a poem submitted by Gina. “I lost my father to COVID-19. I began to write down what it felt like from the moment we had to leave him at the hospital to 16 days later when he lost his life.” Never A Miss You were never a miss They didn’t know Rushed inside while they waited for more rows Failing miserably on the account of all others Your dignity and pride now tossed aside Unable to speak as voices disappear Pleading for breath but life was so unclear You were never a miss Mind like no other
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Categories: COVID-19 and Homepage.

POSTPONED: 25th Anniversary Gala with Erik Larson

March 14th Gala Postponed please click link for details: The Gala is now sold out! Thank you to our donors, sponsors, and community partners. The White Plains Library Foundation's 25th Anniversary Gala is Saturday, March 14, 2020 from 7 – 10 p.m. at the Library. Don't miss the chance to hear special guest, Erik Larson, bestselling author of Dead Wake, In the Garden of Beasts, The Devil in the White City, and coming soon, The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family and Defiance During the Blitz – book included with your ticket. In recognition of this
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Categories: Library News.

2nd Annual Spelling Bee

What's the Buzz? The White Plains Library Foundation is thrilled to be holding our Second Annual Adult & Teen Spelling Bee Fundraiser, on Friday, March 11, 7:30 p.m. (March 18 snow date), at the Highlands Middle School Auditorium. This year, proceeds will support The Hub, our new adult library.  Entry fees are again $75 per team, and additional donations to The Hub are very welcome!  General admission to watch the Bee is $5, and there will be a food concession and raffles. This year we are limiting the competition to 20 teams (four “swarms” of five teams each).  The “Early
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Categories: Events.

Out of the Swamps: A History of 100 Martine Ave.

Join us on Sunday, May 17, at 2:00 p.m. for Out of the Swamps: A History of Downtown White Plains Told Through 100 Martine. The Friends of the White Plains Public Library have partnered with the Librarian for White Plains History and the City Archivist to present a program filled with stories, photographs, and maps that will enrich your perspective on White Plains. This program is presented in memory of Kay Conroy. 100 Martine hasn't always been the site of the public library, nor has it always been 100 Martine Avenue! Before White Plains was settled by Europeans, the Weckweeskeck
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Battle of White Plains Commemorations Have Their Own History and Purpose

On Sunday, October 26, I attended the White Plains Historical Society's 238th Anniversary Commemoration of the Battle of White Plains at the Jacob Purdy House. Drawn by the promise of reenactors, mulled cider, and the chance to meet some White Plains citizens who are fascinated by history, I arrived before the ceremonies. This gave me the chance to walk around in the Purdy House (whose ceilings are higher than I expected) and talk with soldiers who had set up camp on the property. Present were members of the 6th Connecticut Regiment, who refer to themselves as a Living History Organization;
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.