Monthly Archives September 2012

Meet the Author: Zane!

New York Times best-selling author Zane will appear at the Library this Saturday, September 29, at noon. We hope you'll join us for what is sure to be an entertaining Q&A. Bring your questions about her books, how she writes, or maybe how she got started. As part of this appearance, Sarah Bracey White, published author and Executive Director of Greenburgh Arts and Culture, will facilitate a conversation between Zane and the audience. Zane is the New York Times best-selling author of, among others, Afterburn, The Heat Seekers, the Flava series, and Dear G-Spot. Her television series, Zane’s Sex Chronicles,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Tomorrow: J. K. Rowling’s New Book

Thursday, September 27 is undoubtedly the most anticipated day in publishing this year, as J.K. Rowling’s new book, The Casual Vacancy, hits stores and libraries. We’ve ordered twenty copies, which our distributor reports were shipped yesterday—so we should have them ready to circulate tomorrow. Ten copies are available to be reserved, while the other ten will be in our new book area, circulating on a “first come, first served” basis. Unfortunately, Rowling’s publisher, Hachette/Little, Brown, won’t license new ebooks to libraries. Is the book any good? We haven’t a clue, as the book has been heavily embargoed and there are
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Categories: Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Tired of Facebook and YouTube? Try Fleshing Out Some Visions

If you visit our CyberSpot and use our public access computers, you may have noticed a couple of changes, the most obvious of which is the installation of 12 new systems with wide screen displays.  They've replaced the oldest computers in that area and are much faster than their predecessors. While faster and better looking computers are very welcome additions, they're only as good as the software that runs on them.  So while we were at it, we upgraded whatever software we could and also took the opportunity to install some new applications that we hope appeal to your creative
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Categories: Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Non-Profits: Find Funding

Join us Friday, September 28 at 2:30 p.m. to learn searching strategies for the Foundation Center's foundation funding research tools. Jimmy Tom, director of the Foundation Center's New York Library, will conduct a training workshop on grant seeker research tools. Introduction to Finding Funders The first part of the workshop provides an introduction to the Foundation Center's comprehensive online database, Foundation Directory Online Professional. Learn how to create customized searches to develop targeted lists of foundations that will match your organization's funding needs. Guide to Philanthropy In/Sight® The second session explores Philanthropy In/Sight®, an interactive mapping tool that can quickly
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Do you have a baby?

The Parent/Child Connection is a 3-part program designed for children from 13 months to 36 months old, with a parent or caregiver. It offers you an opportunity to meet other parents and play with your child in a warm and informal setting. At each session, there will be an expert on hand to answer your questions about your child’s development – speech and language, nutrition, developmental milestones, and more. Age appropriate toys, a craft, songs, and stories all add up to a fun and positive experience for you and your child. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required, and attendance
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Categories: Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Learn Spanish

This post has expired. For the most up-to-date info on Spanish classes, subscribe to our eNewsletter here. ¿No hablas español? Would you like to learn? This fall, we are pleased to be offering beginning Spanish conversation classes. In this class participants will be introduced to simple everyday usage of vocabulary, grammar and conversation. Classes meet every Monday and Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m., starting Monday, September 24. The instructor, Naicy Petrill, is a native of Peru and currently teaching Spanish at Westchester Community College. She holds a New York State teaching certificate for Spanish and is very excited to partner with
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Uncategorized.

Everything You Wanted To Know About College Applications (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Parents and teens: Join us on Monday, September 24, at 7:00 PM for a workshop to help you get started on the college application process. Mollie Reznick, from the College Connection, will address both your questions and concerns while giving you concrete advice on beginning the college application process.   Register on our calendar or at the Reference Desk (422-1480).
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Free Career Development Assistance

Facing a difficult work situation? Need help planning or managing your career? Thinking about work options you have after 50? Westchester Library System runs specialized programs with trained professionals to guide you in your career path under the program name WEBS. Call 914-674-3612 for more information and to register for the following career services: MANAGING YOUR CAREER IN CHANGING TIMES 8-week Career Development Seminar Evaluate your skills, interests, personality Learn how to use online career information Explore career alternatives Find out about educational/training programs in Westchester Learn effective job strategies TAKE CHARGE! CAREER/LIFE PLANNING AFTER 50 8-week Career/Life Planning Seminar
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Still Time to Salsa!

When we've offered salsa classes for teens, many adults have asked for classes for them. The time has come! Learn the basics of this hot Latin dance in a way that is simple and effective. Come alone or with friends. This four week session runs every Tuesday until September 25. Each class is an hour long and registration is not required. Instructor Addie Diaz is a successful mambo/salsa performer and choreographer in the NY mambo community. She has traveled throughout the US and Internationally to perform and teach workshops. She is the director of her own dance troupe (Addie-Tude Dance
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Everything You Wanted To Know About College Applications (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Parents and teens:  Join us on Monday, September 24, at 7:00 PM for a workshop to help you get started on the college application process. Mollie Reznick, from the College Connection, will address both your questions and concerns while giving you concrete advice on beginning the college application process.   Register on our calendar or at the Reference Desk (422-1480).
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Categories: Events, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Allstate Readiness Series: Financial Literacy Programs for Adults and Teens

Learn how to get your financial house in order at the Library this fall. Join us at workshops for adults and teens on a variety of personal finance topics: creating a budget, managing your money, protecting your financial security, and planning for long term care. These programs are part of the Allstate Readiness Series, funded by a generous grant from The Allstate Foundation, which supports programs on financial literacy and teen safe driving throughout the year. For Adults Saturday, September 22, 2-3:30 p.m. Learn Budgeting Basics and How to Manage Your Money Presenter: Personal finance expert and economist Luz Barrera
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

Friends of the Library Celebrate 65th Anniversary

The Friends of the White Plains Public Library are unsung library heroes. Founded in 1947, this group of volunteers has raised funds for programming, the Museum Gallery, equipment and furnishings. (Including our beautiful Steinway B piano in the auditorium. Many musicians have commented on how nice it is that we have such a good piano to play!) They deliver books to home-bound Library patrons around White Plains. They also provide volunteer manpower for various events, such as gallery openings. One of the ways they raise funds is by running the Friends Bookstore off our lobby, which is having its 15th
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Categories: Homepage, Library News, and Uncategorized.

New York Says "Thank You"

Join us for a screening of the film “New York Says Thank You” by the New York Says Thank You Foundation on Saturday, September 15th, at 2 p.m. Started in 2003 at the suggestion of a 5-year-old boy, The New York Says Thank You Foundation has grown into one of the nation’s leading organizations to transform the 9/11 Anniversary into a positive, hands-on platform for national volunteer service. Filmed and edited over a six-year period, “New York Says Thank You” tells the story of survivors of 9/11 and survivors of natural disasters nationwide who have rebuilt hope in their lives
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

From Comic Book to Movie

Have I convinced you to try comics yet? What you may not realize is that many popular movies are based on comics and graphic novels. (Wikipedia has a list that spans the globe. For English-language comics-into-movies only, go here.) If you loved “V for Vendetta,” “Ghost World,” “Road to Perdition” or “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” you may want to check out the comics that started it all: V for Vendetta by Alan Moore (DC Comics, 2005) Ghost World (Special Edition) by Daniel Clowes (Fantagraphics, 2008) Road to Perdition by Max Allan Collins (Pocket Books, 2002) The League of Extraordinary
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage, and Library News.

Search for Jobs and Brand Yourself with LinkedIn

Learn how to Leverage LinkedIn to search for jobs and brand yourself at this free program on Wednesday, September 12, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Social Media guru Cheryl Williams will explain: – Why it is important to be on LinkedIn and other social media sites. – How to set up a profile and ways to enhance it. – LinkedIn features and applications and how to use them. – How to make connections and network effectively. No registration is required. This program is funded by the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Learn to Salsa!

When we've offered salsa classes for teens, many adults have asked for classes for them. The time has come! Learn the basics of this hot Latin dance in a way that is simple and effective. Come alone or with friends. This four week session begins today, Tuesday, September 4 at 6:30 p.m. and runs until September 25. Each class is an hour long and registration is not required. Instructor Addie Diaz is a successful mambo/salsa performer and choreographer in the NY mambo community. She has traveled throughout the US and Internationally to perform and teach workshops. She is the director
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.