Join librarians Ashley and Erik from the Trove and the Edge to play fun virtual table top games this summer! We use the platform to play the games while we have a conversation on Zoom. Kids and teens that haven’t come to the program before will need to create a free account on Note: does have a for-pay premium service. Please take care when creating your account to not incur any unwanted charges. On the day and time of each program, simply login to your account and join us on Zoom using the links for the
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Archives for Homepage Teens
Juneteenth: YA Fiction
I didn’t expect to have much trouble gathering some historical fiction titles telling celebratory stories about emancipation. I found one promising book that turned out to be narrated by the daughter of a Texas plantation owner complicit in concealing the news of emancipation—not at all what I was looking for. I continued searching. I found books about slavery during the Revolutionary War, time travel mysteries, and one alternate history featuring Civil War zombies, but I had a hard time finding a perfect fit for Juneteenth. I ended up reading Jefferson’s Sons by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. It’s told over the span
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STEAM at Home: Roto Copter
Learn how to build and fly a roto copter. Materials: Paper template Scissors Paper clip Masking tape Rubberband Spindle Instructions: Cut out the template, then cut along the line between boxes 2-3. Fold up along the dashed line over box one. Take a paperclip and slip it over the fold of box one, and tape the top of the paperclip, so that the bottom of the paperclip makes a loop. Next fold boxes 2 and 3 along the dashed line to make a small rectangle with a loop of the paperclip sticking out the bottom. Next cut ¼” below the
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STEAM, STEAM activities, STEAM at home, STEM, and videos.
Antiracism YA Fiction
Typically, when choosing books for my Dive into Diversity posts, I mostly try to avoid titles that focus on racism, police or gun violence, or other trauma. Instead, I prefer to highlight books that show a diverse range of teens dealing with everyday life. In this moment, though, it's time to feature books that demonstrate the impact of violence and oppression on teens. These stories are heavy, but they are important. Especially if you don’t identify with the protagonist, I challenge you to read and consider the character’s situation with an open mind. Let these stories be windows into another
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STEAM at Home: Build-a-Bridge Challenge
Try to build a bridge using only toothpicks and marshmallows. What if you don’t have toothpicks and/or marshmallows? Improvise! Use spaghetti and clay. Materials: small marshmallows toothpicks two objects that are the same height Getting Started: Set your objects 10”-12” apart. Start thinking about your bridge’s design. What shapes can you create with these materials that will hold a structure together to span the traverse between your objects? Try sketching your design on paper to see what it might look like. Does it look sturdy? Take out your marshmallows (try not to eat them all) and toothpicks and start building.
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STEAM, STEAM activities, STEAM at home, STEM, and videos.
Antiracism Resources for Teens & Adults
This may seem irrelevant to the topic of antiracism, but I want to start by saying that I’m a knitter. In January 2019, the knitting community began a moment of reckoning with racism in the fiber arts industry. If you’re interested, you can read more about those conversations here, but suffice it to say that this event brought me to a new awareness of racism. After that, I thought a lot more consciously about my privilege, my place as a white librarian working with primarily teens of color, and my responsibility to teach my young children about antiracism. By no
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National Road Trip Day
As spring and summer approach, it is becoming harder to stay at home. Even though the world is slowly opening up, a lot of zoos, museums, and national parks remain closed. Experiencing life to its fullest is the preferable way to live; however, we still have to be cautious about what we do. Why not celebrate National Road Trip Day (June 3rd) and try to do a virtual road trip with your family and friends? Museums, zoos, landmarks, aquariums, and national parks are all offering videos and tours that you can access from your home. This is a new reality
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Edge Read Aloud
La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One, by Philip Pullman Young Adult Librarian will be reading short sections from La Belle Sauvage starting Monday, June 1st at 2:00 p.m. on Instagram and Wednesday, June 3 at 9:30 p.m. on Facebook. These videos will stay up for 24 hours so be sure to watch them before they are taken down. The Book of Dust is a prequel series to Pullman’s His Dark Materials books, which is now a series on HBO. Lyra Belacqua is just a baby when Malcolm Polstead finds a mysterious object with a cryptic message. Malcolm
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Virtual Tabletop Games
Do you miss playing board games and card games with your friends at the Library? Join Librarians Ashley and Erik on Monday, June 1 & June 15 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. to play tabletop games virtually. We use the platform to play the games, and have a conversation on Zoom. To join us, first create a free account on and login. Make a note of your username. Sign onto the Zoom link to talk to Ashley and Erik so you can tell us what games you would like to play, get instructions on how to play, and chat with
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events and tabletop games.
STEAM at Home: Storm in a Glass
Make a really cool looking storm in a glass, and learn a little about clouds. Materials: Tall Glass Water Shaving Cream Food Coloring Small Bowl Spoon Instructions: Fill the glass half full with water. Add a thick layer of shaving cream on top so that the glass is about ¾ full. Smooth down the top of the shaving cream so that it is nice and flat. Mix the food coloring with a half cup of water in a small bowl. Using a spoon, pour the food coloring and water mixture on top of the shaving cream. Keep going one spoonful
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STEAM, STEAM activities, STEAM at home, STEM, and videos.
Bullet Journaling
A few years ago when I returned to work after maternity leave, I found myself struggling to balance my new full-time jobs: mom and librarian. I’ve kept a bullet journal ever since, allowing me to keep my calendar, to-do list, a running list of questions for my pediatrician, and meeting notes all in the same place. My bullet journal has helped me prioritize work tasks, remember funny things my kids say, and train for a half marathon. While my bullet journal is plain and practical, for many it’s an opportunity to incorporate artistic expression and even mindfulness into daily life.
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Bujo, Bullet journal, bullet journaling, how-to, journaling, and planners.
For the Class of 2020
There might not be ceremonies, big parties, caps, or gowns this year, but the Class of 2020 should still be celebrated, and we've got a few things to add to your Make Your Own Graduation toolkit. You'll find commencement speeches by National Book Award-winning author Jesmyn Ward, Admiral William H. McRaven, Abby Wambach, Barack Obama, and other notables in our Libby booklist, To the Class of 2020: We Salute You! Borrow Elgar's graduation classic Pomp and Circumstance, Drew's Famous Graduation Party Music, or some newer favorites at Hoopla, such as Lizzo's Cuz I Love You, 2020 Grammy Nominees, or Drake's
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May Virtual Open Mic
On Saturday, May 30th, the Library will host another Virtual Open Mic. This event will take place from 5:00 to 5:50 p.m. To attend, access Zoom with this link on 5/30. If you submitted anything for our comic or poetry prompts, or for our Documenting COVID-19 collection and would like to share your pieces at the event, please join us. Writing is a solitary activity, and as we are socially distancing it can become even more solitary if we don’t have a place to share our work collectively. In the past I have done readings in Westchester and New York
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events and virtual open mic.
Teen Book Review: Sparrow
Below you'll find a book review of a new title submitted by teens in the Edge. Sparrow by Mary Cecilia Jackson Available as an eBook on OverDrive. Review: This book is about a young ballerina who goes by Sparrow that dates a very popular kid named Tristan in school. She can not believe that this popular kid is into her and enjoys it very much. However, Tristan has a very dark side. Every time he gets angry at Sparrow, he abuses her. Not knowing that she does not deserve this kind of treatment due to the fact that she was
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Library Launches Documenting COVID-19 Collection
We're living in unprecedented times. Many of us are working from home and adapting to shared living spaces, childcare demands, and social isolation. Others have had health challenges or find themselves unemployed. Meanwhile, we hear examples of adaptation and education, creativity and bravery. Our lives have continued in new ways. For these reasons, the Library—with your help—is creating a new collection: Documenting COVID-19: White Plains Experiences. The Library wants to hear about you, what you're doing, how you're doing, what you see outside your window. Contributions to the Library’s collection can be anything, from a three-line poem to a 200-page
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Hoopla Creative Writing Resources
Writing can be a cathartic and stress-reducing activity, making it well suited to our current reality. Just as reading a good book can be a comfort right now, getting lost in a writing prompt can also be a portal into another world. Luckily, Hoopla offers a wealth of resources for writers of all ages, from children to adults. I’ll start by recommending a creative writing book by one of my favorite authors, Gail Carson Levine. I’ve loved her books since middle school, when I read Ella Enchanted, an original fairy tale about a girl who is cursed with the gift
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creative writing, hoopla, and writing.
STEAM at Home: Lava Lamp
Make a Lava Lamp using materials found around your home. Then experiment with it. Materials: Clear glass cup Water Vegetable oil Food dye Alka Seltzer Light – flashlight or lamp Procedure: Fill the glass ¼ full with water. Add some food dye. Fill the rest of the glass with vegetable oil (but not all the way to the top). Break up the Alka Seltzer tablet into 4 pieces. Drop 1 piece of Alka Seltzer into the glass and see what happens. Once it has worked, turn off the rest of the lights in the room and place the glass over
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STEAM, STEAM activities, STEAM at home, and STEM.
National Paranormal Day
As a kid, my journey into reading and loving books began with the paranormal. I devoured Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books along with R.L Stine’s Fear Street. I quickly moved to comic books like The Maxx, horror books by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and my favorite author Robert R. McCammon. I also began to venture into manga, especially CLAMP, an all-female Japanese writing group that wrote Cardcaptur Sakura, xxxHolic, and Tsubasa. Most of their manga has elements of Japanese mysticism and the occult. With the popularity of Stranger Things, we can see that the paranormal can be a coming
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Virtual Table Top Gaming Programs
Do you miss playing fun games with your friends at the library? Join Ashley and Erik from the Trove and the Edge to play virtual table top games! Before our first program, please have your parent or caregiver help you create a free online account on Note: does have a for-pay premium service. Please take care when creating your account to not incur any unwanted charges. We will host the game on Zoom and play the games on We’ll play Kingdomino, Solo, and Sushi Go! For children and teens in grades 4 and up! Our first session
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events, programs, and Virtual Table Top Gaming.
COVID-19 Writing Prompt: Community Poem
Poetry is a party on a page and poems, people and words have PERSONALITIES Words have personality and life of their own: Happy, Sad, Angry, Lazy And, in times like these, we can sometimes feel like the universe has completely changed. What if part of this change was to make us each an inanimate object…our job in this poetry prompt is to pick the object that best represents us during this strange time. And, then to breathe LIFE into that object. Every inanimate objects have a personality: stapler, scissors etc What inanimate object best represents you? Now here are the
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covid-19, poetry prompt, and Zork.