Archives for Kids

Celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month

On April 20th, 2006, President Bush issued the first proclamation designating May 2006 as Jewish American Heritage Month. Since then, the month of May is dedicated to celebrating the many contributions of Jewish Americans in the last 369 years and encourages everyone to learn more about the history, culture, accomplishments, and diversity of the American Jewish community. A great wealth of resources for families to celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month are the programs and exhibits of the Jewish Museum on 5th Avenue at 92nd Street in NYC. Check out their family events here. To celebrate the month, I have gathered
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

May Author Visit Storytimes

We have three local author visit storytimes scheduled this May. Join us to hear these authors read their stories, and chat with them about their books in person! Author Visit Storytime: Sophie’s Special Story by Gabriella Gizzo Saturday, May 13th at 2 pm Library Catalog This book is about the special bond between an owner and her dog, Sophie. This unique story line expresses Sophie's adventures as she journeys through life with Gabriella. The purpose of this book was to creatively target speech and language goals through Sophie's experiences. Throughout the story, Sophie's development is revealed through her descriptors. These
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

May is Latino Books Month

Latino Books Month was launched by Rhode Island Latino Arts (founded in 1988 & today is Rhode Island’s leading nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion, advancement, development and cultivation of Latino arts) and has been sponsored by the Association of American Publishers (AAP).  Latino Books Month began in 2004 and has been celebrated ever since. It is dedicated to all Latino authors, illustrators and books, including fiction, poetry, drama, autobiography and art. It is meant to inspire literacy amongst the Latino community, promoting English and Spanish reading and highlighting Latino countries and cultures. Latino Books Month encourages librarians, teachers,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

April Middle Grade Pick of the Month

Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Catching a Storyfish by Janice N. Harrington Library Catalog: Print Libby: eBook This novel in verse tells the story of a young girl whose move to a new state causes her normal stream of words to almost entirely dry up when her classmates make fun of her accent. The only place she feels safe enough to talk is fishing with her grandfather – but what is she
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Month

Celebrate Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Month With Great Picture Books! Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month began in 1977 as a ten-day celebration of Asian Pacific American contributions to the United States. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush signed a law expanding the celebration to the entire month of May. The observance started by commemorating two events: The arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States on May 7, 1843 and the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, largely built by Chinese immigrants, on May 10, 1869. The month-long celebration of Asians and Pacific
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Bilingual Family Night / Noche bilingüe de familia

Bilingual Family Night / Noche bilingüe de familia For Children & Families / para niños y sus familias Wednesdays / miércoles, 7:00 p.m. May/mayo 3, June/junio 7 July/julio 5, August/agosto 2 Please join us for Bilingual Family Night – a program series in English & Spanish for the entire family, with stories, songs & a craft that is held once a month. Disfrute con nosotros de la Noche bilingüe de familia, un programa en inglés y español para toda la familia, con cuentos, canciones y una manualidad que ofrecemos una vez al mes. The Library has a lovely collection of
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Categories: Authors & Books, Español, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Happy Earth Day

“I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.” — Greta Thunberg Earth Day Reads 2023: Be Water-Wise, Super Grover! Library Catalog Fight Pollution, Big Bird! Library Catalog It’s Earth Day, Cookie Monster! Library Catalog, ebook Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, Oscar! Library Catalog My friend Earth by Patricia MacLachlan Library Catalog Tall, tall tree by Anthony D. Fredericks Library Catalog Thank you, Earth: a love letter to our planet by April Pulley Sayre Library Catalog We are water protectors by Carole Lindstrom Library Catalog ebook 101 ways to be an eco hero by Kait Eaton Library Catalog
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate National Arab American Heritage Month

National Arab American Heritage Month takes place in April; and it celebrates Arab American heritage & culture and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans and Arabic-speaking Americans. In April 2021, President Biden and the U.S.Department of State recognized April as National Arab American Heritage Month. The President wrote in his letter commemorating the event, “The Arab American community exemplifies so much of what our country stands for: hard work, resilience, compassion, and generosity… Diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and it is essential that we continue celebrating, promoting, and educating others about the myriad ways that the
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

April is National Poetry Month

The Library will be celebrating National Poetry Month with a few programs that are educational and fun for the whole family. Events: Magnetic Poetry Daily during library hours in April The Trove All Ages One of the ways the Library will engage children with poetry is to give them the opportunity to write their own poetry with poetry magnets throughout the entire month in the Trove. There will be a magnet board on display so that children will be able to play and arrange words to make a magnetic poem. Poetry Month Grab & Go Kits Available beginning April 3
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Author Visits in April

We have three author visits scheduled this April. Join us to hear these authors read their stories, and discuss with the authors in person! Dental Health Storytime and Author Visit Thursday April 6 at 11:00 a.m. Galaxy Hall Ages 2-6 Meet Joanne Roos, RDH from Main Street Pediatric Dentistry and author of Who Visits Me from A to Z. She will do a short reading of her book, a short demonstration on dental health, and a movie. All participants will receive a goody bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste and an activity sheet. Author Visit Storytime: My Dad and the Dragon
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

April Programs for Younger Kids

Great programs for younger children take place all month long, every month, at the Library. See our online calendar or stop in the Trove for location information. Storytime! Ages 2-6, Families Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – April 1 Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. – April 11, 25 Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – April 20 Stories, songs and fun with a Trove Librarian. Following Storytime on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the children and caregivers are invited to Toy Time in the Story Trove – a time to play and socialize! FIESTA! Concert with Flor Bromley Children, Families Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. – April 4 FIESTA! is a
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

March Middle Grade Pick of the Month

Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! The Civil War of Amos Abernathy by Michael Leali Library Catalog: Print Libby: eBook Amos Abernathy is a gay middle schooler who’s been volunteering as a historical reenactor for most of his life – his mom runs the entire park. When Amos learns about the LGBTQ+ history in his backyard, he wants to share it with audiences through the park – but he gets passed over to
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event that occurs on March 31st. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of transgender and gender nonconforming people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people in the United States and worldwide. Attacks on the rights of transgender individuals have risen alarmingly in 2023. According to Tim Walker in his article, “Bill aims to establish Minnesota as a ‘Trans Refuge’ state” for the Minnesota Legislature, “Nearly 250 bills in 32 states are under consideration that would single out trans people for discriminatory treatment of their privacy, their
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

March Programs for Younger Kids

Great programs for younger children take place all month long, every month, at the Library. See our online calendar or stop in the Trove for location information. Author Visit Storytime: Purim Goodies Ages 2-6, Families Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – March 2 Award-winning local author and illustrator Amalia Hoffman performs her delicious tale, seasoned with funny Yiddish words. Make music with an egg beater and pots and dance to Klezmer tunes and sing-along. A unique and fun-filled event for children and families that will whet your appetite!  Toy Time in the Story Trove – a time to play and socialize –
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Nature Heroes Show with Jumpin’ Jamie

Nature Heroes Show with Jumpin’ Jamie Children, Families Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. – April 4th Auditorium “Kindie rock” musician Jumpin' Jamie returns with his friends Mo The Manatee, Simon The Sloth, and Tim the Toucan as they learn about the dangers our planet is facing and how we can be like superheroes to help save it. A fun, musical, interactive and rockin' performance with positive environmental lessons for Earth Day (April 20)!
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 7

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 7 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 7 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we will be featuring our beautiful new books in a blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le estaremos presentando nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así puede disfrutar practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros. Viento, Vientito/Wind, Little Wind by Jorge Tetl Argueta & Felipe Ugalde Alcántara Library Catalog Describes–in
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Categories: Authors & Books, Español, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

On St. Patrick’s Day…we all have a little Irish in us! Go raibh míle maith agat! An Irish blessing is used in its original Gaelic often in Ireland – one of the few expressions that almost everybody knows. The meaning is – ‘Many thanks' – literally ‘That you may have a thousand good things' and is pronounced  Guh rev mee-lah maw og-ut. St. Patrick’s Day Grab & Go Kit Available in the Library Lobby starting Friday, March 10th at 10:00 a.m. while supplies last. St. Patrick’s Day-themed Grab & Go kits for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Stories &
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate Pi Day with Us!

Pi Day Family Storytime Wednesday, March 15th at 7 pm For: Children & Families Location: Galaxy Hall Don’t miss our Pi Day Family Storytime on March 15th at 7pm! Play some games, listen to a story and make a craft. It will be fun for the entire family! March 14 is Pi Day. It is a day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π), and to eat lots of pie! It is celebrated in countries that follow the month/day (m/dd) date format, because the digits in the date, March 14th or 3/14, are the first three digits of π (3.14).
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Author Storytime: Purim Goodies

Author Visit Storytime: Purim Goodies Ages 2-6, Families Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – March 2 Award-winning local author and illustrator Amalia Hoffman performs her delicious tale, seasoned with funny Yiddish words. Make music with an egg beater and pots and dance to Klezmer tunes and sing-along. A unique and fun-filled event for children and families that will whet your appetite!
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

February Middle Grade Pick of the Month

Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Erica will recommend great books for children in this age group! Children of the Quicksands by Efua Traoré Library Catalog: Print Simi is distraught to be plucked from her comfortable city life in Lagos and sent to visit her estranged grandmother in the rural village of Ajao. Soon, however, Simi learns of a battle between the villagers and the local gods – a battle that tore her family apart, and one that she has to resolve before it’s
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.