Archives for Kids

Dive into Diversity: Happy Winter Birthdays!

There are so many talented and diverse children’s authors and illustrators to recommend! To highlight them, I have continued with my series of celebrating their birthdays on a seasonal basis. I started with summer, I covered Autumn birthdays, and here we are now at Winter birthdays! I hope you enjoy the great titles below. A great resource to find even more diverse notable titles for kids is the Colours of Us website, The Colours of Us: All About Multicultural Children's Books. Happy Winter birthdays! Author and Illustrator Jason Chin, Birthday: December 5th Redwoods (Preschool – 2nd Grade) OverDrive hoopla Library
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Winter Holiday Grab & Go Kits

The Trove will be celebrating the Winter holidays this year by creating Grab & Go kits for children ages preschool-2nd grade filled with activity sheets and a craft for Hanukkah, Shabe Yalda, Christmas, Navidad/Día de Reyes, and Kwanzaa. Kits will be available in the Library’s lobby on a first-come, first-serve basis while supplies last. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem by the Maccabees from King Antiochus Ephiphanes and the subsequent rededication of the Second Temple in the 2nd century BCE. It is also known as the Festival of Lights, and is celebrated with family and such
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Native American Stories

In November we honor the peoples who have lived here before European colonization. Their presence continues to be felt and seen everywhere. From teaching the pilgrims how to survive those first bitter Northeastern winters, to the underappreciated part they played on the Underground Railroad, to the Code Talkers who helped us win World War II, there is a lot about them we still do not know. As we continue to know their stories, to share their wisdom, and learn from each other, we can take a moment to enjoy the titles below. You can also visit the Smithsonian National Museum
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Introducing Our New and Improved Parenting Collection

As parents, one of our most difficult responsibilities is talking to our children about certain challenging topics. Books are a fantastic way to stimulate these types of discussions and help teach our children valuable life lessons. We've recently reorganized and refreshed our parenting collection. Now, these books are even easier to find! Our parenting collection is now located near our non-fiction collection, behind our reference desk. It is divided into two sections: one with books meant for you to read as parents, and one with books for children and parents to read together. Books for parents are shelved as they
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Diwali Virtual Exhibit

Diwali, or Dipawali, is India‘s biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects us from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians. Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival that's also enjoyed by non-Hindu communities. For instance, in Jainism, Diwali marks the nirvana, or spiritual awakening, of Lord Mahavira on October 15, 527 B.C.; in Sikhism, it honors the day that Guru Hargobind
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos Virtual Exhibit

The Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is based on ancient Aztec traditions. Originally celebrated at the beginning of August, this tradition was later adopted by the Catholic Church and became el Día de los Muertos. The Day of the Dead is primarily celebrated in Mexico, Central America, and in the South West of the United States. Ever more frequently, it is celebrated in cities of the United States that have large Mexican and Central American populations. The Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd. These days are also known as Día de
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Tiny Tales: The Lion and the Mouse

Tiny Tales are short “bite-sized” song and story videos. Watch one for a short early literacy break, or a few for a whole storytime! You can find our entire collection of Tiny Tales videos right here! Today’s video features Trove librarian Ms. Tata presenting “The Lion and the Mouse” Tiny Tales are made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Free Online Tutoring & Homework Help

Parents, need a hand helping your child(ren) with homework? We have an amazing resource for you to use! All you need is Internet access and your library card and you have access to live, on-demand, tutors through! You can get live help daily from 9 am to 10 pm in English or Spanish. Simply have a homework question? Ask a tutor. Need practice with your reading skills? Ask a tutor. Simply follow these directions to get started: 1. Find the Online Tutors option under the Youth section of our homepage. 2. Enter the resource using the link provided. Then
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Project LIT Book Clubs for Kids and Teens

Project LIT is a global initiative to help kids, tweens, and teens engage with the real events shaking our country and the world at large. As a chapter in the Project LIT Community, the Trove and Edge staff organizes discussions revolving around recommended titles, highlighting and celebrating books that affirm and value all students. Our Project LIT Book Club for Kids & Tweens is for grades 4-8 and our Project LIT Book Club for Teens is for grades 7-12. We have been repeatedly blown away by our discussion participants, who have been smart, insightful, and continue to make connections between
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Categories: Authors & Books, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Dive Into Diversity: Food, Family, Friends

White Plains is a wonderfully diverse community! Parents, children, and teens have expressed an interest in titles that reflect the diversity in the community, and Ashley, Kathlyn, and Raquel's “Dive Into Diversity” column will spotlight noteworthy children's and teen titles that are inclusive, diverse, and multicultural to fulfill that interest. Ashley's portion is aimed at readers in grades 4-6. As we delve deeper into the fall and the weather gets chillier, I usually find myself reconnecting with friends and spending time with family around the holidays. I hope you enjoy reading these diverse recommendations that combine all three – food,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Library is excited to join the free nationwide program, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. This program is designed to help caregivers connect and prepare their children for kindergarten by reading together.  Research has demonstrated that reading to children at a young age has a direct positive impact on their cognitive development and later academic success. For a quick, easy-to-read summary of the benefits of reading to babies, see here. Who is it for? Any child may participate from birth until he/she enters kindergarten. You may start the program at any time. The goal of 1,000 books seems daunting, but in
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Categories: Authors & Books, Evergreen, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Dive into Diversity: National Diabetes Awareness Month

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Diagnosed cases of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are surging among youth in the United States. From 2001 to 2017, the number of people under age 20 living with type 1 diabetes increased by 45%, and the number living with type 2 diabetes grew by 95%.” According to the article, “New Research Uncovers Concerning Increases in Youth Living with Diabetes in the U.S.,” “The greatest increases in type 2 diabetes prevalence were seen in youth who are Black or Hispanic, and the
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Turtle Dance Music

Turtle Dance Music presents: Spooky Halloween! A Virtual Music, Bubble and Comedy Show! Thursday, October 21, 11:00 a.m. Children, families, all ages welcome! Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. The Spooky Halloween Show! engages children with comedy, singing, the itsy-bitsy spider, bats, goblins, ghouls, bubbles, music technology and a monster mash dance party for the kids! The show is crafted to be inclusive for children of all abilities and a great time for parents and caregivers. Each song in the 40-minute show is
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

NaNoWriMo: November Writing Time Reminder

Are you a middle schooler or teenager who loves to write? Is writing the best way you can express yourself? If so, then you should join our NaNoWrimo (National Novel Writing Month) program. In September and October we brainstormed ideas, learned about conflict and worked on character sketches and writing prompts. If you missed our writing sessions for the months of September and October you can still sign up for our November writing sessions. This program is for anyone in grades 4-12 who is looking for some quiet time to write. Each week we will set an hour to write
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Fall Stories & Stuff

We’re excited to announce that our popular program, Stories & Stuff, will be returning virtually in September and October! Stories & Stuff is geared towards kids from ages 4-8. During Stories & Stuff, stories are centered around a theme and children listen and discuss the topic. The children create a craft project that ties in with the theme. We ask that caregivers join the virtual program as well to assist their children during the craft portion of the storytime. Stories & Stuff will be held on Thursday, September 30th as well as Thursday, October 28th and the program begins at
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Peculiar Picks

Peculiar Picks are a selection of odd, funny, interesting, curious, moving, irreverent, and otherwise wonderfully awesome, but perhaps not well known, reads. Peculiar Picks are books for younger readers and their grown-ups, handpicked by the Library's Youth Services Manager, Joshua Carlson. My last Peculiar Picks featured two girls who befriended dragons, but that was just scratching the surface of the many wonderful picture books with dragons. In this Peculiar Picks, find some fantastic draconic reads, that all share a similar quality: absolutely amazing artwork. If you like dragons, perhaps you’d like to check out some other Monster-rific Reads – there’s
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Great Podcasts for Kids 5

Here are some more Great Podcasts for Kids on a variety of topics and themes selected by Josh Carlson, Manager of Youth Services. All of these should be available on any service you use to listen to podcasts, such as Apple Podcasts, Apple Music, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, etc. Be sure to also check out earlier entries in the series and if you have some great podcast recommendations of your own, leave them in the comments below! Podcast Potpourri Greeking Out From National Geographic Kids, Greeking Out is all about Greek mythology, told in a very funny, kid-friendly, style. My
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Tiny Tales: Big Pumpkin

Welcome to our new series of Tiny Tales videos! Tiny Tales are short “bite-sized” song and story videos. Watch one for a short early literacy break, or a few for a whole storytime! You can find all of our Tiny Tales videos, including the thirty six videos in the previous series, right here! Today’s video features Trove librarian Ms. Raquel presenting “Big Pumpkin.” Tiny Tales are made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Let’s Draw Monsters

Kids, teens, and families are invited to join nationally syndicated award-winning cartoonist Rick Stromoski virtually on Tuesday, October 26th at 6:00 p.m. for a fun workshop to learn how to draw creatures, goblins, ghosts, and all things Halloweeny! All participants will need is a stack of paper and something they like to draw with! Let’s Draw Monsters! Tuesday, October 26th, 6:00 p.m. Grades 3+, teens, families Access the program here. Note: a free, registered Zoom account is required to join our youth-focused virtual programs. Sign up for a Zoom account is free and easy at About Rick Stromoski Rick
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Great SPOOKY Podcasts

Here are some great spooky podcasts to get your kids and teens (and you!) in the Halloween mood. All of these should be available on any service you use to listen to podcasts, such as Apple Podcasts, Apple Music, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, etc. If you have some great podcast recommendations, leave them in the comments below! For additional (non-spooky) podcast recommendations, click here! FOR KIDS & FAMILIES The Creeping Hour If your kids like Goosebumps, then The Creeping Hour horror anthology series from NPR is going to be a hit. Recommended for ages 8-12 and families, these are some
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.