Archives for Kids

May the Fourth Be With You!

May 4 is Star Wars Day! Youth Services librarians have a variety of great things to celebrate. Star Wars kids eBooks and music Star Wars YA eBooks May the Fourth Be With You – Josh’s Picks STEAM at Home: Origami Yoda STEAM at Home: Pool Noodle Lightsabers STEAM at Home: Toilet Paper Roll Star Wars Characters For more Star Wars fun, check out: Star Wars Uncut – Fans were given 15 second segments from the films and created their own remixed versions of Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Kids Activities from
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

May the Fourth Be With You: Josh’s Picks

Here’s a list of interesting and different Star Wars related content to help you celebrate May the Fourth! Plastic Galaxy – The Story of Star Wars Toys (movie on Hoopla) Star Wars toys helped to redefine toys and merchandising forever. Learn more about their origins, collectability and more in this interesting documentary. Are You Scared, Darth Vader? By Adam Rex (available on Hoopla, Overdrive, and Libby) This hilarious picture book is fun for kids, but possibly even more fun for their Star Wars fan parents. Music Inspired by Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk by Mecco (music on Hoopla) A
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Origami Yoda

I had never seen Star Wars until my freshman year in college. My roommate, Elizabeth, decided that we needed a marathon. So it began-my introduction to The Force, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Obi One Kenobi, Han Solo, Jabba the Hut, R2D2, Darth Vader, Ewoks and many phrases that everyone is familiar with: “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.” and “May the Force Be With You.” I also became fascinated with Joseph Cambell’s “The Hero's Journey,” from his seminal work, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which George Lucas used as inspiration for creating Star Wars. If you’re
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Star Wars Kids Titles

“Star Wars Day, May 4, celebrates George Lucas' Star Wars. It is observed by fans of the media franchise. Observance of the commemorative day spread quickly through media and grassroots celebrations. The date was chosen for the pun on the catchphrase ‘May the Force be with you' as ‘May the Fourth be with you'. Even though the holiday was not created or declared by Lucasfilm, many Star Wars fans across the world have chosen to celebrate the holiday. It has since been embraced by Lucasfilm and parent company Disney as an annual celebration of Star Wars.” Origami Yoda Series, by
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: DIY Lightsabers

May the Fourth Be With You! In this fun project, we will make some DIY Lightsabers, safe for bopping each other with and having duels (of the fates)! Just don’t bop too hard. Materials Needed Pool noodles or long paper tubes (such as wrapping paper tubes or a few paper towel tubes taped together) Duct tape Sharpie/indelible markers Scissors or a utility knife For paper tube lightsabers, you may also want: paint, construction paper, scotch tape and glue in order to make your lightsaber blade have a color My daughter and I made our two lightsabers from one pool noodle
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

eBooks to Help Children Understand COVID-19

This crisis is difficult for everyone to comprehend. Children, especially, may be having a hard time understanding what is going on – what the virus is, why we are isolating at home, and how to deal with their anxieties and fears. Below are some free downloadable ebooks that talk about what the pandemic is and responses to it. Rainbows in Windows – A Book about Big Imaginations, Big Feelings, and Sheltering in Place During a Pandemic. Link also includes a video of Donald Sutherland reading the book. Coronavirus: A Book for Children St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Learn About Coronavirus
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Categories: Authors & Books, COVID-19, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Haitian Heritage Month

“Haitian Heritage Month is a nationally recognized month and an opportunity for individuals including Haitians and lovers of the Haitian culture to celebrate the rich culture, distinctive art, delicious food and learn the traditions of Haiti and its people.”—Haitian Heritage Museum Get to know Haiti, its people, and its culture with these books available on Overdrive and Hoopla. Enjoy! Behind the Mountains, by Edwidge Danticat (Available on Overdrive) Eight Days, by Edwidge Danticat (Available on Overdrive) Mama’s Nightingale, by Edwidge Danticat (Available on Overdrive, as eBook and Audiobook) Sélavi, That is Life, by Youme Landowne (Available on OverDrive and Hoopla)
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Virtual Open Mic for Kids & Teens

“Perhaps the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people—the beauty within themselves.”—Langston Hughes To celebrate National Poetry Month, On Thursday April 30, the Library will host a Virtual Open Mic for kids and teens. This event will take place from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. If you have submitted poetry please join in to read your poems! Attend the program by accessing Zoom with this link on 4/30. Writing is a solitary activity, and as we are socially distancing it can become even more solitary and lonesome if we don’t have a place to share our work collectively.
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Categories: Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Graphic Novels and Chapter Books in Spanish

Practice your Spanish with these fun Graphic Novels and Chapter Books from our digital resources. Have fun! ¡Bravo!: Poemas Sobre Hispanos Extraordinarios, by Margarita Engle (OverDrive) El Diario de Anne Frank, by Anne Frank (OverDrive) Ciudades de Papel, by John Green (OverDrive) Diario de Greg 2: La Ley de Rodrick, by Jeff Kinney (OverDrive) Diario de Greg 3: Esto es el Colmo, by Jeff Kinney (OverDrive) Diario de Greg 4: Días de Perros, by Jeff Kinney (OverDrive) Diario de Greg 5: La Horrible Realidad, by Jeff Kinney (OverDrive) Diario de Greg 6: ¡Sin Salida!, by Jeff Kinney (OverDrive) Diario de
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

May Virtual Book Bunch Events

Deb and I hope y’all had fun reading and discussing Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez during our last virtual Book Bunch program. We can’t wait for our next two virtual Book Bunch events! Please feel free to bring your own snack to each program. Wednesday, May 6th from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. we will discuss Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. Unlimited eBook copies are available via Hoopla, but it's also available as an eBook and digital audiobook on OverDrive. Kids of any age who have read the book are welcome to join us but we
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Kids, and Library News.

Sora Access to Library eBooks

Did you know that White Plains students can access White Plains Library ebooks via their school Sora account? They can thanks to a new partnership between the Westchester Library System and Southern Westchester BOCES. All your student needs to do this is enter their school ID/credentials in the Sora app they already have, and voila! You can borrow age appropriate content from the White Plains Public Library’s eBook collection. In order to search the Library’s collection of eBooks, you simply need to add the Library to your Sora account. Add Westchester Library System as a library, if it is not automatically
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Arab-American Heritage Month

April is Arab-American Heritage Month! To celebrate, I invite you to read or listen to some of the following picture and chapter books on either Hoopla or OverDrive! The Arabic Quilt: An Immigrant Story by Aya Khalil and illustrated by Anait Semirdzhyan For children in kindergarten to grade 2. Hoopla: Audio OverDrive: eBook “The story highlights the role of a supportive and creative teacher and the importance of instilling acceptance in children…The story ends with a powerful poem with a compelling message of taking pride in one’s mother tongue.” –School Library Journal Yo Soy Muslim: A Father's Letter to His
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

We Miss You!

This week is National Library Week, and while we can't quite celebrate in the usual fashion this year, we still wanted to do a little something to celebrate. So in that spirit, our staff wanted to take this time to let you know that we miss you! Now maybe you can let us know what you miss most about visiting the Library. Leave us a comment below, send your messages and photos to, or let us know on social media.     Though the building may be closed, we're still offering reference assistance, virtual programs, and new content on
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Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Earth Day

Earth Day is here, a day to work collectively to celebrate the planet we call home and improve the environment. Even though we are isolating ourselves, we can recycle, plant and garden, and make sure not to litter (especially masks and gloves!). Now, more than ever, small acts of love and kindness can make the world a better place. We can also spend time with our family and teach them how to become more self-sufficient and sustainable. For example, you can create a fun Earth Day tree STEAM project by using found items such as twigs, lentils, dry beans, rice
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate Earth Day

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and it is now celebrated annually on April 22 in over 193 countries as a way to show support for environmental protection. You can celebrate at home with: A project for adults and kids learning how to sustainably grow your own vegetables from scraps. Checking out some of Trove Librarian Raquel’s awesome recommendations for Earth Day eBooks on Hoopla or Overdrive/Libby! Taking part in Which Craft? Wednesday: Earth Day edition. Join Edge Librarian Erik to learn how to upcycle used snack bags into a decorative
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Plants from Scraps

Today’s Earth Day! There’s a lot of discussion online these days about at home learning. There’s also a lot of discussion online about taking the scraps of vegetables and re-growing them, as a project but also as a way to get more usage out of foods you have purchased. Putting those two discussions together equals one great STEAM at Home project. This is a fun project that promotes sustainability, teaches about gardening, and provides yummy results! It would be great for Earth Day, or any day! What you need: The “ends” of vegetables, such as romaine lettuce, green onions/scallions, etc.
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Earth Day Book Picks

2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – first celebrated on April 22nd, 1970. To mark the important event that underscores the need to care for our planet, here are some noteworthy titles you may enjoy: PICTURE BOOK: We Planted a Tree By Diane Muldrow & Bob Staake eBook on OverDrive/Libby Diane Muldrow’s book focuses on the importance of trees in the lives of people all over the world. Her poetic text focuses on two families – how they each plant a tree, and how each tree helps the two families. Bob Staake’s child-friendly illustrations depict the beauty and
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Poetry for Children

National Poetry Month was established by the Academy of American Poets in April 1996. In order to celebrate National Poetry Month, I would like to highlight the diverse poetry collections available on Libby and Hoopla for kids with a three-part series showcasing six great titles. What are Libby and Hoopla? Libby and Hoopla are both easy-to-use apps that allow you to borrow eBooks and audiobooks with your library card for free. Both apps have thousands of adult, teen, and children’s titles that you can borrow using your iPad, tablet, or phone by downloading the apps from your app store. Hoopla
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Books to Get Moving

Being in isolation is no reason to just lounge around. Get up, move! Do some yoga! Take a walk through your neighborhood (with a mask on, of course)! Some exercise and fresh air will do wonders for your mood, health, and general well-being. Connect your physical activity to some reading activity. Here’s some picture books available through Overdrive/Libby or Hoopla to get you started with activities to take part in while moving. Daniel Finds a Poem by Micha Archer (Overdrive/Libby) Daniel’s Good Day by Micha Archer (Overdrive/Libby) City Moon by Rachel Cole (Overdrive/Libby) Run Wild by David Covell (Overdrive/Libby) Wiggle
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Poetry for Children

National Poetry Month was established by the Academy of American Poets in April 1996. In order to celebrate National Poetry Month, I would like to highlight the diverse poetry collections available on Libby and Hoopla for kids with a three-part series showcasing six great titles. What are Libby and Hoopla? Libby and Hoopla are both easy-to-use apps that allow you to borrow eBooks and audiobooks with your library card for free. Both apps have thousands of adult, teen, and children’s titles that you can borrow using your iPad, tablet, or phone by downloading the apps from your app store. Hoopla
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.