Archives for services

Check Out a Launchpad!

The Trove announces its latest item for checkout – – The Playaway Launchpad! At a recent family program, families were able to try out and play with these new mobile devices. The Launchpads, purchased from Findaway, are small computer tablets that are pre-loaded with interactive learning apps and games for children. They are durable and come packaged in a bright orange case complete with charger. Tested by children in The Trove, the Launchpads have received great reviews. The current collection is for ages 3 to 5 years and 5 to 7 years. They are now available to check out with
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Categories: Kids and Uncategorized.

Stream Independent Films with IndieFlix

Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of independent films anytime, anywhere. Founded by filmmakers, IndieFlix curates the best (or possibly the weirdest, depending upon your taste) in shorts, features, and documentaries from worldwide film festivals and beyond. IndieFlix is easy to use and free to all Westchester Library System cardholders. You can browse and limit films according to length, country of origin, festival, genre, or age range. Watch movies on any Internet-enabled computer, smartphone, or tablet with a Web browser. Also available on Roku, xBox, and Apple TV via Apple devices. The films are not rated by the MPAA, so viewer
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Categories: Uncategorized.

Take Movies, TV Shows and More on Vacation with You

Want to keep the kids (or yourself) busy on vacation? Did you know you can get thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks for mobile and online access through a partnership with hoopla digital? White Plains Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device or visit to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and attractive, easy-to-use interface, so it’s easy to get to your listening and viewing
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Categories: Homepage.

One-on-One Resume Help

Need a resume? Have no idea where to start? The White Plains Public Library now offers, by appointment, personal one-on-one resume help. Help is provided by an experienced business educator. Trainees work at a computer with the instructor and leave with a completed resume. This service is free, confidential and open to anyone regardless of library membership. Stop by the information desk to schedule an appointment or go to our one-on-one training list. One-on-one training is also available for 3D printing, use of the library catalog, mouse and windows skills, basics of web browsing, basic research, use of our databases,
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

Print to Our Printers Wirelessly, Remotely

You can now print to the Library’s printers from your laptop, tablet or smartphone from anywhere you have access to the internet. Our Remote/Wireless Printing page has all the details you need to get started, including a video tutorial. You have two options:  send the file from a web browser or email the file as an attachment to the specific email address for the printer you need. You can print in black and white, color and legal-size black and white. (Usual per page printing fees apply.) You can submit a print job 24/7 and come print it out during the
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Categories: Library News and Technology.

hoopla: Streaming movies, tv, music and audiobooks

Did you know you can get thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks for mobile and online access through a partnership with hoopla digital? White Plains Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device or visit to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and attractive, easy-to-use interface, so it’s easy to get to your listening and viewing experience. There’s also no waiting to borrow popular movies, TV
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

ReferenceUSA Business Networking Breakfast at the White Plains Public Library

LEARN HOW TO GAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE TO DOMINATE YOUR MARKET. The Library cordially invites local businesses, community organizations and government agencies from around the area to the Library Wednesday, March 25th, 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. A light breakfast will be served! Special guest speaker Bill Loges of ReferenceUSA will demonstrate how you can easily develop a client list with the help of your public library. Always free with a library card. Come and learn how you can access this powerful business database to target new customers, research competitors, and gain competitive advantage by leveraging targeted information to cultivate your
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Categories: Events, Homepage, Library News, and Research.

Cooper Hewitt Passes Now Available to Borrow

The Library is excited to announce the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum is now available as part of our Museum Pass Program.  We have two passes to the Museum and each pass admits two adults and any children under 18. The Museum is located at 2 East 91st Street, New York, New York. Their hours are Sunday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. The Cooper Hewitt closed its doors in 2011 and underwent a major renovation and name change. They reopened in December 2014 with the goal of offering a new visitor experience: Cooper Hewitt’s renovation provides the opportunity
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Categories: Homepage.

Hoopla: Streaming Movies and Music Now Available

We are excited to announce the public availability of thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks, all available for mobile and online access through a new partnership with hoopla digital. White Plains Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device or visit to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and attractive, easy-to-use interface, so it’s easy to get to your listening and viewing experience.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage, Library News, and Technology.

FREE English as a Second Language Classes

Learn English FREE at the Library! The White Plains Public Library, in partnership with Westchester Community College, is pleased to again offer classes in spring 2014. Classes are offered mornings, evenings and weekends, and focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing English. Registration dates for the upcoming semester: Friday, December 6 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Saturday, December 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Monday, December 9 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 18 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. For additional information, please contact Westchester Community College at 914 606-5656. We hope you'll join us!
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Categories: Classes and Library News.

Join Job Club for Expert Job Seeking Advice

Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? The White Plains Library Job Club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new topic from interview skills to using social media for a job search. Get support, exchange ideas, ask questions or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-Noon, until December 10th. While it is recommended and encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you're able. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Come Join the Job Club

Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? This newly formed job club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new topic from interview skills to using social media for a job search. Get support, exchange ideas, ask questions or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-Noon, from now until December 10th. While it is recommended and encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you're able. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

Summer Reading Events for Teens

Summer Reading Kick-off Party Saturday, June 15, 3:00 p.m. at The Galleria Join us as members of the WPHS Song Writer’s club perform their original music. Enter to win raffle prizes and play The Deadliest Drive, our distracted driving video game. There will be plenty of giveaways. Summer Reading Events for Teens Here is a highlight of our programs and events for teens this summer: make a light bulb terrarium, all-natural face masks, cartooning, Latin dancing and pizza & a movie Saturdays. Go to our teen page for more information.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Tech Help on Tuesday Nights

Got questions? The library will be providing Drop-in Computer Help every Tuesday evening in June, July and August from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Our tech expert will answer your questions on everything from basic tasks such as setting up files in your computer and adding attachments to your emails, to using application software such as Microsoft Word and Excel, finding online forms and sharing your digital photos. Bring your laptop, tablet or eBook reader, or use one of the Library’s computers. No registration required – just come with your questions.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Then and Now — A Virtual Exhibit

Then and Now is an online exhibit in celebration of the American Library Association's Preservation Week, observed by libraries nation wide, April 21-27. Preservation Week was created in 2010 because some 630 million items in collecting institutions require immediate attention and care. Eighty percent of these institutions have no paid staff assigned responsibility for collections care; 22 percent have no collections care personnel at all. Some 2.6 billion items are not protected by an emergency plan. As natural disasters of recent years have taught us, these resources are in jeopardy should a disaster strike. Personal, family, and community collections are
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Our new customer service policy. Why bother?

You've seen them in banks, stores, and on consumer websites. But why would a library bother creating a customer service policy? For the same reason that any organization that works with the public has adopted one: to let its customers know how they can expect to be treated, in this case, by the White Plains Public Library. It also provides library staff and managers with clear benchmarks for how we should perform, from the state of the library building (a clean facility in good repair) to every single customer interaction—whether online, on the phone, or in-person. But most importantly, a
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Categories: Director's Corner, Homepage, and Library News.

Can you read this?

More than 30 million Americans over the age of 16 cannot read, write, or speak English at the 5th grade level. They struggle with even the simplest transactions of daily life, and most job opportunities are closed to them. Can you imagine what life would be like if you couldn’t: •Read the label on a medicine bottle? •Decipher directions? •Help your child with homework? •Fill out a job application? One-on-one, small group and classroom instruction from properly trained and certified volunteers and professional instructors can turn individual lives around. If you, or someone you know, has a few free hours
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

The Consulate General of Mexico Returns

The Consulate General of Mexico will be processing passports and consular IDs for their citizens at the Library on Tuesday, November 27th through Friday, November 30th, 10am — 1:30pm. A limited number of appointments are available each day. To make your free appointment, use MEXITEL: – Phone 1-877-639-4835 – Online at More information on requirements can be found at the Mexican Consulate website.
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Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Free Career Development Assistance

Facing a difficult work situation? Need help planning or managing your career? Thinking about work options you have after 50? Westchester Library System runs specialized programs with trained professionals to guide you in your career path under the program name WEBS. Call 914-674-3612 for more information and to register for the following career services: MANAGING YOUR CAREER IN CHANGING TIMES 8-week Career Development Seminar Evaluate your skills, interests, personality Learn how to use online career information Explore career alternatives Find out about educational/training programs in Westchester Learn effective job strategies TAKE CHARGE! CAREER/LIFE PLANNING AFTER 50 8-week Career/Life Planning Seminar
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Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.