Archives for STEAM learning

Grab & Go STEAM Kit: Magic Ice

White Plains Public Library’s Grab & Go STEAM kits are a great way to unplug and be creative while learning about a STEAM concept. Youth Services Librarian Caroline Reddy has put together a fun STEAM activity for Grades 4-8 that allows you to experiment with the freezing temperature of water. In the past, Caroline has used ice and salt to make her own ice cream as a summer STEAM project. For the winter, you can try creating this “magic” ice and amaze your family. This kit will be available for pickup outside the Library's main doors on Monday, January 25.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Grab & Go Kit Gr. 4-8: Paper Rollercoaster

The next Grab & Go STEAM kit for Middle Graders will teach some paper engineering techniques. Kids and Tweens will assemble a rollercoaster using paper. This involves creating stability with a very unstable material. They will make pillars to hold up the rollercoaster, fold the paper to make stable rails, and learn how to cut paper to create curves. Limited kits are available at the Library. Couldn’t get a kit? No problem! All you need is paper, tape, and scissors. You can follow along with the video instructions.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Grab & Go Grades 7-12 Kit: Popsicle Stick Grabber

January’s Grab & Go STEAM kit for Teens is a Grabber Arm using popsicle sticks. You can pick up the kits at the Library, there are a limited number available so get there soon! The grabber arm is cool and educational. Teens will learn about a scissor lift, a piece of engineering that is used for lifting heavy objects like cars off the ground. Couldn’t get a kit? No problem. You can make these with some materials from home, just be creative! Just follow along with the video instructions.
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Coding Workshops With The Techno Chix

Starting January 8, 2021, the Techno Chix, a group of young women in the Girl Scouts, will be teaching an 8 session workshop series on computer coding for Middle Grade students in grades 5-8. They will teach 8 one-hour workshops on Fridays, from 4:30-5:30 p.m., in January and February, covering the Python coding language. This is an in-depth course focusing on Python, and by the end of the workshops students will be familiar with Strings, User Input, Arithmetic Equations, Booleans, Loops, If/Else Statements, and Functions. Registration and attendance to all workshops is required. These workshops will be held on Zoom.
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Grab & Go Kit: LED Creature

White Plains Public Library’s Grab & Go STEAM kits are a great way to unplug and be creative while learning about a STEAM concept. Edge Librarian Erik Carlson has put together a great STEAM activity for Grades 4-8 that allows you to create your own LED creature. The LED Creature Grab & Go kit will help young scholars learn some basic elements of electricity. If you have ever wanted to work on a conductivity experiment, or create a circuit bug or creature, here’s your chance! This kit will be available for pickup outside the Library's main doors on Monday, December
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

December Coding Programs

The Library will be celebrating The Hour of Code (December 7-13) by offering a variety of coding programs and resources for parents, caregivers, and children. The Hour of Code is observed during Computer Science Education Week, as it honors the life of computer pioneer Admiral Grace Hooper (born on December 9, 1906). We will be conducting programs such as Tech for Parents: Coding Resources, binary coding, and Code Heroes Camp (grades 6-8). Along with these fun virtual activities we will also have a binary bead Grab&Go bag kit (grades 4-8) available to pick up on December 28th. Please feel free
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Categories: Library News.

STEAM Grab&Go Kit For Teens: Rubber Band Powered Car

Come to the Library and pick up a Grab&Go Kit with materials to make a cardboard car powered by rubber bands, available on December 7. The kit will have most materials except tape, glue, and a pencil. There are printed instructions to accompany the video instructions. Have fun learning how to make a car run using tension created by rubber bands. If you can’t pick up a bag, you can try to find the materials around your home and follow the video instructions.
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM Picture Books: Technology

In this new monthly STEAM series, I will highlight some wonderful picture books that fall under a STEAM category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. This edition for the month of December celebrates the Hour of Code program. In this post you’ll find technology books, including biographies of notable figures in the tech field, books about coding, video games and robotics. These picture books can be found in our print collection at The Trove and on OverDrive. Please be sure to check out our coding programs for December. At the end of the post, you'll also find some fun and
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Grab&Go: Tripod Catapult

STEAM Monday has been phased into Grab ‘n Go Craft Kits! Instead of finding material around your home, you can pick those materials up from the Library, then follow along with an instructional video for making a project. Our first project is a Tripod Catapult. You can pick up the materials with instructions from the Library and use the video to follow along. Or you can find the materials around your home and follow the video to make the project. How Is This Working? The most important part of a catapult is it’s base. For this catapult we made a
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Exploring Leaves

Fall foliage is breathtaking, and provides the perfect opportunity to learn about leaves. Leaves are especially interesting to observe in autumn. Ever wonder how liquids travel through leaves? To find the answer, I worked on an easy STEAM experiment that is perfect for all who love nature and learning about leaves. Materials: Leaves Scissors Clear cups or glasses Water Red food coloring Paper and pencil, or another way to record observations Magnifying glass (optional) First, you can make a K-W-L chart, a type of worksheet that helps your child identify what they already know, what they would like to know, and
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Flying Dragon

This week we are going to make a dragon fly and learn about how levers work. Materials: Toilet Paper Roll Construction Paper Marker Pencil Ruler Glue Tape Yarn Getting Started: We are going to start by making our dragon. Cut a piece of construction paper so that it covers your toilet paper roll. Use tape or glue to attach it. Next design the head, wings, and tail of your dragon. Cut them out and attach them using glue or tape. You can use a marker to decorate your dragon and draw eyes and a mouth on it. Prepare For Flight:
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Halloween STEAM Project: Zombie Dance!

Join us on Zoom for Zombie fun! On October 27th, we will be conducting a fun STEAM activity that raises a zombie using pure magic! It’s really a scientific method that uses static electricity but you can amaze your friends and family with this trick. First, we will read Fright Club by Ethan Long, and then we will work together to try to raise our zombies. If interested, please register for the event because supplies are limited to twenty activity kits. The activity kit includes a balloon, tissue paper, a marker, and a cut out zombie (to trace on the
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Puking Pumpkins!

Halloween is a time to celebrate creepy crawlies, eat your favorite candies, dance like zany zombies and carve plump pumpkins! Halloween is also the perfect time to show off your creativity! Why not wear black nail polish to bring out the goth in you? Use purple Manic Panic to dye your hair! Wear your ghost or goblin costume and feel free to be a bit ghoulish! Have you ever been to Sleepy Hollow? If not, I highly encourage you to visit Sleepy Hollow with your family this year; it’s a great Halloween destination. You could take pictures of the Old
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Fireworks in a Jar

Today we are going to do a simple project making fireworks in a jar. This is cool and quite fun to watch, and a simple lesson in liquid density. Materials: Glass Jar or Glass (make sure it is clear) Small Dish Cooking Oil Food Dye (3 or 4 colors) Toothpick Water Getting Started: Fill the glass jar with water, but leave some room at the top. Take your little dish and cover the bottom with cooking oil. Add 3-5 drops of food coloring, keeping the drops separate. Take your toothpick and dab the drops of food coloring to break them
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Human Robot

This week’s STEAM At Home project will teach you a little about coding, without needing a computer. Materials: Printable Scratch Blocks (or you can make your own!) Paper Scissors Tape – scotch and masking tape Pen Another Person Background: is a website used for teaching simple coding and computational thinking. You drag and drop blocks into your work area to create a program, the coding is done in the background. They use visuals, simple language, and a snapping feature to fit your blocks together, making it easy to write a computer program. You need a computer and internet connection
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Summer of Making Recap

Earlier this year, the Library was very happy to learn that Verisk Analytics would continue supporting our Summer of Making programs during the pandemic. We also received funds from Con Edison to support two weeks of afternoon programming this summer as well. This year we faced a big challenge: how to offer these programs virtually. The Library hired two Edge-ucators to run our virtual programs for teenagers. Carolina Melo grew up in White Plains and graduated from White Plains High School. She recently graduated from Parsons School of Design with an MFA. Michael Brand is a student at Iona College
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Cloud in a Jar

This week’s STEAM At Home project is weather science. We will be learning about how clouds are formed and make a cloud in a jar. Materials: Jar with lid (mason jars work really well) Ice Hot Water Pollutant (I used hairspray) Procedure: Heat up ⅓ cup of water. Poor the water into the jar, and swoosh it around the sides carefully so the glass heats up. Take the lid and turn it upside down, and fill it with ice cubes. Place the lid on top of the jar (still upside down so the ice cubes don’t fall into the jar).
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Nature Bracelets

Autumn is a time when we shift our eyes from the summer sun to watch the leaves change color. There are so many fun outdoor activities that kids can do safely. For example, children love jumping on a bed of leaves and hearing them crunch beneath their feet. One fun activity that you can do with your family is take a nature walk and create an autumn nature bracelet. You will need duct tape, scissors, possibly a ruler, and found objects from your nature walk. Please follow the CDC guidelines for walking in the park. Also, Liz Lee Heinecke advises
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Styrofoam Glider

This week’s project was to take a piece of styrofoam and make it fly through the air. This is a fun and simple way to learn a little about aeronautics. Supplies: Styrofoam rectangle (you can use a meat tray) Playing card Tape Coins Ruler Marker Exacto Knife Instructions: Make a styrofoam rectangle. I used a meat tray from the supermarket; wash off all of the salmonella and cut off the rounded sides to create a flat piece. Center of Gravity: For an object to fly, the center of gravity (CG) needs to be 75% behind the balancing point. Right now
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Con Edison Maker Camp for Teens

Our first School Break Mini-Camp held at the end of December was a great success. Teens worked with Ashley Perez (engineering major at the University of Buffalo), and Louis Grassi (student at White Plains High School). They worked on a variety of projects showing different ways of creating energy, from bio-fuels to solar panels and wind turbines to perpetual motion. Our second School Vacation Maker Camp—held February 18-21—will focus on Robotics. Teens will participate in a variety of no tech to hi tech activities that will teach basic skills in Engineering, Coding, Design Thinking, and Computational Thinking. Some of the
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Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.