Archives for Kids

STEAM at Home: Roto Copter

Learn how to build and fly a roto copter. Materials: Paper template Scissors Paper clip Masking tape Rubberband Spindle Instructions: Cut out the template, then cut along the line between boxes 2-3. Fold up along the dashed line over box one. Take a paperclip and slip it over the fold of box one, and tape the top of the paperclip, so that the bottom of the paperclip makes a loop. Next fold boxes 2 and 3 along the dashed line to make a small rectangle with a loop of the paperclip sticking out the bottom. Next cut ¼” below the
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Categories: Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Father’s Day Book Display

Father's Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June. It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make to their children's lives. Song and Dance Man, by Karen Ackerman (Available as eBook on OverDrive) Thunder Boy Jr., by Sherman Alexie (Available as Audiobook on OverDrive & Hoopla) Pet Dad, by Elanna Allen (Available as eBook on OverDrive) My Daddy is a Pretzel, by Baron Baptiste (Available as eBook on Hoopla) Papa Weasel, by Teresa Bateman (Available as eBook on Hoopla) Knock, Knock, by Daniel Beaty (Available as eBook on OverDrive) Do as Daddy Does, by
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Categories: Authors & Books, Kids, and Library News.

Parenting: Kids and Masks

As New York begins to move through the phases of reopening, one of the most challenging things for many parents is getting your child to wear a mask. Please remember, though, children under two should not wear masks as it can be detrimental to their health. But getting children older than two—especially those with special needs—to wear a mask can be daunting, to say the least. So what I’ve done is put together some quick tips that can help you get your children to not only wear a mask, but to keep it on. Use simple words to explain to
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Categories: COVID-19, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Great Graphic Novels for Kids

What’s not to love when it comes to graphic novels? They’re a ton of fun and I’ve noticed that the majority of kids absolutely adore reading them! From Dog Man by Dav Pilkey to Smile by Raina Telgemeier, I am constantly being asked if we have some of the most popular graphic novels currently in the library. The kids get this look of pure joy when they find out that we do! Our graphic novel section is a well loved area and I enjoy recommending various books to eager readers. Without further ado, enjoy some of these great graphic novel
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Best Friends Day

June 8 celebrates National Best Friends Day, a day to honor that one special person you call your “best friend.” This day is a time to show your best friend how much you appreciate them, how special and important they are to you, and how you cherish their friendship. To help you celebrate your friendships, I’ve compiled a list of books and craft ideas below. My Friend Suhana: A Story of Friendship and Cerebral Palsy, by Shaila & Aanyah Abdullah. (Available as eBook on OverDrive) The One and Only Ivan, by Katherine Applegate. (Available as eBook & Audiobook on OverDrive
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Build-a-Bridge Challenge

Try to build a bridge using only toothpicks and marshmallows. What if you don’t have toothpicks and/or marshmallows? Improvise! Use spaghetti and clay. Materials: small marshmallows toothpicks two objects that are the same height Getting Started: Set your objects 10”-12” apart. Start thinking about your bridge’s design. What shapes can you create with these materials that will hold a structure together to span the traverse between your objects? Try sketching your design on paper to see what it might look like. Does it look sturdy? Take out your marshmallows (try not to eat them all) and toothpicks and start building.
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

A Call for Antiracism: Children’s Titles

In her June 1, 2020 article, “Black Lives Matter Book List for Kids and Teens,” Bianca Schulze writes eloquently, “No one person’s life is worth a higher value than another. It’s time to get uncomfortable, it’s time to immerse ourselves in the stories of others so that we may know and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” I was inspired by her article, and If you would like you can read it here. We are living in deeply troubling times and sadly we are fighting the same battles for equality, human dignity, and justice that have plagued the United
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Let’s Dance! – Reading and Dance Party

Join us on Thursday, June 11 at 2:00 p.m. for a fun music and dancing author program! For ages 2-7 and their families. Author Valerie Bolling virtually visits and reads from her musical, dance-filled, fun book for younger kids, Let’s Dance! Let’s Dance! is a rhythmic showcase of dances from around the world featuring children of diverse backgrounds and abilities tapping, spinning and boogying away! The reading will be followed by Q&A time, then a fun dance party! Valerie Bolling has been an educator for over 25 years and a writer since age 4. She is a graduate of Tufts
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Virtual Book Display: Garden Week

National Garden Week runs from June 7th to the 13th, 2020. Currently, The New York Botanical Garden has a great website for kids and their families filled with planting activities for indoors and outdoors and virtual trips as well. Explore their website here. To celebrate and inspire everyone’s green thumb here are noteworthy and fun titles on gardens and gardening: Picture Books: Beginning Readers/Easy Books: Chapter Books: Nonfiction:  
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

National African American Music Month

I love music and it has always been a part of my life. From an early age, I have loved jazz, blues, rock n’ roll and alternative music. Now, more than ever, it is important to celebrate African American Music Appreciation Month. I have chosen artists (available on Hoopla) and a few videos that have captured my ear and heart. Black Violin: Stereotypes One of my favorite elements in art is when a musician blends different genres of music that might seem incompatible. Black Violin is a duo of artists who have successfully blended classical music with hip-hop. I had
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Categories: eNewsletter, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

National Trails Day

One fun activity that has kept us grounded is hiking. Hiking is free, fun, and adventurous, so why not plan a trip for National Trails Day (June 6)? According to the American Hiking Society, spending some time outdoors is great for mental and physical health. Also, if you have children, you can make a day trip by putting together a wonderful picnic to take on your journey. I also love taking photos, so I decided to create a scrapbook of our hiking adventures since it has brought us so much joy during COVID-19. To create a scrapbook you need a
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

National Road Trip Day

As spring and summer approach, it is becoming harder to stay at home. Even though the world is slowly opening up, a lot of zoos, museums, and national parks remain closed. Experiencing life to its fullest is the preferable way to live; however, we still have to be cautious about what we do. Why not celebrate National Road Trip Day (June 3rd) and try to do a virtual road trip with your family and friends? Museums, zoos, landmarks, aquariums, and national parks are all offering videos and tours that you can access from your home. This is a new reality
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Author Visit: Erika Liodice

On Wednesday, June 10th at 4:00 p.m., author Erika Liodice will join us for an author visit to read her book Rookie of the Year, part of the High Flyers series. Rocket’s got speed. He’s got talent, along with two blue racing stripes on his wings. There’s only one thing standing between this rookie racing pigeon and his dream of scoring a spot on the High Flyers racing team: ground school. I interviewed Erika over email, and here's what she had to say about her career: “I’ve had a curious mind and heart and wrote my first book when I
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Kids, and Library News.

Virtual Tabletop Games

Do you miss playing board games and card games with your friends at the Library? Join Librarians Ashley and Erik on Monday, June 1 & June 15 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. to play tabletop games virtually. We use the platform to play the games, and have a conversation on Zoom. To join us, first create a free account on and login. Make a note of your username. Sign onto the Zoom link to talk to Ashley and Erik so you can tell us what games you would like to play, get instructions on how to play, and chat with
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Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Pride Month: Chapter Books

White Plains is a wonderfully diverse community! Parents, children and teens have expressed an interest in titles that reflect the diversity in the community, and Ashley, Kathlyn, and Raquel's “Dive Into Diversity” column will spotlight noteworthy children's and teen titles that are inclusive, diverse and multicultural to fulfill that interest. Ashley's portion is aimed at readers in grades 4-6. June is Pride Month! Here are some recommendations of chapter books to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community! The Best at It by Maulik Pancholy For children in grades 3-7. Hoopla: Audio OverDrive: Audio and eBook Rahul Kapoor and his best friend Chelsea
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Kids, and Library News.

Coming Soon: Curbside Pickup

We are working at getting the Library in order— reconfiguring our work spaces to create a better experience for staff—but we are excited that we have two milestones coming up. On Monday, June 8 our book drop will open (24/7) and we're ready for you to return materials. There will be no fines on material returned now until 30 days after the building opens to the public. Please note that all material will be quarantined for 72 hours before being checked in and reshelved, following the latest guidelines from the CDC and best practices around sanitizing surfaces. So be patient
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Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Virtual Book Display: Celebrate Pride Month!

LGBTQ+ Pride Month was established in the month of June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969, and are credited as the birth of the gay civil rights movement. The month is dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions of LGBTQ+ people around the world. To celebrate, here are notable titles that emphasize love, respect, community, understanding, and of course, pride: Picture Books: Chapter Books: Nonfiction:  
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Kids, and Library News.

Pandemic Paraphernalia Photos

Calling all photographers — professional and amateur — of all ages: to celebrate National Photography Day on June 15th, we’re asking for your submissions and have provided prompts for you below. Photographs submitted will be shared in our weekly newsletters (adult submissions in This Week on Martine and kids and teen submissions in What’s the Story?), and they will be added to our Documenting COVID-19: White Plains Experiences collection. So please, take a look at our prompts, or get creative and submit your photos below. Ideas: Empty White Plains streets COVID cleaning supplies Work from home work area Home Schooling
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Categories: COVID-19, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Documenting COVID-19:
“A Pen” Poem

Poem submitted by Nava D. Pollak, age 11. A pen That never stops using words A unique fountain pen Who’s nib points flat down, Yet up To let ink out just right Fill it up in the color you want Make it yours Right now this pen feels alive So much extra time to write But this pen is so sad For in the wrong hands this pen Writes things learns things A poor pen shouldn’t have to know But this pen can be used by a child A child who finds the obvious topic EXTREMELY BORING In those hands
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Categories: COVID-19, Featured, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: International Dinosaur Day

Dinosaurs roamed the earth sixty five-million years ago and children are fascinated by these ancient creatures. Whether it’s because of their size, movie lore, history or extinction, dinosaurs have always been popular among children. To celebrate International Dinosaur Day (June 1st), I'll guide you through our latest STEAM at Home experiment. One of my favorite STEAM activities is the Frozen Dino Egg experiment. For this experiment, you need a few items: miniature dinosaurs balloons water scissors First, try to stretch the top part of the balloon and place a miniature dinosaur in it. Next place the balloon right at the
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Categories: eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.