Archives for Authors & Books

Thanksgiving Cookbooks

Looking for a pie recipe to impress your in-laws? Or tasty options for your vegetarian and gluten-free guests? Then look no further. We've got five great picks just in time for you to plan your menu. Ottolenghi Simple by Yotam Ottolenghi “There's more than one way to get a meal on the table,” writes chef Yotam Ottolenghi in the foreward of his latest cookbook. He delivers 130 flavorful dishes that can be served in 30 minutes or less. Best of Thanksgiving: Recipes and Inspiration for a Festive Holiday Meal by Williams-Sonoma Both traditional and non-traditional recipes for everyone at your
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Evergreen, and Library News.

November 2018 LibraryReads

Here are the top ten books published this month that librarians across the country love. Just click on a title or book cover to place it on hold. My Sister, the Serial Killer: A Novel by Oyinkan Braithwaite Published: 11/20/2018 by Doubleday “Nigerian nurse Korede puts up with so much from her sister Ayoola (the serial killer). Braithwaite tells a dark, lively, and funny story of how begrudgingly cleaning up after someone else’s deadly habits is just one of those things one does for family. For fans of satirical humor.”—Lisa Hoffman, Bloomfield Public Library, Bloomfield NJ The Adults: A Novel
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Categories: Authors & Books and eNewsletter.

October 2018 LibraryReads

Here are the top ten books published this month that librarians across the country love. Just click on a title or book cover to place it on hold. The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory Published: 10/30/2018 by Berkley Jove “A disastrous public wedding proposal results in a chance meeting between Nik and Carlos. What follows is a delightfully humorous and sweet story about two people falling for each other while remaining seemingly unaware of their blossoming romance. The book sets itself apart by portraying a self-aware, feminist woman who enjoys positive relationships with female friends. An engaging and upbeat multicultural romance.”
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Categories: Authors & Books and eNewsletter.

Spy Books Old and New

Looking for a good spy novel or nonfiction read? Look no further than the curated list below. Just click the title to put a copy on hold. The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story of Cold War Espionage and Betrayal by David E. Hoffman (2015) Dead drops. Secret meetings. Suicide pens. Fact that reads as thrilling as fiction about Russian engineer Tolkachev who daringly passed critical military secrets to the CIA case officers in Moscow in the early days of the Cold War, eluding the KGB just blocks away. For a while at least… Defectors by Joseph Kanon (2017) Not
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Categories: Authors & Books.

Battle of the Books in the Edge

All tweens and teens entering grades 6-10 in September 2016 are invited to join The Edge team for the Battle of the Books competition! Teams from libraries throughout Westchester will compete by answering trivia questions based on five different books. Participants will read the pre-selected books over the summer, attend team meetings in the fall, and compete (as a team) in the Westchester Library System Battle of the Books tournament. The tournament takes place on Saturday, October 15, at Ossining High School. Team practice will be held on Wednesday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. in the Edge Media Lab, beginning on August
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, and Teens.

Featured Collections: Elie Wiesel

Sometimes we must interfere.  When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant.  Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must — at that moment — become the center of the universe.  –Elie Wiesel A survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, Elie Wiesel was a professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, and champion of human rights. Books Night by Elie Wiesel Dawn by Elie Wiesel The Accident by Elie Wiesel Open Heart by Elie Wiesel After the Darkness by Elie Wiesel Hostage by Elie Wiesel
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Categories: Authors & Books.

Exercise Your Mind – READ! A new Adult Summer Reading Program

Join us for our new Adult Summer Reading Program, “Exercise Your Mind – READ!” from from July 5 – August 12. We've tailored this program for grownups– no assigned reading, no book reports, no homework, no worries! Register for Exercise Your Mind and read whatever you'd like, whenever you'd like, wherever you'd like. Whether you're headed to the beach, the mountains, or your own backyard, take along a book and snap a “shelfie.”  Share it with us and we'll add it to our in-library display and our Instagram page to enter our raffle drawing for prizes. Engage in fun programs
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Categories: Authors & Books and Events.

Meet White Plains Author Susan Gordon

The Friends of White Plains Library invite you to their 2016 annual meeting on Sunday, May 15 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. We are very pleased to welcome White Plains author Susan J. Gordon. Susan will discuss her latest book Because of Eva: a Jewish Genealogical Journey (Syracuse University Press, 2016), in which the author describes traveling to Eastern Europe and Israel to solve mysteries in her family’s past by delving into World War II and Holocaust history. What began as a seemingly simple search for “Eva,” the elderly relative who had signed Susan’s grandfather’s death certificate in New York long ago, becomes
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Categories: Authors & Books and Events.

Author Storytime: Who Visits Me From A to Z at the dentist

Tuesday, May 10 at 1 pm. Dental hygienist Joanne Roos wrote a picture book to introduce children to the dentist. She will read her book, with help from some puppet friends, and teach how to brush our teeth. For children ages 2 and up with a caregiver.  Limited space, tickets distributed a half hour before program. Books will be sold after the program.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, and Kids.

Featured Collections: Prince

Celebrate the genius of Prince by borrowing our DVDs, books and CDs, or by streaming his music on hoopla (free with your White Plains library card). Library Catalog Biography: I would die 4 u Prince Let's Go Crazy: Prince and the Making of Purple Rain (eBook biography) I Would Die 4 U: Why Prince Became an Icon (eBook biography) hoopla Prince / Various Works Prince: Chaos, Disorder, and Revolution (eBook biography) Fame: Prince (illustrated eBook)
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Categories: Authors & Books and Uncategorized.

Meet 97-year-old Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch

Millions across the globe have been inspired by 97-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch–World War II French Resistance fighter, model, actress, film producer, wine connoisseur, ballroom dancer, and yoga master. Porchon-Lynch was named “Oldest Yoga Teacher” by Guinness World Records in 2012. She will appear at White Plains Public Library on Sunday, January 17 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss her book, Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master. Porchon-Lynch has been covered by media around the world and her YouTube videos have garnered over 2 million views. Her inspirational memoir, Dancing Light, shows us what
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Categories: Authors & Books and Events.

WLA/WLS Mock Book Awards

WLA/WLS Mock Book Awards Thursday, January 7 at 5:30 p.m. Start the new year with a conversation about some of the best children’s and young adult books of 2015. The Westchester Library Association and the Westchester Library System are hosting a discussion of potentially award-winning books published in the last year. This is a great opportunity to meet other readers and deepen your knowledge of Youth Literature. Breakout groups will consider mock nominees for the Newbery, Caldecott, and Printz awards. Adult community members interested in children’s and young adult literature, librarians, teachers, and publishers are invited to attend. However, this
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Categories: Authors & Books.

Poetry Slam with Desiree Dallagiacomo on Dec. 2nd

Our exciting Poetry Slam series continues on December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. with an Open Mic, Poetry Slam, and performance from guest poet Desiree Dallagiacomo.  As always, our Slam will be hosted by Eric ZORK Alan. Desiree Dallagiacomo ranked 3rd at the 2014 Individual World Poetry Slam, 3rd at the 2015 Women of the World Poetry Slam, 3rd at the 2014 National Poetry Slam, and she is a Pushcart Prize nominee. She has traveled the country teaching and performing poetry. She has been a guest instructor at dozens of universities, including Dartmouth, Vanderbilt, and Columbia University. Her work has been
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, and Teens.

Meet the Author: Edythe Ann Quinn and “Freedom Journey”

Join us on Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 PM as Dr. Edythe Ann Quinn shares from her new book Freedom Journey: Black Civil War Soldiers and The Hills Community, Westchester County, New York. Through wonderfully detailed letters, recruit rosters, and pension records, Quinn tells the story of thirty-five African American Civil War soldiers and the United States Colored Troop (USCT) regiments with which they served. The men all came from The Hills, an African American community near present-day Silver Lake. Their ties to family, land, church, school, and occupational experiences at home buffered the brutal indifference of boredom and battle,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, and Local History.