Archives for Homepage

Pause…and Reflect Writing Workshop

Pause…and Reflect: Stories from Your Side of the Window. Join us for this 8-session online creative writing workshop beginning June 2nd. Through exercises and supportive evaluations, you’ll learn techniques that will help you get at the heart of your stories from the pandemic. At the conclusion of the workshop, you are invited to have your story recorded and preserved on film to show us how, for all the distance, the walls and windows, the lack of touch, we are still intimately connected. Ultimately, these stories will become part of the new collection, Documenting COVID-19: White Plains Experiences, created by Library
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Categories: COVID-19, eNewsletter, Events, Homepage, and Library News.

Bullet Journaling

A few years ago when I returned to work after maternity leave, I found myself struggling to balance my new full-time jobs: mom and librarian. I’ve kept a bullet journal ever since, allowing me to keep my calendar, to-do list, a running list of questions for my pediatrician, and meeting notes all in the same place. My bullet journal has helped me prioritize work tasks, remember funny things my kids say, and train for a half marathon. While my bullet journal is plain and practical, for many it’s an opportunity to incorporate artistic expression and even mindfulness into daily life.
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Teens, and Teens.

For the Class of 2020

There might not be ceremonies, big parties, caps, or gowns this year, but the Class of 2020 should still be celebrated, and we've got a few things to add to your Make Your Own Graduation toolkit. You'll find commencement speeches by National Book Award-winning author Jesmyn Ward, Admiral William H. McRaven, Abby Wambach, Barack Obama, and other notables in our Libby booklist, To the Class of 2020: We Salute You! Borrow Elgar's graduation classic Pomp and Circumstance, Drew's Famous Graduation Party Music, or some newer favorites at Hoopla, such as Lizzo's Cuz I Love You, 2020 Grammy Nominees, or Drake's
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

May Virtual Open Mic

On Saturday, May 30th, the Library will host another Virtual Open Mic. This event will take place from 5:00 to 5:50 p.m. To attend, access Zoom with this link on 5/30. If you submitted anything for our comic or poetry prompts, or for our Documenting COVID-19 collection and would like to share your pieces at the event, please join us. Writing is a solitary activity, and as we are socially distancing it can become even more solitary if we don’t have a place to share our work collectively. In the past I have done readings in Westchester and New York
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Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
County Center Photos

Photos of the “Westchester County Center and the temporary hospital across the street,” submitted by Anonymous. “We are ready. The temporary hospital will be operated by the New York State Health Department through nearby White Plains Hospital.” Submit your own experience.
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, and Library News.

Explore NYC from Home

One of the things I’ve been looking forward to, now that my daughter is older and doesn’t have a daytime nap, is exploring New York City with her. We were planning on starting this spring doing just that – taking the Metro North and having Big Apple Adventures. However, those plans are a bit on hold. Luckily, we live in a time where technology makes many things possible, and while it does not replace actually being somewhere, virtual tours and experiences are aplenty. NYC is filled with museums, art galleries and wonderful sites. Just because you’re safe at home, doesn’t
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
Never A Miss Poem

“Never A Miss,” a poem submitted by Gina. “I lost my father to COVID-19. I began to write down what it felt like from the moment we had to leave him at the hospital to 16 days later when he lost his life.” Never A Miss You were never a miss They didn’t know Rushed inside while they waited for more rows Failing miserably on the account of all others Your dignity and pride now tossed aside Unable to speak as voices disappear Pleading for breath but life was so unclear You were never a miss Mind like no other
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Categories: COVID-19 and Homepage.

Hoopla Staff Picks: Folk Music

Possibly our most dynamic resource offered is Hoopla, as it includes a variety of different formats from books to movies and music. In order to highlight some of these, we've written up recommendations of just a few formats you can stream and download with your library card. Below are some folk music recommendations from Adult Services librarian Kristen Thornton-De Stafeno. One of my favorite genres to browse on Hoopla is folk as it encompasses so many styles (there are well over 4,000 titles grouped under the genre); that and I used to host a folk-themed radio show. Below I highlight
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Categories: Homepage and Library News.

Library Launches Documenting COVID-19 Collection

We're living in unprecedented times. Many of us are working from home and adapting to shared living spaces, childcare demands, and social isolation. Others have had health challenges or find themselves unemployed. Meanwhile, we hear examples of adaptation and education, creativity and bravery. Our lives have continued in new ways. For these reasons, the Library—with your help—is creating a new collection: Documenting COVID-19: White Plains Experiences. The Library wants to hear about you, what you're doing, how you're doing, what you see outside your window. Contributions to the Library’s collection can be anything, from a three-line poem to a 200-page
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Categories: COVID-19, Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Offline Technology Projects: Ideas for Parents

How to Create a Phenakistoscope How to Make a High-Quality Flip Book How to Make a Holographic Illusion Pyramid Code a Lego Maze DIY Cipher Device DIY Chess Set DIY Maze for Kids to Make How to Make a 3D Topographic Map How to Make Collage Art Using Magazine Clippings Ultimate Beginner’s Perler Bead Guide Easy Graph Paper Art for Kids The 8-step guide to creating and publishing your own comic book How to Make a Storyboard for Film Printable PDF Version: Offline Technology Projects Ideas for Parents GRAPHIC DESIGN How to Make Collage Art Using Magazine Clippings
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, Kids, Library News, Technology, and Teens.

Hoopla Staff Picks: American Songbook & Broadway

Possibly our most dynamic digital resource, Hoopla includes a variety of different formats from books to movies and music. In order to highlight some of these, we've gathered staff recommendations of just a few formats you can stream and download with your library card. Below are some album recommendations from Adult Services & Local History Librarian Austin Duffy and Adult Services Librarian Sharon Rothman. The Great American Songbook picks from Austin: Bing Crosby. Bing Sings the Great American Songbook. Short, breezy covers of classics like “Manhattan” and “I’ve Got A Crush On You.” Nancy Wilson. The Great American Songbook. Elegant,
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, and Library News.

Hoopla Staff Picks: Grown Up Comics

Possibly our most dynamic digital resource, Hoopla includes a variety of different formats from books to movies and music. In order to highlight some of these, we've gathered staff recommendations of just a few formats you can stream and download with your library card. Below are some graphic novel recommendations from Manager of Youth Services, Josh Carlson. These titles are all phenomenal, but are definitely not for kids. Did you just binge watch The Boys, Locke and Key, The Witcher, or Watchmen? These comics are where those, and other great shows, came from: The Witcher Locke and Key The Umbrella
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Categories: Authors & Books, eNewsletter, Homepage, and Library News.

COVID-19 Writing Prompt: Community Poem

Poetry is a party on a page and poems, people and words have PERSONALITIES Words have personality and life of their own: Happy, Sad, Angry, Lazy And, in times like these, we can sometimes feel like the universe has completely changed. What if part of this change was to make us each an inanimate object…our job in this poetry prompt is to pick the object that best represents us during this strange time. And, then to breathe LIFE into that object. Every inanimate objects have a personality: stapler, scissors etc What inanimate object best represents you? Now here are the
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Categories: COVID-19, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Absentee Ballot for NY Primary

Do you want to vote in the June 23 primary but fear going to your polling place because of COVID-19? Now you can vote by absentee ballot even if you don’t meet the usual conditions (being out of town, having a temporary or permanent illness, etc.). Recently Governor Cuomo issued an executive order that makes it easier for New Yorkers to vote by absentee ballot for any elections on or before June 23. To get an absentee ballot, you have to fill out and submit an application first. The New York State Board of Elections is mailing all eligible voters
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, and Library News.

Virtual Calendar

Yes, our beautiful building at 100 Martine is temporarily closed, but it turns out there are plenty of other ways we can keep the Library open and still serve White Plains. Join us on Zoom (thanks to support from the White Plains Library Foundation) with a variety of virtual events presented by Library staff and local experts. Find a full listing of events below with details on attending. And don't forget, you can reach us Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at our new number 914-448-4859, by texting WPPL to 66746, or by emailing us anytime. Ideas for
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Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Homepage, and Library News.

We Miss You!

This week is National Library Week, and while we can't quite celebrate in the usual fashion this year, we still wanted to do a little something to celebrate. So in that spirit, our staff wanted to take this time to let you know that we miss you! Now maybe you can let us know what you miss most about visiting the Library. Leave us a comment below, send your messages and photos to, or let us know on social media.     Though the building may be closed, we're still offering reference assistance, virtual programs, and new content on
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Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Hoopla Staff Picks: R&B

Possibly our most dynamic digital resource, Hoopla includes a variety of different formats from books to movies and music. In order to highlight some of these, we've gathered staff recommendations of just a few formats you can stream and download with your library card. Below are some music recommendations from Adult Services Librarian Mariel Perez. Summer: The Original Hits (2018) Donna Summer Another oldie, but goodie! Perfect party or driving music or in my case, cleaning music. A great pick me up for those who love to dance, exercise, or just want to feel happy. All good memories for me.
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, and Library News.

Celebrate Earth Day

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and it is now celebrated annually on April 22 in over 193 countries as a way to show support for environmental protection. You can celebrate at home with: A project for adults and kids learning how to sustainably grow your own vegetables from scraps. Checking out some of Trove Librarian Raquel’s awesome recommendations for Earth Day eBooks on Hoopla or Overdrive/Libby! Taking part in Which Craft? Wednesday: Earth Day edition. Join Edge Librarian Erik to learn how to upcycle used snack bags into a decorative
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Categories: eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

DIY Masks and FAQ

Over the past few weeks, recommendations on the use of fabric masks have evolved rapidly. At first, there was skepticism that homemade alternatives were effective. However, since the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that everyone should wear a fabric face cover in public, I’ve seen an explosion of mask-making information online. With Governor Cuomo's new decree requiring everyone to cover their mouths and nose in public, we will likely see even more. Sorting through the sheer number of patterns, and the contradicting information about the effectiveness of various filter materials, has been overwhelming and even
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Categories: COVID-19, eNewsletter, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.