From April 1st through June 30th, the Harriet Tubman – Journey to Freedom sculpture by Wesley Wofford will be on display in Renaissance Plaza in downtown White Plains. In conjunction with the historic visit by the sculpture, the Library and many other community partners are organizing events related to Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and more. You can find all of the Library’s related programs and events here, with a full listing of the community-wide programs and events here. To learn more about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, check out some of the materials below from the Library! To
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Archives for Kids
Turtle Dance Music: April
Turtle Dance Music presents: The Autism Awareness and Acceptance Music, Dance and Comedy Show Thursday, April 14th, 11:00 a.m. Children, families, all ages welcome! Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. Turtle Dance Music will present a special inclusive, neurodiverse event for children and teens of all abilities for Autism Awareness Month and for the entire year! Families will dance, sing along, and hear stories and songs about autism advocates who have had incredible success in their lives and careers. There will be laughter,
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April Harriet Tubman StoryWalk
Sculptor Wesley Woffard’s 9-foot monument honoring Harriet Tubman (entitled “The Journey to Freedom”) will be coming to White Plains on April 2nd! The sculpture will be on display at the Renaissance Plaza until June 30th, and the City and the White Plains Public Library will be honoring Harriet Tubman with a wide variety of programs throughout its stay. A full listing of the Library’s events can be found here. To celebrate, from April 1st-30th the Library will have on display the first of three StoryWalks – take a walk in the Garden Plaza, follow the panels and read the Coretta
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Harriet Tubman, Harriet Tubman sculpture, Harriet Tubman StoryWalk, library events, Observances and Celebrations, outdoor events white plains, storywalk, Trove StoryWalk, White Plains Harriet Tubman, and White Plains Harriet Tubman Events.
Storytimes: In-Person Update
We are excited to announce that we will be bringing back in-person Storytimes for Ages 2-6 beginning in April. Storytimes will take place outside on the Library Plaza with an inclement weather backup plan, as follows, below. On the Plaza, we ask that you seat yourselves as you feel comfortable, but please do give the Librarian socially distanced space. Masks are not required, but may be worn if you so choose. Feel free to bring a blanket or something to sit on. Above all, please respect the decisions and comfort of other attendees as we navigate our return to a
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Books to Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility
International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event that occurs on March 31st. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of transgender and gender nonconforming people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people in the United States and worldwide. Sadly, injustices continue – Texas families are now fighting against recent efforts to harm transgender children and tear apart their families by Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton. For further information, you can read NPR’s website article, A Texas Judge Blocks the State from Investigating Parents of Transgender Youth. In support of those
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Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Ashley will recommend great books for children in this age group! Katie the Catsitter by Colleen A.F. Venable and illustrated by Stephanie Yue Libby Library Catalog I’m a big fan of graphic novels but I’d never heard of this delightful tale until it was selected as one of the books that the 4th-7th grade team will be reading for the Westchester Library System Battle of the Books Summer League! Battle of the Books is a book-based trivia tournament
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Outdoors with Kids
As spring approaches, we are all getting ready to reemerge into the great outdoors and hopefully get our children excited to be away from those screens we tend to rely on in colder weather. Below, find some great reads to help you in that endeavor. First and foremost, for those of us that are hesitant to let our children explore outside, check out Dirt Is Good: The Advantage of Germs for Your Child’s Developing Immune System, by Jack Gilbert and Rob Knight (Library Catalog). These scientists explain in a surprisingly straightforward and accessible way the advantages of exposing children to
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Peculiar Picks
Peculiar Picks are a selection of odd, funny, interesting, curious, moving, irreverent, and otherwise wonderfully awesome, but perhaps not well known, reads. Peculiar Picks are books for younger readers and their grown-ups, handpicked by the Library's Youth Services Manager, Joshua Carlson. Who doesn’t love penguins? Here’s four Peculiar Penguin Picks. Vampenguin by Lucy Ruth Cummins Library Catalog I’d heard the term “penguin suit” for a tuxedo or black dinner jacket before, but had never once thought of a vampire, such as Dracula, as wearing a penguin suit, but once you do, as Lucy Ruth Cummins must have, the potential for
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Irish Lore and Folklore
In March, we celebrate Ireland – the Emerald Isle – famous for its luscious green landscapes and friendly people, an island full of enchantment and mystery, inhabited by Leprechauns, Fairies, Pookas, and Banshees. You could attend a Saint Patrick’s Day parade and later find yourself in a room full of shamrocks and friends telling stories of Finn McCool, Jamie O’Rourke, or even a Goat King! However you decide to celebrate Ireland & Irish heritage – FÁILTE! (Welcome!) Leprechauns & Irish Lore Grab & Go Kits will be available on March 7th, while supplies last. Shamrocks, harps, and shillelaghs: the story
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Women in STEAM
For Women’s History Month, I will highlight some wonderful books that fall under a STEAM category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. In celebrating Women’s History Month we will review a mixture of books, including biographies of an aviator, a mathematician and a Cherokee aerospace engineer. These books can be found in our print collection at The Trove and on Libby. At the end of the post, you'll also find some fun and educational websites for kids. Suggested Reads: Libby Loves Science by Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes Library Catalog / Libby Libby is a precocious child who loves
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Tiny Tales: P-I-Z-Z-A
Tiny Tales are short “bite-sized” song and story videos. Watch one for a short early literacy break, or a few for a whole storytime! You can find our entire collection of Tiny Tales videos right here! Today’s video features Trove librarian Lauren presenting “P-I-Z-Z-A,” a delicious song to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O.” Tiny Tales are made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Middle Grade Pick of the Month
Middle grade is a term that refers to books written for readers between the ages of eight and twelve. In this column, Ashley will recommend great books for children in this age group! The Sea in Winter by Christine Day Libby hoopla Library Catalog This is author Christine Day’s second middle grade novel but it’s the first story of hers that I’ve read. I now definitely want to read her first book, I Can Make This Promise, as well as Ancestor Approved: Intertribal Stories for Kids, the anthology that she contributed to! I really loved The Sea in Winter and
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Girl Power Picture Books
Gathered together here to celebrate Women’s History Month are noteworthy picture books written by diverse authors of great girls celebrating themselves and others, sharing family traditions, and reveling in both small and large accomplishments. I recommend as a great resource for Women’s History Month the National Women's History Museum. The museum’s resources include interesting online exhibits, digital classroom resources, Brave Girl Virtual Storytimes, and more. Enjoy sharing these with your young feminists of all genders! K-3 Women's History Grab & Go Kits will be available Monday, March 7th while supplies last. Laxmi’s Mooch by Shelly Anand, Nabi H. Ali &
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Children’s Titles to Celebrate Black History Part 2
Veronica Chambers writes in her New York Times article, How Negro History Week Became Black History Month and Why It Matters Now, ”Why does Black History Month in particular, and the study of Black history overall, still matter so much? ‘There’s no question that history is and continues to be a battleground. The origin stories that we tell matter a great deal for where we set the bar and how we set the bar going forward,’ noted Professor Jones, of Johns Hopkins. ‘So when you talk about people like Carter G. Woodson, these are men who knew that if you
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Parenting Collection: Friendship
Given that February is commonly referred to as the month of love, it seems like a good time as parents to talk to our children about friendship, sharing, and empathy. In that vein, here are some great books from our Parenting collection that focus on these topics. A Little SPOT of Giving: A Story About Sharing and Generosity by Diane Alber Find me on the Library Catalog! Other books in this series can be found here. This book is part of a series called Inspire To Create A Better You! They are all great books to use with your children.
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Peculiar Picks
Peculiar Picks are a selection of odd, funny, interesting, curious, moving, irreverent, and otherwise wonderfully awesome, but perhaps not well known, reads. Peculiar Picks are books for younger readers and their grown-ups, handpicked by the Library's Youth Services Manager, Joshua Carlson. I’ve mentioned my enjoyment of the works of Dan Santat on several previous occasions. So here are four more works either illustrated by or written and illustrated by Dan Santat. These books were all huge hits with my six-year-old daughter, especially Little Fox and the Wild Imagination (which became a great read together as she read Little Fox’s parts
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February Break Week Programs
Some great events are taking place during the week of February school break, 2/22-2/25. Some of these programs require pre-registration, so be sure to check the “more info” or our online calendar. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. For Younger Kids and Families Virtual Storytime Tuesday, February 22, 11:00 a.m. Ages 2-6 Join the program here. Stories, songs and fun with a Trove librarian. Turtle Dance Music presents: The Winter Wonderland Music, Bubble and Comedy Show! Thursday, February 24, 11:00 a.m. Children, families, all ages More info.
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Turtle Dance Music: February
Turtle Dance Music presents: The Winter Wonderland Music, Bubble and Comedy Show! Thursday, February 24th, 11:00 a.m. Children, families, all ages welcome! Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. “Sleigh bells ring! Are you listening?” The Winter Wonderland Music, Bubble and Comedy Show is a snowy “turtle-riffic” musical experience that is designed to engage children through winter songs, movement activities, big giant bubbles, children’s stories, and interactive music technology! The show is crafted to be inclusive for all children, including children on the Autism
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children's events, dance, music, performing arts, trove events, and Turtle Dance Music.
African American Children’s Authors
Enjoy these wonderful tales of triumph, challenges, hope and above all, love. Stacey’s extraordinary words, by Stacey Abrams Library Catalog / Libby How to read a book, by Kwame Alexander Library Catalog I am every good thing, by Derrick D. Barnes Library Catalog / eBook / Audiobook The king of Kindergarten, by Derrick Barnes Library Catalog / Libby Zuri Ray tries ballet, by Tami Charles Library Catalog When we say Black Lives Matter, by Maxine Beneba Clarke Library Catalog / Libby We shall overcome, by Bryan Collier Library Catalog / Libby Parker looks up: an extraordinary moment, by Parker Curry
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Black History Month STEAM Program
For Black History Month, we’re hosting a STEAM program that will include a LEGO Grab & Go kit. First, we’ll read about African American leaders in space exploration. Then we’ll learn about the constellations that helped with navigation on the underground railroad, and use LEGO pieces to create the Big Dipper. Join us on Tuesday, February 22nd at 4:00 p.m. Supplies are limited, so register through our online calendar here. Suggested Reads: Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty Library Catalog Ada had a lot of questions about the world around her. She asked her parents so many questions and they
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